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Welcome to our 3 rd Grade Back to School Night Thanks for coming!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our 3 rd Grade Back to School Night Thanks for coming!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our 3 rd Grade Back to School Night Thanks for coming!

2 Communication Arts Reading Writing Phonics/S-p-e-l-l-i-n-g Goal: To make meaning out of print

3 Components of Balanced Literacy 1.Whole group instruction 2.Shared reading 3.Small group instruction (guided reading groups) 4.Project Read 5.Independent reading

4 1. Whole Group Instruction Comprehension strategies Decoding (phonics) –Project Read Vocabulary

5 2. Shared Reading Teacher and students share the text

6 3. Small Group Instruction Guided reading groups Flexible groupings Skills, Interests, and Needs

7 4. Project Read Focus is on letters and sounds All First and Second Graders have had Project Read Third Grade continues to reinforce and extend skills

8 5. Independent Reading Occurs daily Students select books Provides opportunities to use strategies

9 Assessments Continual assessment guides instruction Teacher observation 4-Sight –Standardized test given four times a year –Allows teachers to gain a snapshot of the student progress through the year –Preparation for PSSAs STAR –Computer program that monitors student’s ability to use words in context DIBELS –Assesses oral reading fluency Core Phonics –Assesses phonetic skills

10 Narrative/Informational Writing 1.Modeled Writing 2.Shared Writing 3.Guided Writing 4.Independent Writing

11 1. Modeled Writing Teacher models what good writers think about and do during writing.

12 2. Shared Writing Teacher and students work collaboratively Focus is on writing skills and strategies

13 3. Guided Writing Teacher serves as coach Student has opportunities to practice skills and strategies

14 4. Independent Writing Ultimate goal for writing instruction Student selects topic

15 Assessments Teacher observation Writing prompts (monthly and district) –Narrative/Informational are aligned with instruction

16 Math Continuation of mathematical concepts learned in K, 1, 2 Curriculum spirals: concepts are introduced and revisited throughout the year Family letters help explain the unit’s topics and terms –Some concepts are introduced differently than the way we learned them. Referring to the family letter will help you reinforce how concepts are being taught in the classroom.

17 Mathematics Continued… Key features of our Everyday Mathematics program include: –Problem solving in everyday situations –Developing readiness through hands-on activities –Establishing links between past experiences and exploration of new concepts –Sharing ideas through discussion –Cooperative learning through partner and small group activities –Practice through games

18 Math Centers Day 6 In place of Social Studies/Science lesson Remediation/Enrichment Small Groups – defined skills

19 Rocket Math Purpose is to increase speed and accuracy in math facts Will improve students’ ability to learn and retain higher order math skills Goal for Third Graders is to master all addition and subtraction facts Some children may advance to other operations Rocket Math will begin November 3 rd The first 9 weeks of school are spent focusing on building fact power strategies

20 Social Studies Units of study include: –Pennsylvania –Communities –Local and National Government –History –Economy

21 Science Units include: –Earth Materials –Life Cycles –Sound

22 Ways to help your Third grader Homework –About 30 minutes per day –Reinforce the skills taught in school –Math homelinks –Phonics/Spelling –Math Facts –Read 10 to 20 minutes Communication –E-mail –Voice mail –Handwritten notes

23 Let’s have a great year!

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