Digraphs Standard 1.1: Learning to Read Independently

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Presentation on theme: "Digraphs Standard 1.1: Learning to Read Independently"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digraphs Standard 1.1: Learning to Read Independently
B. Demonstrate Phonemic Awareness, the ability to hear and manipulate Sounds in spoken words. C. Demonstrate knowledge of the Alphabetic Principle, the ability to Associate sounds with letters and use these sounds to form words.

2 Definition of Consonant Digraph:
consists of two consonants that together represent one sound (sh, ch, th, wh)

3 A digraph can be at the beginning of a word.
Thumb Sheep Chin Wheel

4 A digraph can be in the middle of a word.
Mother Mushroom Lunchroom

5 A digraph can be at the end of a word.
Teeth Fish Bench

6 Let’s try a few together…

7 ch /ch/ ch air

8 ch /ch/ ben ch

9 th /th/ th ief

10 th /th/ mo th er

11 sh /sh/ sh ovel

12 sh /sh/ fi sh

13 wh /wh/ wh eel

14 Definition of Vowel Digraph:
two vowels together that make one phoneme or sound (bread, need, book, field).

15 Vowel digraphs can be found in the middle of words.
bread book field feed

16 Let’s try a few together…

17 ea (eh) br ea d

18 ee (ē) f ee d

19 ie /ē/ f ie ld

20 oo /oo/ b oo k

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