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FIRST AID REVIEW. BURNS Check that scene is safe Remove from source Apply cool water Cover loosely with sterile dressing Chemical Burns: Flush with water.

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2 BURNS Check that scene is safe Remove from source Apply cool water Cover loosely with sterile dressing Chemical Burns: Flush with water for at least 20 minutes, especially eyes.

3 MUSCULOSKETAL INJURIES Dislocation – displacement of bones from normal position at joint Fracture- break or disruption in bone tissue Sprain- partial or complete tearing or stretching of ligaments at joint Strain- excessive stretching and tearing of muscles or tendons, pulled or torn muscle R. I. C. E. R- Rest I- immobilize C- Cold (ice) E- Elevate SPLINTING Sling and Binder- check for feeling, warmth and color beyond the injury (Shoulder) Rigid Splint- padding or board under injured part ( (forearm) Anatomic Splint- bandage injured body part to uninjured body part (leg injury) Soft Splint- Wrap a soft object around injured body part, pillow/blanket (ankle injury)

4 CHEST, ABDOMEN AND PELVIS INJURIES Call 9-1-1 first Limit movement Monitor breathing and signs of life Control bleeding Take steps to minimize shock Rib fractures- Use sling and binder, monitor breathing, Call 9-1-1, use blanket or pillow for support Puncture Wounds- Call 9-1-1, cover wound, monitor breathing

5 HEAD, NECK AND SPINE INJURIES Support head and neck in position you find it. Do not attempt to align it. Use Manual Stabilization (Hands on both sides of person’s head, gently holding the person head in the position found. Care for shock: Help person rest in a comfortable position. Serious head, neck or spine injury: Changes in level of consciousness is key. Actively bleeding wound: Apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing to the wound and then apply a pressure bandage.

6 SUDDEN ILLNESS Common Signals include: Changes in level of Conscious Loss of vision or blurred vision Signals of shock Stroke Recognition (FAST) F ace A rm S peech T ime Seizure: After seizure, check for life-threatening conditions and for possible injury while trying to provide privacy for the person.

7 POISONS, STINGS Poisons can enter the body by: Ingestion Inhalation Injection Absorption Severity of a poisoning depends on the type and amount, time elapsed since poison entered the body, person’s size, weight and age. Call 9-1-1 immediately. Removing a bee sting: Scrape the stinger away from the skin with the edge of a plastic card.

8 HEAT / COLD RELATED EMERGENCIES Heat Related Heat related illnesses include: Heat Cramps, Heat exhaustion, Heat Stroke Heat Cramps: Painful spasms of skeletal muscles that develop after heavy exercise or work outdoors in warm or moderate temperatures. Heat Exhaustion: Early stage and most common form of heat related illness. Get person out of heat and into cool place. Heat Stroke: A life-threatening condition that develops when the body’s cooling mechanism fails. Cold Related 2 Conditions that result in overexposure to the cold: Frostbite: Get person to warm environment and then warm parts using skin-to-skin contact. DO NOT immerse frostbite parts in hot water. Freezing of body tissues. Hypothermia: A life-threatening condition that develops when the body’s warming mechanisms fail to maintain normal body temperature. Dehydration: Can be heat or cold related. Replace lost fluids.

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