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Presentation on theme: "JAINISM : A SUPER SCIENCE SCIENTIFIC SECRETS OF JAIN RELIGION"— Presentation transcript:

DR. SUDHIR V. SHAH M.D.,D.M. (NEUROLOGY) Consultant Neurologist - Ahmedabad, INDIA Director of Neurosciences – Sterling Hospital Prof. and head, Department of Neurology - VSGH I.P. Chairman, National Jain Doctors’ Federation, INDIA International Coordinator, NJDF July 2007 New Jersey, USA


3 The contribution of Jain religion
Lord Mahavir (omniscient tirthankar parmatma) out of compassion, applied the Gyana for spiritual uplift and liberation of the soul. In addition, this path also leads to physical well being, mental peace, emotional control and total health of an individual undoubtedly. Also if practiced universally, Jain religion can bring universal peace, ecological balance and welfare of the universe : Global Religion What he preached, has turned out to be permanent and absolute truth – the super science. He was the great scientist earth has ever seen. His preachings and his vision were beyond Raga, Dwesha and Moha, so there is no reason to disbelieve, all that he said - Aptapurush

4 Jain Philosophy One of the Oldest :
References are also in holy vedas. Tripitak has acknowledged Chaturyama dharma and mentioned about lord Mahavir Great personalities and genius people were existing in India between 500 BC to 300 AD. We have lost great opportunities, to change the history and future of mankind.

5 Jain Philosophy A complete philosophy
Complete knowledge Way of life & ethics Perfect way of liberation Ecology Classic karmic theory Anekant and Syadvada : principle of relativity and other viewpoints Compatible with principles of modern science Physics, biology, psychology, physiology & medicine (Life Science) mathematics, astronomy and chemistry Indian - Foreign dignitaries have written wonderful words of praise

6 Anushreni Gatihi Bhedad Anuhu Tadbhav – Avyayam Nityam Upayogo Laxanam Sagninah Samanska Is it a text book of science or a religion ? How old is it ?

7 My Attempt I have taken help from experts.
And I need your help and input…

8 Everybody wants EVIDENCE
Purpose of my talk Everybody wants EVIDENCE Relevance and Context The issue is how scientific our school is, and not of total scientific proof “This talk is completely dedicated to reinstate our faith in our religion” To open vision Thought process Human welfare Uplift of soul Spread of Jain Thought (No wish to convert) Incentive for reading Need for Research Animal welfare Global peace Respect for whole Indian Culture

9 Science and Religion Two sides of the same coin
Science looks outward and religion looks inward : but both are searching….. Matter Vs. Soul : God Experiment Vs. Experience Languages are different, but there is no need for conflict. Both are complimentary – Samanvaya Science without religion is blind, religion without science is lame. If science is the motion, religion is the direction Look science with the eyes of religion and reversely True religion should be free of fear, temptation and wrong methods

10 Methodology Science Religion Observations Questions
Hypothesis (Thinking) Experiments Theory/quantifications or Principles Prediction Prove/Disprove/modify THEORY: Applications More Q’s… pyramid builds up ..unending pursuit….TOE Observations Questions Spiritual Practices Meditation Enlightenment Principles Path Practice Moksha/ Nirvan: The goal is achieved

11 I am proud of science : Limitation : Laboratory based : Iceberg
Science – knowledge is still evolving e.g. plants It changes every time with change in evidence Our senses have limitations. Also dimension theory Several parallel worlds Religion has absolute truth : Shashwat : Faith bound The Problems in understanding Texts Problem in decoding verses Words have changed meaning Translator’s or scriptwriter’s errors, language, memory, time Missing of Texts. Poor understanding by science. Knowledge-evidence based- is evolving. e.g. Plant kingdom.

12 Sections Basic Sciences
Science behind Jain tenets and practices (Meditation .. etc) Ahaarvigyan (Food Philosophy) Medical Sciences (Life Sciences) Allied Sciences

13 Let us begin the panoramic tour :
Lord Mahavir & Scientists

14 Basic Sciences

15 Tatwarthadhigam Sutra
The 1st ever written complete text book of science…… (also in samaysaar, niyamsaar and pravachansaar) Samyag Darshan Gyan Charitrani Mokshamargah: - Purpose & essence of Tatwarthadhigam sutra is Moksha through ratnatraya - To achieve moksha, one must know the dravya, tatva & the causation of karmabandh. Then to understand the way of liberation. Hence, we have to study physics, biology, astronomy, types of knowledge,characteristics of soul,matter, time and space, stages of evolution of soul. As if Science and Religion is one and inseparable

16 Tatvarthsutra 1st complete book of science of mankind
Categories of Truth Nature of the soul The lower & middle regions (Astronomy) The Gods (Devas) Substances (Dravya) Inflow of Karma (Ashrava) The vows The Karmic Bondage Inhibiting & wearing off Karma (Samvar, Nirjara) Liberation (Moksha)

17 Section I : Basic Sciences PHYSICS Atoms

18 Atomic Science Tatwarth Sutra : P.P.Umaswatiji : 1st Century
Anavah skandhas cha - Matter has two varieties : 5/25 atoms & clusters. Samghata-bhedebhya- - Clusters are produced by 5/26 utpadyante fission, fusion or both. Bhedad anuh Atom is the final product 5/27 of fission-disintegration. Atom indivisible unit.

19 Atomic Science Bheda-samghatabhyam caksusah - 5/28
The visibility of clusters is produced by the combination of disintegration & reintegration. Utpada-vyaya-dhrauvyayuktam sat /29 Origin, cessation & persistence constitute existence. Tadbhavavyayam nityam /30 What remains as it is : eternal : Universal

20 Atomic Science Snigdha-ruksatvad bandhah – Atomic 5/32 integration is due to their positive & negative charge ( tactile qualities of viscosity & dryness )

21 Atomic Science Na jaghanyagunanam - There cannot be integration of atoms (and clusters) that possess the minimum one degree of difference (viscosity or dryness) 5/33 Gunasamye sadrasanam - Atoms with similar (same degree of) charges cannot integrate. 5/34

22 Subatomic Particles Description of subatomic particles is mind-boggling. 4 different types of qualities of atoms have been described ( Sheet-snigdha, Sheet-ruksha, Ushna-snigdha, Ushna-ruksha) Two types of matter (a) with charge (b) without charge (Photon, Graviton, Gluon) Dravya naya: Total Quantity of Atoms is Constant Paryaya naya : Changeable Divisions & Subdivisions of Atoms are Plenty Small & Big, Cause & Effect Atoms , Dravya & Bhava Atoms, Atoms carrying Touch,Smell,Vision etc. Qualities.

23 Atomic Science Aren’t you Surprised ? KEWALGYANA
Here, formation of matter, concept of universal matter, atomic fusion, integration & disintegration of matter,constancy & transformability of objects - all high principles of atomic science-physics are discussed. The concepts of subatomic particles are even mind boggling. Aren’t you Surprised ? KEWALGYANA

24 Applied Physics Ajivakaya dharmadharma kasa pudgalah : 5/1
Dravyani jivas cha : 5/2 kalaschetyeke : 5/38 Media of dharma (motion) & adharma (inertia-rest), space, matter and souls are Dravyas (substances). Time is also a substance according to some preachers.

25 Adharmastikaya All that we see in universe is 4% matter 1% dark matter
75% dark energy – is it Adharmastikaya or is it supporting the inertia as against Dharmastikaya which supports motion

26 Applied Physics Vartana parinamah kriya paratva - paratve cha kalasya : /22 The functions of time are : Becoming ( Inspiring ), change, motion & sequence. Research area Time in physics : several, but not related (six) Absolute time, astronomical time, change etc.

27 Applied Physics Sarira-van-manah-prana-panah pudgalanam : 5/19
* Matter functions as the material cause of body, speech, mind & breath. Sukha-dukha-jivita-maranopagrahas cha : 5/20 * The production of pleasure, pain, life & death is also due to matter (chemical properties). Research area

28 Thought SPECT studies : Mana, vachana, kaya, Pudgala.

29 Psychology Mati : Smruti : Sangya chintaabhinibodh ityanarthantaram
Mati (knowledge about existing thing), memory, recall, thinking process and conclusion is matigyana. And this is the function of senses and mind. Thoughtfulness & perception, discrimination between good & bad, useful & harmful are all functions of mind. Mind has two aspects : ) Physical 2) Psychic mind Science does not know about Dravyamana & Bhavamana so far. However, if we take mind as interface between the consciousness and intellect, then we can explain.

30 Intellectuals have both minds
Intellectuals have both minds. Only psychic mind doesn’t help in the thought process. Sangninah samanaska : 2/25 The higher developed the mind, the animal will be more intelligent. (Devas,Narakas,Garbhaj (womb) human & Garbhaj animals have higher mind.) Concept of psychotherapy and psychic treatment.

31 Biology Classification of living beings
Ekendriya, Beyindriya …. Panchendriya Tras, sthaavar Concept of Pratyek and Sadharan Nigod Sammurchhim jiva

32 Plant Kingdom They have leshya, kashaya, instincts and feelings (perceptions). Leshya : Colourful plants : Nilleshya thorns, bad smells : Kapot (2) Kashaya : Carrots, potato : Lobha : accumulation Coloured plants : Maya Eating food can change our thought process (3) Instincts : Ahaar, fear, accumulation and reproduction. (4) Samvedana (feelings) : Dr.Jagdishchandra Bose : Pain : Shame – Lajamani : Mr.T.N.Singh : Effect of music on plants : Dr.Bexter : Trees keep watch even on spiders

33 Applied Biology Upayogo lakshanam : 2/8
Sentinence is the defining characteristic of the soul. Constant awareness, consciousness & application of knowledge is upayoga. Dravyasangraha The one that survives, applies knowledge, does not disintegrate (does not die), is Karta and is equal to the proportion of body is called Jeeva. Parasparopagraho Jivanam : 5/21 The function of the soul is to render services – usefulness - to one another. Each soul is entangled with all the rest in the universe. We are influenced by the rest (Non-violence).

34 MACH’s Principle The inertial mass of a particle is a result of the “interaction” of mass of other bodies in the rest of the universe Extending it to life Life: Life of even the smallest being is a result of “interaction” of life in the rest of the universe. “No one can survive by himself” That is if I destroy all life for this earth, I will automatically cease to exist. So when I destroy any life, I also destroy a part of myself. This immediately leads to the principle of non-violence

35 We are all entangled Entanglement: EPR paradox
Whatever happened to one particle would thus immediately affect the other particle, wherever in the universe it may be. Einstein called this "Spooky action at a distance."

36 Dharma Dharma has many meanings True nature The Path
Is there an absolute Dharma (Path) which the nature has shown us The answer is yes Live and Let Live Non Violence

37 Anushreni Gatihi : 2/27 Avigraha Jivasya : 2/28
The movement of souls (as well as matter) is in straight line (unless there is an external force.) The liberated soul moves straight.

38 Classification of substance (Dravya).
Classification of matter. Classification of Jiva (Soul). Unit of space (pradesh), unit of time (samaya) and unit of matter (anu) : are unique to Jainism.

39 Astronomy Description of Earth : Bharat & Airawat.
Other lokas : Interpretation problems. Life in earth,water,fire,air & plant : Mobile & immobile (Jagdishchandra). Recent notes : air is having living beings & life.

40 The eternal truth of Tripadi.
Matter (and objects) have always dual virtue : eternity (dravya) & nonversatility (paryaya) both at the same time. Quantum physics and anekantvada Matter has its own space.Space contains matter. If matter is zero, then space is zero.

41 Karmavada is the heart of Jain darshan
& Anekant-Syadvada is the brain of Jain darshan. Karmavada has some relevance with genetic coding also. Also it explains principle of causality of physics. Karmic bonds are atomic, is a unique theory. Research area

42 Mathematics Science cannot progress without maths. Maths is above all sciences, as there is no provision for conflict or ambiguity. Mahaviracharya 9th Century Ganitsaar sangraha : 9 chapters Algebra, Geometry and Arithmatics Square root, Cube root, Time, Interest, Fractions Joytishpatal : Not available at present Swayambhuv, Adinath, Devnandi, etc. Fractions in Jain Literature : Suryapragnapti Fractions in Tatvartha sutra (Ch.III – Bhashya)

43 Domains of Science and Jain Scriptures
Subjects common to science and Jain scriptures: Astronomy: Surya Pragyapti, Chandra Pragyapti, Geography (3rd chapter of Tattavartha Sutra: primitive, Nature of physical Universe (T.S.Chapter 5: jiva/Ajiva, Energy, forces etc) can be tested. Subjects exclusive to Jain Darshan Atma, Karma, Moksha etc have not (yet) come under purview of science Operative Principles: some may be common to spiritual and physical domains Jainism Non-violence, Anekantavad, Saptabhangi, Dharma, Karma theory Krambaddha-Paryay Physics Quantum mechanics, Causality, Entanglement, Determinism, Mach’s Principle, Evolution Biology…… plant life, invisible forms

44 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
Reality : Physical realities - can be taken to laboratory, as Science is evidence based. Matter and Energy Energy Fields (Action at a distance) - Electricity, Magnetism and Light (EM Force) - Strong nuclear force - Weak Nuclear force (EM, weak force) - Gravitation force Space and Time • Jain darshan dwells on realities. 1) Six Substances ( matter, time, space, motion / energy, inertia & jiva) 2) Nine elements.

45 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
2) Pudgal : Purayati va Galayati va. - Matter changes forms, disintegrates & reintegrates. - But, the total mass remains constant. Tadbhavavyayam nityam /30 - What remains as it is : eternal : Universal

46 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
3) Motion & Inertia : Dharmastikaya & Adharmastikaya. • They help motion or static property of Jiva & pudgala, just by their nature. That is their function.

47 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
4) Quantum theory of Max Planck : Energy is radiated in quanta. Disintegration and reintegration is the nature of matter. Thus objects can disintegrate but can reintegrate elsewhere. Max Planck

48 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
5) Syadvad – Relativity Anekantvad - multifacedness Jain syadvad is a conceptual thinking. It applies not only to matter which is visible, but everywhere. It is so perfectly designed-it can never be challenged. It accounts the other view points and different references. - Vyavhar satya - Nischaya satya. It also explains the relativity principle of matter, but is more philosophical. If understood & applied, worldly quarrels will stop forever.

49 Laws of Physics Laws governing Macro world and micro-world are different: Classical (Whole= sum of the parts) Quantum (dual behavior of electron or photon) Some states in quantum world are indescribable What is called avyakta. Seven such states are possible: May be yes, May be No, May be both, may be indescribable, may be yes and indescribable, May be No and indescribable, May be both and indescribable (Saptabhangi) As we go to the world of finer and finer (sukshma ) particles, new properties (or attributes) come into play ( In science they are termed as quantum numbers or states) and all do not exist at once. Many of them could be contradictory properties. This is the basic nature of certain things (multifacedness = Anekantavad) . Thus I have argued that anekantavad is a physical reality

50 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
6) Telepathy + : ManahparyavGyan / ShrutGyan 7) Television, Radio, Telefax : AvadhiGyan (space & time) 8) Teleporting & Recent experiments : Aharak sharir.

51 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
9) Properties of sound : Anuyogadwara Sutra Music & its effect on body : Malkauns Music (sound) can affect health, mental peace, temperament and fate. • Chanting mantra (Alignment & Sound) • Science of yantra (shape & form with momentum) 12th Drastiwad : 14 purva

52 Anuyogadwara Sutra, Samveda and Gandharvaveda
Various modes of music mentioned in Ajitshanti stotra are useful as remedies. Malkauns & Deshana Anuyogadwara Sutra, Samveda and Gandharvaveda 9/18/2018

53 Bach’s “Air for the G String” This is the effect of Heavy Metal Music
Mr. Emoto decided to see what effects music had upon the structure of water. He placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours while playing music and then photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen. The results of the effects of these two very different types of music speak for themselves.                                                                                            This is the effect of Bach’s “Air for the G String” This is the effect of Heavy Metal Music

54 A Yantra is a graphic representation of the sound of Mantra

55 Effect of sound - chanting
Mr. Emoto decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled water crystals by typing words onto paper and then taping them on glass bottles overnight.                                                                                                  These are effects of the words “Love and Appreciation” These are the effects of “You make me sick. I will kill you!”

56 Physiology in Jain Scriptures
Various types of bone-joints which are called SAMGHAYANs, number of ribs, position and weight of various parts representing Anatomy of Human body are discussed. There are also some references about embryology in Tandulveyaliya payanna. Reproductive systems and the abilities of men and women are also described in literature.

57 Jain tenets and practices
Science behind Jain tenets and practices

Samayik :- Samatvabhava - karmanirjara - way to liberation Samata towards living beings : No raga – dwesha Samata towards objects : No moha – shoka Pratikraman • Samatva followed by meditation & Kayotsagra with six requisites (Shad Avashyak) • Creates blissful state. • Presence of Gurudeva – so you are stress free, guilt free, disease free. This is followed by prayaschita and sadhana • Prayaschitta takes care of past tense • Vishuddhi takes care of present tense • Vishalya takes care of future tense

59 The Tapas (Penance) : Bahya : • Anashan, Abhyantar : • Prayaschita,
• Unodari, • Vrutisankshep, • Rastyaga, • Kayaklesha, • Samlinata. Abhyantar : • Prayaschita, • Vinaya, • Veyavacha, • Swadhyaya, • Kayotsarga, Meditation.


61 Meditation Jaindhyana
Dharmadhyana & shukladhyana… excellent remedy for all types of health. Jain religion is Bhavadharma,so meditation is of utmost importance. Several types of meditations. Samayik & kayotsarga are super meditations. Kayotsarga takes care of asana and pratyahaar. Preksha, vipashyana, granthibheda and atmadhyana.

62 What is meditation ? Exercise of mind to keep it healthy and clean, as we do for body. A state of altered consciousness. Fourth stage of consciousness. Spiritual ecstasy with neurological manifestation. Not really a Hallucination

63 Spirituality Philosophy Devotion Karmayoga Charity RELIGION Character
Rituals Morality Character Charity RELIGION Karmayoga Devotion Philosophy Meditation Spirituality

64 Meditation techniques
Focus on Breathing Focus on an object Focus on a sound Focus on a thought Focus on sensual object Focus on sensory perception Imagery Soul meditation

65 Meditation-Techniques
Vipashyana : To see –To observe ( Buddha) - Breathing - Thoughts - Body and perception of sensations Prekshadhyana : To see –To observe( Jain) - Breathing (Shwas-Preksha) - Thoughts (Vichar-Preksha) - Body (Sharir-Preksha) - Mind (Anupreksha) - Leshyadhyana etc

66 Effect of meditating music
BETA: Alert/Working waves per second ALPHA: Relaxed/Reflecting 8-13 waves per second THETA: Drowsy/Meditating 4-7 waves per second DELTA: Sleep/Dreaming 3-4 waves per second DELTA: Deep & Dreamless Sleep .5-2 waves per sec

67 SPECT Images at Baseline and During Meditation
Prefrontal Cortex Prefrontal Cortex Baseline Meditation

68 SPECT Images at Baseline and During Meditation
Superior Parietal Lobe Superior Parietal Lobe

69 Summary of SPECT findings
Increase rCBF in frontal area and shut down of OAA in parietal area is the key finding. This is not hallucination. All Meditators have same findings.

70 Ahaarvigyan

71 Section III : Ahaarvigyan
Purity of Food is necessary for Purity of Soul The philosophy of food : Quantitative & Qualitative (satva,Rajas,Tamas) Modern science has confined at determining the caloric values and its classification into vitamins, proteins and carbohydrate content. The jain school of thought has gone deep into subtler properties of various types of food items and deal with its psychic as well as physical effects.

72 Types of Ahaar Prakshepahar Ojahar Lomahar
habits & mixing (c) Boiling & filtering water (d) Life of Different food items : Flour (3,5,7) Vigai is a Rajsik food, while Mahavigai is a Tamsik food so every one should abstain form Mahavigai. Science of Tithi

73 Long before existence of microscopic life was shown and plants were considered to be living by modern science, these facts were well established in jain philosophy and formed the foundations of complex practice as a corollary of nonviolence, which is the basic tenet of Jainism. That is why there is severe restriction on Ratribhojan and drinking water without boiling. Also to avoid Kandmul like potato and similar anantkaya plants.

74 Ratribhojan – Terrible sin
Physiologically at night : Slow metabolism, Decreased activity Indigestion. Absence of sun light : Excess of organisms. Sunlight can kill them and control pollution. Rule of 48 minutes (for sheet yoni microscopic jiva). Best digestion is at the middle of the day. Ayurveda preaches this for positive health purposes. Allopathy for metabolic purposes. Rajnishji for celebacy

75 Austerities To use very limited items and with caution, is a practice of non violence. Collectiveness and overutilization is violence Biyasana : Disciplined eating habits. No junk. Boiled water. No food & water after sunset. Ekasana : Rest to body so next day stronger. Avoid abhakshya, anatkaya & apathya food, so no perversions. Only eat moderate amount and satvik food. Ayambil : Dry : Avoid vigai. So control of pitta & cough. No spices. Control over tongue, therefore all other senses. Auli to be done twice a year at Sandhikaal. Fast : 36 hours (a) Tivihaar (b) Chauvihar.

76 Tithivigyan Tithivigyan : uplift of individual soul and welfare of all living beings are central themes of jain religion. Avoid lilotaries on twelve tithis, auli days and paryushana. According to lord mahavir, the fate of next birth is created as per the deeds done during these days. So do more religious activities and avoid sachitta. Scientifically it helps in balancing PH & water element during these days (as per lunar cycles).

77 Vigai - Mahavigai Vigai : Perversion. Mahavigai : Worst perversion.
The food objects which change the natural tendencies of body, mind and soul and pervert them are vigai. Vigai : 6 : Milk, curd, ghee, oil, jaggary – sugar, fried items & sweet objects. Mahavigai : 4 : Butter, honey, eggs-meat-fish, alcohol Non-veg : Saprophytes Alcohol : Pramad, Chitnash etc 16 doshas. Honey : To obtain it we have to kill many bees.

78 Medical Sciences (Life Sciences)

Positive health gaining and prevention & treatment of major diseases by JAIN RELIGION

80 References of life sciences : how to live, how to avoid diseases and how to cure diseases and create positive health and long life; are available in jain agams. Uttaradhyana Brihadvritipatra Vipak sutra Acharang Sukhbodh patra Audh Niryukti Sthanang sutra Therapeutics Rasayan vidya Doctor and therapy Disease description Therapy Causation of disease Ref : Acharaya Rajkumar Jain

81 Purification of mind – Purification of Body
Prevention of heart disease, stroke, cancer & lifestyle diseases and creating positive health Purification of mind – Purification of Body Rituals and six avashyak (Samayik & Pratikraman) Padayatra : Exercise Austerities Penance : Tapas Ahaarvigyan : Ayambil etc. Boiled water Avoiding ratribhojan (Research) Vigai : Milk, curd, ghee, oil, jeggary, fried objects, sweets. Mahavigai : Butter, honey, eggs-meat-non veg., alcohol. Tithivigyan : Religious, scientific, healthy way (ayurveda) Attitude, positive thoughts : Avoid four Kashaya Meditation and kayostarga Namaskar Mantra chanting

82 Prevention of coronary disease
Padyatra : Exercise Food habits : Satvik food. Avoid vigai. Austerities & Tapas : Weight reduction & healthy body-mind Attitudes : Mental and emotional peace. Samayik, pratikraman Meditation

83 Preventing & treating other diseases
Prevention & treatment of :- • GI diseases • Mental illness • Neurological illness • Cancer Positive health & long life We at National Jain Doctors’ Federation, did 4 major conferences and discussed the subjects and I, as the chairman of NJDF India, appeal to you to do extensive research as you have better facilities. The other project, we have launched is SHRAMAN - AROGYAM

84 For stress relief philosophical concept of Jainism, food types, austerity, penance and meditation are useful for all men and women Meditation is one of the Abhyantar penance through which one could be relieved from stress, the miseries and karmic bondage.

85 Secularism Navkar Mantra Bhavbijankur Janana ….

86 Sutra Navkar mantra. Annath Vanditu Tijaypahutta….
• We should know their meanings, then only we can add Bhava. Literal chanting does help, but with knowledge it becomes 100 times more powerful.

87 16 Bhavanas 12 Bhavanas will relieve all ragas, dweshas and will be important for liberation of soul. 4 Bhavanas are important guidelines for interpersonal relationship which will create mental peace and stop worldly quarrels.

88 Allied Sciences

89 Allied Sciences Ecology ( Ahimsa,Aparigriha,Maitri )
Economy ( Lord Adinath : Asi, Masi, Krushi,Vidya,Vanijya & Shilpa ) Cosmology (Loka) Astrology Metallergy Chemistry With evolution of Science, some religious beliefs have been disreputed however Jainism is rising due to its strong scientific basis

90 Karmic theory and Genome project.
The subjects requiring further research. Disease prevention by jain attitude and life style Three types of Ahaar : (Siddhasen Diwakarji) 1) Ojahar 2) Lomahar 3) Prakshepahar. (Kawal, Drugs, Intravenous ) etc. Karmic theory and Genome project. The concept of autonomous human birth and the cloning of same kind of organisms.

91 Aura is directly related with Leshyas.
Colors of Leshyas mention the colors of Aura Krishna, Neela and Kapota leshyas are harmful to health, while Tejo, padma and Shukla leshyas are useful for health. Leshyas and colors of Aura denote the health of man and woman

92 References & Suggested Readings
Tatvarthsutra - P.Shri Umaswatiji Samaysaar P.Shri.Kundkundacharya 2. Bhagavatisutra. 3. Sutrakrutang. Acharang sutra : for psychology. Anuyogdwar sutra : for music etc. Dashvikalik sutra.

93 References & Suggested Readings
Other Agams & Sutra. Guideline of Jainism : Bhadrabahuvijay Vigyan & Adhyatma : -Pujya Amrendravijayji. Cosmology old & new -Prof.Jain Scientific secrets of Jainism - P.Shri Nandigoshvijayji. Science and spirituality – P.Shri Chandrashekar Vijayji Dravya Sangraha

94 References & Suggested Readings
Articles by several Experts and Scientists Dr.Narendra Bhandari (ISRO, Ahmedabad) Dr.Anilkumar Jain (Ahmedabad) Dr.Ashokkumar Jain (Gwalior) Acharya Shri Kanaknandiji maharaj Dr.L.C.Jain (Jabalpur) Dr.Parasmal Agarwal (Udaipur) Dr.Prakashchandra Jain (Sagar) Dr.Rajmal Jain (Ahmedabad) Dr.R.C.Jain (Ujjain) Dr.P.C.Jain (Sagar) Dr.Jitubhai Shah (Ahmedabad)

95 My message Samyaka Darshan – Absolute faith in Jinwani
Daily Swadhyaya - Reading scriptures Religion requires to be presented in the context of science Do research Spread the knowledge and Darshan for global welfare, as science needs direction



98 Michhami Dukkadam


100 Dharma Dharma has many meanings True nature The Path
Is there an absolute Dharma (Path) which the nature has shown us The answer is yes Live and Let Live Non Violence

101 History of Life Earth is 4.5 billion years old
Life appeared at 3.5 billion years ago Humans

102 The Nature’s Path Life has evolved from unicellular to multi cellular insects trees….mammals………..Humans.. New species with higher level of consciousness replace the older species with lower level of consciousness, sometimes gradually and sometimes suddenly. History of life is the evolution of consciousness. The scriptures talk about higher levels of gyan (or consciousness). Some day Man will be replaced by a species of higher conscious level”. This is the direction in which Nature is moving. This is the Path. “If we help nature in pursuing that path, it is Dharma; if our action is against it, it is Adharma.” Who knows the next level of consciousness will evolve from which species. So if we destroy any of the life bearing species, we hinder the nature in its goal. it is adharma.

103 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
6) Syadvada & Theory of Relativity : • General theory of relativity & special theory of relativity. • These apply to the visible universe only and are entirely on fixed suppositions, where the motion of light is considered fixed & rather absolute for a reference. • But, there are problems. Particles are discovered faster than light (tachyon). • According to Jain religion paramanu can be propagated faster than light ( Shri Bhagavatisutra).

104 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
7) Matter & atoms : Science deals with matter & atoms. • Movement & forms of atom have been largely studied in Jainism. Even the mind & thought process is atomic. • Atom has enormous energy & matter has several properties right from, material cause of body, speech, mind & breath to perceptions of pleasure, pain & existence of life & achieving death.

105 Anekantvada - Saptabhangi

106 Ecology Lord Adinath : Asi, Masi, Krushi,Vidya,Vanijya & Shilpa

107 Chemistry Rasayan shastra

108 Allied Sciences Are you aware ?
Maths – The numericals, infinity, log tables and scales. Karmic theory and Genome project. The concept of autonomous human birth and the cloning of same kind of organisms.

109 Common principles of science as embodied in Religion
3) Entropy : The second law of thermodynamics. • Anything that is borne, starts travelling towards its end. Any object is always moving towards its end. • Movement is duration.Duration means time. • Duration of object is movement of object in time. This is the function of time.(vide 5/22) • Exactly same principle is in Jainism.

110 Physics Matter and Energy Energy Fields (Action at a distance)
- Electricity, Magnetism and Light (EM Force) - Strong nuclear force - Weak Nuclear force (EM, weak force) - Gravitation force Space and Time

111 The Material Universe The universe can be built
With 61 sub atomic particles

112 Numbers of Particles Three generations of particles
Ist generation: 2quarks (Down and Up)+electron and its neutrino IInd generation: 2 quarks (strange and Charm) + mu meson and neutrino III generation: 2 quarks (Bottom and Top)+Tau meson and its neutrino

113 Basic Particles 6 quarks x 3colors each = 18 and their antiparticles = 18 Gluons = 8 6 leptons and their antiparticles = 12 4 carriers of electromganetic forces = 4 Graviton: carrier of force of gravity = ( predicted but not yet discovered) Total building blocks of matter = 61

114 Dual Behavior of Electrons / Photons
Particle-Like Wave-Like

115 Austerities Fast : 36 hours (a) Tivihaar (b) Chauvihar.
Purpose : (a) sublimation & purification of soul (b) self control (c) purification of body 1-2 / month to upto days. Thus spiritual + physical advantages (Health & scientific purpose).

116 Definition of Life Life is a condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects, i.e. non-life, and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. In physical terms, life is an organism that feeds on negative entropy.[1][2] In more detail, according to physicists such as John Bernal, Erwin Schrodinger, Wigner, and John Avery, life is a member of the class of phenomena which are open or continuous systems able to decrease their internal entropy at the expense of substances or free energy taken in from the environment and subsequently rejected in a degraded form (see: entropy and life).

117 Definition of Life Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, sweating to reduce temperature. Organization: Being composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life. Metabolism: Consumption of energy by converting nonliving material into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of synthesis than catalysis. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter. The particular species begins to multiply and expand as the evolution continues to flourish. Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present. Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism when touched to complex reactions involving all the senses of higher animals. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun or an animal chasing its prey. Reproduction: The ability to produce new organisms. Reproduction can be the division of one cell to form two new cells. Usually the term is applied to the production of a new individual (either asexually, from a single parent organism, or sexually, from at least two differing parent organisms), although strictly speaking it also describes the production of new cells in the process of growth.

118 Definition of Life Living things are systems that tend to respond to changes in their environment, and inside themselves, in such a way as to promote their own continuation.[citation needed] Life is a characteristic of self-organizing, cannibalistic systems consisting of a population of replicators that are capable of mutation, around most of which homeostatic, metabolizing organisms evolve. This definition does not include flames, but does include worker ants, viruses and mules. Self reproduction and energy consumption is only one means for a system to promote its own continuation. This explains why bees can be alive and yet commit suicide in defending their hive. In this case the whole colony works as such a living system. Type of organization of matter producing various interacting forms of variable complexity, whose main property is to replicate almost perfectly by using matter and energy available in their environment to which they may adapt. In this definition "almost perfectly" relates to mutations happening during replication of organisms that may have adaptative benefits. Life is a potentially self-perpetuating open system of linked organic reactions, catalyzed simultaneously and almost isothermally by complex chemicals (enzymes) that are themselved produced by the open system.


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