Fitness and You Chapter 4 Lesson 2 Pg. 80.

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1 Fitness and You Chapter 4 Lesson 2 Pg. 80

2 Lesson Objectives Identify and describe the five areas of health-related fitness. Understand how to improve each of the five areas of health-related fitness. Examine the benefits of fitness on body systems.

3 Elements of Fitness Cardiorespiratory endurance Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body composition

4 Cardiorespiratory Endurance
A measure of the heart’s ability to pump oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles during exercise. PE: Pacer or Mile Run/Walk Pulse Recovery Rate- number of times your heart beats following exercise Resting Heart Rate- number of times your heart beats in one minute at rest

5 Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Lowers risk of heart disease Reduces risk of type II diabetes Helps lower blood pressure Increased bone density in weight-bearing bones Increased longevity

6 Muscular Strength The maximal ability of a muscle to generate force.
-PE: Pull Ups, Push Ups (Less than 15) Muscular Endurance The ability of a muscle to generate force over and over again. PE: Hang, Curl Ups or Push Ups (15+)

7 Benefits of Muscular Strength and Endurance
Lower risk of joint or muscle injuries Postpones the loss of muscle mass & strength in older sedentary people Helps prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density Improvement in personal appearance and self-esteem Increased energy levels & muscle size

8 Flexibility The ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion. PE: “Sit & Reach” Benefits of Flexibility: Increased joint mobility Efficient body movement Lower risk of injuries Reduced soreness after workout

9 Body Composition Benefits of Body Composition:
The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue (muscle, bone, water, etc.) in your body. Benefits of Body Composition: Improvement in personal appearance and self-esteem Reduced risk of several health problems with low body fat % (cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, etc) Healthy range body fat % is 20-32% according to ACSM

10 What is Exercise? Benefits of Exercise:
A purposeful physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive, also improves or maintains personal fitness. Benefits of Exercise: Improves Body Systems: Immune (Heal Faster) Nervous (Reaction Time) Muscular & Skeletal (Stronger) Circulatory (Heart Pumps More Blood) Respiratory (Won’t “Lose” Your Breath)

11 You can choose from many different
physical activities and exercises to improve your fitness level, but most fall into one or two categories.

12 Types of Exercise Aerobic exercise: vigorous activity in which the muscles use oxygen for energy Heart & Breathing Rate Increase Increase cardiorespiratory endurance Ex. Jogging, swimming, biking, dancing Anaerobic exercise: intense short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen. - Ex. 100m dash, weight lifting

13 Types of Resistance Training
Isometric Exercise- muscle contraction with little to no movement Isotonic Exercise- muscle contracts with movement - Concentric-Muscle shortens - Eccentric- Muscle length increases

14 Isotonic and Isometric Contractions

15 Lesson Review Page 86 Answer the Reviewing Facts &
Vocabulary, and the Thinking Critically questions (1-5) in complete sentences.

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