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More labeling information

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1 More labeling information
Just when you thought that was all!

2 Labeling problems Federal Trade Commission filed complaint
September, 2010 POM Wonderful, LLC Unproven Health Claims (i.e., not supported by FDA) On website, claimed “prevents or treats heart disease, prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction”

3 Labeling problems Ben & Jerry’s - Sept., 2010
dropping “All Natural” from some ice cream flavors CSPI requested action some flavors contain: “alkalized” cocoa, corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil USDA def’n for “All Natural” no artificial colors or ingredients, and are not more than "minimally processed” FDA does not define “All Natural” B&J don’t agree, just want to avoid debate of “All Natural”

4 Who regulates this?

5 Label problems

6 Values reported Serving sizes Calories
rounded to the nearest whole number except serving b/t 2 and 5 – rounded to the nearest 0.5 serving rounding indicated by the term about (e.g., about 2 servings, about 3.5 servings) Calories rounded to nearest 5-calorie increment for ≤ 50 calories rounded to nearest 10-calorie increment for > 50 calories total calories – based on actual amount (before rounding components [fat, CHO, protein] see example slide #10

7 Values reported Sodium (and potassium) Fat Cholesterol Protein
expressed as zero if < 5 mg rounded to nearest 5-mg for mg sodium rounded to nearest 10-mg for > 140 mg Fat nearest 0.5 g for < 5 g total nearest 1 g for > 5 g total Cholesterol nearest 5 mg for > 2 mg <2 may be reported as zero, unless claim is made about fat, fatty acids, or cholesterol Protein rounded to nearest gram if < 1, “Contains less than 1 gram” or “less than 1 g” if < 0.5, may be expressed as 0

8 Values reported Carbohydrates (fiber, sugars, sugar alcohols)
nearest 1 g for > 1 g if less than one, “Contains less than 1 g” or “Less than 1 g” if less than 0.5 g may be labeled as zero Vitamins and minerals nearest 2% for ≤ 10% nearest 5% for > 10% to ≤ 50% nearest 10% for > 50% < 2% - “Less than 2%” or “0” Daily Value (%DV) nearest 1%

9 Protein DV = 50 g (2000 cal); 65 g (2500 cal)
for adults and children 4 and older < 4 years – 16 g infants – 14 g pregnant women – 60 grams lactating women – 65 g the percentage of the RDI for protein shall not be declared if the food is represented or purported to be for use by infants and the protein quality value is less than 40 percent of the reference standard

10 Calories Facts component Actual amount Actual calories Listed amount
Listed calories Total Fat 3.5 g 32 4 g 35 Total Carbohydrates 21.6 g 86.4 22 g 90 (n/a) Protein 14 15 (n/a) Calories 132.4 = 130 140

11 Label problems 70 6% (17/300 = 5.6%)

12 Labeling problems

13 Labeling problems

14 Labeling problems

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