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Welcome to S1 English Miss Hynd.

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1 Welcome to S1 English Miss Hynd

2 Learning Intentions At the start of a lesson or group of lessons, you will be given learning intentions. These explain what you will be learning that day or week. This gives you more responsibility for your learning as you are aware why you’re doing particular tasks. The teacher can tell if the lesson has been successful by checking if you have met the learning intentions at the end.

3 Class Rules No swearing.
Arrive on time and come to class prepared. (Bring equipment, go to the toilet…) No food or drinks (only water). Especially no chewing gum. Don’t talk over me or others. Don’t shout out answers - unless asked by the teacher. Always raise your hand. Absolutely no phones out in class unless told to use them. They will go to prison and won’t be returned until the end of the class. Do not insult other members of the class. (race, religion, looks…) Do not throw anything. Do not write on the desks, walls, radiators… Wear full uniform - must be wearing ties.

4 Phone Prison Phones should be kept off or on silent at all times during lessons. If you are found to be looking at your phone during class, I am entitled to confiscate the phone and keep it until the end of the lesson. The phone will go to PHONE PRISON. You are then responsible for collecting it at the end of the lesson.

5 Evidence Jotters You will be given an A4 evidence jotter for S1. In this jotter you will do all of your classwork and writing assessments. Only pencil and blue or black ink pens should be used in the evidence jotters. No coloured ink should be used in jotters as it is difficult for me to read and my feedback pens are the same colour! DO NOT miss out pages or big spaces in your jotters. Always start right below your last piece of work unless the teacher tells you otherwise. As we use these jotters to review your progress throughout first year, evidence jotters MUST stay in class at all times - unless the teacher asks you to take them home to finish homework or writing pieces.

6 Personal Learning Plans (PLPs)
At the beginning of each new unit you will be given a blue piece of paper called a Personal Learning Plan. This is stapled into your jotter. You will be given a big list of possible learning targets and asked to choose 3 of these targets for that piece of work. While the teacher will assess you on every aspect, these 3 targets are what you personally want to improve on. After submitting your piece of work or assessment, I will give you written feedback and you will be expected to judge whether you met your targets and reflect on what you did well and what you can improve on in the future.

7 My Class Library Pupils are welcome to borrow books from my class library at any time during the academic year. If you want to borrow a book, you must first ask me for permission, then fill out your details on the borrowing sheet hanging beside the bookshelves. The most popular books can only be borrowed for 2 weeks at a time. These have return slips on the inside of the cover. If you lose a book, you will be expected to pay for or buy a new one. You may not borrow a book as an excuse for forgetting one for Reading Period.

8 Homework Homework will be recorded in your homework diaries, on the class website and on the board at the back of the room. As you are normally given a few days to complete homework, there is no excuse for not doing it. If you know you have clubs or other engagements after school, you must find time to do it at lunch or during Personal Support. If you are struggling with the homework, you must tell me ASAP so that I can offer more help. You can’t turn up on the day saying you didn’t do it because you didn’t understand. You are given one FREE PASS for forgetting homework per term. If you forget it a second time, you will be expected to attend a detention at lunchtime.

9 Class Website

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