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Introduction to Buddhism

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1 Introduction to Buddhism
17 September, 2018 It is a PCSA expectation that you always underline titles and date work. Introduction to Buddhism Use a ruler to underline your title 13/03/15 Yr9 Ethics GTC Feb 2015

2 Nepal Nepal is a large country The population is 27 million people
The Northern part of the country is in the Himalayan Mountains and includes eight of the tallest mountains in the world including Mount Everest. The population is 27 million people Most people live in villages although there are some big cities such as Kathmandu The southern part of the country is good farmland and humid Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, is located in this region. Lumbini is a place of Buddhist pilgrimage. Nepal is one of the least developed nations in the world The Gurkha regiment come from Nepal. Nepal Choose any four facts about Nepal and copy into your book.

3 Jot down notes in the back of your book
Buddhism at a Glance Buddhism at a Glance Buddhism is 2,600 years old and began in Nepal There are currently 376 million followers worldwide There were around 152,000 Buddhists in Britain [according to the 2001 census ] Buddha is a term not a name it means ‘enlightened one’. Buddha is derived from the Hindi word Budhi , which means WISDOM. In that sense Buddha means wise man Buddha’s name was Siddartha Gautama Buddhism arose as a result of Siddhartha Gautama's quest for Enlightenment in around the 6th Century BCE Jot down notes in the back of your book

4 Where did it all happen? L Lumbini – Siddhartha Gautama’s place of birth A Bodh Gaya – Where Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment and became the Buddha

5 Buddhism was developed in India by a man called Siddattha Gotama.
His father was the ruler of a small kingdom in the area of Nepal and Siddattha was born in Lumbini in about 563 BC. His parents lived in a splendid palace.

6 Siddartha was brought up as a Hindu
More than 50% of Buddhism Teachings are part of Hinduism, the most popular religion in India.

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