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Presentation on theme: "THE FUNCTION OF NUTRIENTS"— Presentation transcript:


#1 - To reduce foods like carbohydrates, proteins, fats (and nucleic acids) to molecules which are small enough to pass through the pores of cell membranes. These molecules are the basic units of the 3 main food groups: Monosaccharides Amino acids Fatty acids/glycerol (and nucleotides)

#2 - To transfer all nutrients from the digestive system to the blood stream so that the blood stream can carry the nutrients to all of the cells of the body. Nutrients which the digestive system passes into the blood stream include: monosaccharides amino acids fatty acids Glycerol Nucleotides Vitamins minerals water.

4 NUTRITION A Nutrient is a component of food that performs a physiological function in the body. The 6 main types are: Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Vitamins Minerals Water

5 Carbohydrates Function:
Carbs are digested as simple sugars (converted to glucose) and therefore are reliable sources of energy. Stored in the liver in the form of glycogen for prolonged use by the body.

6 Carbohydrates Healthy Sources Unhealthy Sources
Complex carbohydrates with lots of fibre. Fibre helps digestion through the intestines. Simple sugars are burned quickly by the body. Body has a high glucose response.

7 Proteins Made up of amino a cids.
Body requires 20 different amino acids. 8 come directly from foods we eat and the rest are converted in our bodies from 1 form to another. Used for structural proteins in muscles, skin, hair and nails. Used to regulate hemoglobin levels, plasma proteins, enzymes and hormones. Also a source of energy.

Provide all 20 types of amino a cids nee ded Legumes (beans and peas) Vegeta bles See ds Nuts Do not have all 20 types and must be eaten in combination for complete protein.

9 Lipids Some fat is essential in every diet.
Fats, oil and cholesterol are classified as lipids in the body. SATURATED UNSATURATED Solid at roomtem perature Butter, meat (animal origin), palm oil and coconut oil. Can be linked to cardiovascular disease. Oils (liquid at room tem p) Low glycemic index, therefore more filling. Used to produce various hormones and plasma membranes of cells. Corn oil, safflower oil and olive oil.

10 Vitamins Organic compounds that the body uses for metabolic purposes but is unable to produce in adequate amounts. Many different types, from vitamin D, C, E, K. Also can be classified as antioxidants which are used by the body to fight free radicals which can cause disorders and cancer. Main sources are fruits and vegetables.

11 Minerals Minerals are divided into major and trace minerals.
The body contains more than 5 grams of major and less than 5 grams of minor. Function: Calcium –construction of bones and teeth, nerve conduction and muscle contraction. Phosphorus – stored in bones and teeth, and is apart of ATP. Potassium – nerve conduction and muscle contraction. Sodium – water balance Magnesium – functioning of enzymes

12 Minerals SOURCES Dairy Products Green Leafy Vegetables Meat Seafood
See ds Table Salt Grains Eggs

13 Water Cell life Water is essential for cells to function properly: it enters into the composition of the cell Chemical and metabolic reactions Using a hydrolysis reaction, water breaks down what we eat (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates). Transport of nutrients and removal of waste Water as a main constituent of blood contributes to the transport of nutrients to the cells. Body temperature regulation

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, occurs when the glucose levels in the blood drop below normal. Ketosis occurs in the absence of carbohydrates when glycogen (glucose stores in the liver) is depleted. PROTEINS Gallstones, Arthritis, Muscle deterioration & Heart problems. LIPIDS Skin Problem, Vision Issues & Cognitive Problems

Anemia (E/B12), Scurvy (C), Rickets (D) & Nerve Paralysis (B12) MINERALS Anemia (Iron) , Goitre (Iodine) WATER Tiredness, lack of energy, headaches, constipation, dry skin and chapped lips. Severe dehydration can affect blood pressure, circulation, digestion, body weight, mental abilities and kidney function.

16 FOOD LABEL ANALYSIS Use the 5-20 Rule as a quick guide to label reading.  The 5-20 Guide doesn’t define a food as good or bad.  Instead, it can show how the food fits into your daily diet. 5% Daily Value (DV) or less is low –   for nutrients you want to get less of, choose foods with a low % DV.  Nutrients to get less of are saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium. 20% Daily Value (DV) or more is high – for nutrients you want to get more of, choose foods with a high % DV.  Nutrients to get more of are fiber, vitamins A & C, calcium and iron.

17 FOOD LABEL ANALYSIS Serving size – similar serving sizes for similar foods help consumers to compare foods. The amount of calories and nutrients listed on the Nutrition Facts label is based on one serving. Servings in the package – this tells how many servings are in the given food package. Sometimes we eat all the servings found in the package at one time. Calories in a serving – tells the number of calories (or the amount of energy) in one serving. If you were to eat two servings – you would get twice the amount of calories given.

18 FOOD LABEL ANALYSIS Nutrient amounts in a serving – use this information to get less of some nutrients, and more of others. Nutrients to get less of: fat (especially saturated and trans fats), cholesterol, and sodium. Eating too much of these can lead to health problems. Nutrients to get more of: fiber, vitamins A & C, calcium, and iron. Eating enough of these nutrients is important for health and can decrease the chance of getting some diseases. Percent Daily Values (% DV) – these percentages can show how the food fits into your daily diet. Try to remember the “5-20” Rule when looking at % DV.


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