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Human Body Chapter 27.

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1 Human Body Chapter 27

2 27.1 Structure & Function Anatomy= study of the structure
Physiology = the study of the function Knowing the structure allows understanding of function

3 Levels of Body Structure
Cell= single unit Tissue= many similar cells working together to perform a similar function Organ= several tissues that together perform a task Organ System= multiple organs performing a vital function Organism

4 http://68. 90. 81. 6/ScienceTAKS/Integration/Major%20Organ%20Systems

5 27.2 Tissues Cells make up various types of tissues based on function

6 Epithelial Sheets of tightly packed cells
Line the surface of body and internal organs Protect organs and tissues they cover Many types Ciliated – catch mucus Smooth Thin/Flat

7 Connective Tissue Holds tissues together Provides support
Cushions, insulates and connects organs Most common type = loose Ex: Bone, cartilage, blood & fat

8 Nervous Communication system for the organisms
Neuron = basic unit (nerve cell) Transmits signals over long distances


10 Muscle Enables movement Aids in digestion and circulation Composed of:
Connective, nervous, and muscle tissues 3 Types: Skeletal- under your control Attached to bones Involuntary- not under your control Cardiac Smooth = involuntary in most other organs Ex: Move food in intestine


12 HWK System Major structures Functions Circulatory Digestive Nervous


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