Yamilette Colón Friday TA/Instructor

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1 Yamilette Colón Friday TA/Instructor
GEO 300 Intro Recitation Yamilette Colón Friday TA/Instructor

2 Things To Remember… GEO 300 Website: ALL RECITATION communications must be send to: **ALWAYS include your section NUMBER, I got three sections which translates into +100 students** Office Hours (Wilkinson 213): Monday: 12:00–1:00pm, Tuesday: 3:00– 4:00pm, or by appointment Did you bring your assignment??? 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

3 Rules of the Game Be respectful to your instructor and peers.
No texting during class, if you must take a call please step outside. Computers are allowed…FOR NOTES! NO Facebook, Vine, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or general web surfing! Turn–in your assignment at the BEGINNING of recitation. 24 hour rule…! 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

4 Course/Recitation Grading
Grades derived from: (Point total may change a little if we add/subtract things)  Quizzes 20 pts.) 300 Recitation Attendance 20 pts.) 120 Group Project 100 pts.) 100 Energize Corvallis 50 pts.)     50 Critical Thinking Papers (70, 80, 100 pts.) 250 CLASS TOTAL (Approx.) = 820 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

5 Assignments Keep track of these by looking under “Course Outline”.
Due at day/time of recitation. NO EXCEPTIONS! 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

6 Extra Credit/Absences
MAKEUP WORK/EXTRA CREDIT intended for those who miss a class or assignment, but open to anyone. Look at the "Extra Credit Opportunities" link.  Up to 40 points for participating in these activities/events.  One bonus point for each assignment printed double sided or on used paper. Emergency Absences. For family or personal emergencies, please contact Professor as soon as possible to address missed assignments.  School Related Absences. Contact the Professor BEFORE THE ABSENCE to arrange credit for the missed assignment.  9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

7 Critical Thinking Papers
Total Points: CT # 1 = 70 points CT # 2 = 80 points CT # 3 = 100 points Read the guidelines CAREFULLY! Failing to do so will impact your grade. EBSCO Policy “Peer Reviewed Checkmark” 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

8 How to Guarantee a Zero Score
Unacceptable sources. Not properly citing all four of your primary sources in the text of your paper. Not having 425 ± 25 in “Analysis” and not having 450 – 550 words for the entire paper. Not using the required format, i.e., Interpretation, Analysis, Evaluation, etc. 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

9 Format/Content Guidelines
425 ± 25 words under “Analysis” and 125 ± 25 total in other five headings words maximum. Analysis: Min. 400; Max. 450 Minimum of four sources from the 21st century. Books appropriated for your topic Any Peer-Reviewed Journal After the four peer-reviewed/book sources, any other sources are OK to support your argument. Every quote, fact or idea needs to be cited, using ONLY the following format: after the cited information, or “according to Friedman”. For web-based sources without page numbers give the paragraph number. Direct quotes must be in quote marks. 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

10 CT Guidelines Topics for CT #1 are found on the website, under “Critical Thinking Papers”. You’ll use the last number of your OSU ID to determine your questions/topics. Penultimate Draft Due October 17 in Recitation Final Paper Due October 20 in Lecture or by 5PM in TA Mailboxes (Wilkinson 104) You MUST attach the mandatory score sheet with each CT paper you submit. Use available resources, librarian and writing center. 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

11 CT Grading Lose points for not including:
-1 point each for not including Name; Student ID #; Recitation Time; TA Name; Word Count; and Question # for no score sheet; -5 for not initialing score sheet; -5 for no title. 25% for “Style/Format”: 1% off each for grammatical error (up to a maximum of 14% deducted) 6% for correctly formatted bibliography (which style you use--MLA, etc.--doesn’t matter, just be consistent and complete.) Entries must be alphabetized. Access date for websites must be included. 5% max for correct in-text citation. Only accepted format: (Friedman, 2008; p. 16) or “As noted by Friedman (2008; p 16)”. 65% for “Content” Interpretation = 5%; Analysis = 45%; Evaluation = 5%; Inference = 5%; Explanation = 2.5%; Self-Evaluation = 2.5% Choose your sources carefully. 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

12 “Energize Corvallis” Begin soon, but no later than October 20.
Total: 50 points Information and web link can be found on the GEO 300 website. “Energize Corvallis” Package of materials can be turned to TA upon completion, but no later than November 21.  9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

13 Group Project Did you get signed–up for the project?
Group Leaders! Contact the “Contact Person” Divided into two sections: Paper Presentation Remember to follow the instructions posted on the website (e.g. scoring/grading sheet). 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

14 Paper 500 +/- 25 words Four sources MINIMUM, in text and in bibliography. Grading: 10% demographics: Group Project Name, Group members names, TA, Recitation Time, Date, Your name 60% Content Project Description Inference: What is the broader context of this project? Relevance to Geo 300: How does your project fit into this description of this course? 30% Mechanics – citations, bibliography, grammar, sentence structure. 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

15 Presentation 40% Content: 40% Presentation/Style:
Did you cover the material that applies? 40% Presentation/Style: How well did you get your points across? How well did your media present your information? Are your visuals visible from the back of room? Cover the topic thoroughly. 20% Audience Participation: Be creative! 9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

16 Questions, Comments, Concerns?
9/17/2018 Y. M. Colón–Almodóvar

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