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Third Grade Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade Curriculum Night
September 20, 2010 AB Combs Leadership Magnet Elementary Janet Pride Chris Hahner Kate Garrison Paula Everett Kim Hefelfinger Barbara Watkins

2 Quality Process Agenda Issue Bin Plus/Delta +

3 Wildly Important Goals (W.I.G.s)
Student Achievement Leadership Opportunities Lead Learn Serve This year our school’s Wildly Important Goals focus on Student Achievement and 2) Leadership Opportunities All students should be able to explain how they Lead, Learn and Serve at Combs

4 Third Grade Mission Statement
We will show each student love and encouragement by challenging and motivating their physical, mental and social growth.

5 Literacy Warm Up There’s a Bug on the Teacher! By: Kalli Dakos
K-2, students learn to read 3-5, students read to learn What does that mean? They aren’t as focused on decoding each word anymore. This year we will be: Helping students to clearly express their thinking as readers Teaching students how to be engaged readers One of the many bridges to comprehension is Fluency Fluency P - Phrasing A - Accuracy C - Comprehension E - Expression Teacher(s): Read poem without fluency Parents: Read poem with fluency (helps you to understand the meaning of what you read MUCH quicker) Ex: She secretly slipped the disgusting rodent into his soup!

6 3rd Grade Curriculum Resources
Handbooks, Planning Guides & Program Information K-8 Connections

7 Balanced Literacy Framework
Reader’s Workshop Guided Reading & Conferring Writer’s Workshop Word Study & Vocabulary Various components of literacy throughout our day Whole group, small group, one-on-one conferring Modeling Explicit Language, Specific Skills and Strategies

8 Reader’s Workshop Workshop Cycle Learning & Instruction Primary focus
Mini-lesson Student Application read, respond, confer Reflection Primary focus Creating a community of readers & thinkers Vocabulary Instruction Flexible Reading Strategies Decoding & Comprehension Skills Increase Fluency & Reading Stamina

9 Word Study & Vocabulary
Words, words and more words! Learning spelling patterns Bi-weekly word family quizzes Differentiated student lists Improves student decoding abilities spelling and writing Vocabulary Instruction Quick Check Words, Words and more words (Word Families, Science and Math Word Walls, Sight words, Vocabulary, Personal Word Walls, etc. )

10 Writer’s Workshop Genres Continuous Cycle Lists and Instructions
Poetry Letter writing Personal Narrative Informational Writing Continuous Cycle Planning Drafting Revising Editing Publishing

11 First Quarter Expectations
I used complete sentences. I used correction punctuation & capitalization. I wrote a focused story on one topic. My story has a beginning, middle and end. First Quarter Writing Expectations I indented the paragraphs. I used descriptive words. I re-read my story and made any changes needed. I spelled the first 200 sight words correctly.

12 Math Workshop Math Expressions
Building concepts Math Talk Quick Practice Student Leaders Helping Community Multi-digit Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication, Geometry, Algebra, Fractions, Measurement & Problem Solving

13 Science Soils Objects in the Sky Plants The Human Body

14 W.O.W. Math Focus Differentiation Small Groups FUN!
Remediation, Review & Enrichment Practice Essential Skills Small Groups FUN!

15 Homework Hallmarks of Good Homework Agendas Nightly Reading
Math Expressions Word Study Hallmarks of Good Homework (According to Educational Leadership – September Article) Purpose Efficiency Ownership Competence 5) Aesthetic Appeal Agendas: STUDENT Responsibility, Parents – please sign NIGHTLY

16 3rd Grade Expectations Meet quarterly benchmarks
Standards based grading (3 or higher) Achieve a reading level of Achieve a level 3 or 4 on EOG’s

17 Field Trips Historic Oak View County Park (Nov)
STARLAB (Dec at AB Combs) Marbles Museum (Spring)

18 Quizdom! What do you know about third grade ?

19 Quality Process Issue Bin Plus/Delta +

20 Please join us in your child’s classroom for the second half of Curriculum Night.
Teacher Room # Hefelfinger Everett Hahner Garrison Watkins Pride

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