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Welcome To 2nd Grade! Type your grade. -

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To 2nd Grade! Type your grade. -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To 2nd Grade! Type your grade. -

2 Meet the Teachers Lauren Cox Melissa Edwards Mary Ann Farah
Kathy Kindel Tommie Mcdonald Tell your students more about yourself. -

3 Daily Schedule 7:20-8:05 Unpack, Early Morning Work, Announcements
8:05-8:25 Recess 8:25-8:45 Read to Buddy, Story, Snack 8:45-11:15 Language Arts-Reading/ Writing/ Spelling/CAFÉ/Daily 5 11:15-11:33, 12:03-12:30 STEM Block 11:33-12:03 Lunch 12:30-1:15 Math 1:15-2 Specials 2-2:20 Daily Review, Pack Up, Dismissal Please be sure to check your teacher’s blog for lunch time and specials schedule Tell your students more about yourself. -

4 Take Home Folders

5 Take Home Folders Will be sent home daily and need to be returned the next day Check for important school information, weekly homework, and your child’s behavior chart Any Dismissal changes, teacher notes, and money need to be retuned in your child’s folder Please be sure to send any money in a labeled envelope Type in your classroom rules. -

6 More information to come!!
Behavior Policy DOJO More information to come!! Insert time. -

7 Behavior Chart Insert time. -

8 Please subscribe to the school blog and
Mountain View Blog Please subscribe to the school blog and to teacher blogs for important information. Class communication will be through and blogs. Go to: Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint. -

9 Snacks and Water Bottles
Please be sure to send in a hearty and healthy snack daily and a labeled water bottle. Also, be sure that your child’s water bottle is secure and doesn’t leak. Sport Lids work best! Drips can lead to a scary situation with our new pretty tile floors! Insert info or delete slide. -

10 Allergies and Medicines
Please let your child’s teacher and Nurse Karetha know about any allergies or medical conditions. All Medicines-Will be in the clinic and given by the nurse. All medicines need to have a clinic form filled out and taken to the nurse…even cough drops! Insert info or delete slide. -

11 Birthdays Parents may bring in a special snack (cupcakes, cookies, donuts, etc.) to be shared with the class at lunch. Insert info or delete slide. -

12 Math -Mini-Lessons -Guided Math- Small group differentiated instruction -Number Talks *Students must master addition and subtraction facts by the end of the year. Buy flashcards now!!!  Insert info or delete slide. -

13 Daily 5 Read To Self Read To Someone Word Work Work on Writing
Listening to Reading Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint. -

14 Reading Curriculum Guided Reading Flexible Skill Groups
Individual Reading Conferences CAFE Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint. -


16 Information From Administration -Car Rider Procedures at http://www
Information From Administration -Car Rider Procedures at -Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7: Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. -All Mountain View students will be registered for ASP. Students who are not picked up will be checked into ASP. -Attendance Policy -Bus Lot/Fire Lane -Transportation Changes -Blackboard Connect Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint. -



19 Thank you so much for coming!
It’s going to be a GREAT year! Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint. -

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