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Historian/ Media Relations

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2 Historian/ Media Relations
National Ambassador Libby DallaTezza

3 Who the Heck is Ernie Pyle?
Ernie Pyle was a famous war correspondent covering World War II. Prior to the war, he spent seven years travelling the country, collecting stories for his daily feature column. In 1940 he went abroad to cover the Battle of Britain, and distinguished himself as a gifted war correspondent. He subsequently covered America's involvement in the war from the frontlines in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and France and gained a reputation as "America's most widely read correspondent." At his peak, Pyle's columns appeared in some 400 daily and 300 weekly newspapers. He was killed by enemy fire while covering the war in the Pacific. ON a lighter note…You can call me Ernestine, but just don’t call me Gomer Pyle.

4 Historian/Media Relations Program
Areas of Focus MEDIA RELATIONS TRAINING BY DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN ACTIVE and ROBUST DEPARTMENT/AUXILIARY WEBSITES and FACEBOOK PAGES AUXILIARY NEWSLETTERS/E-NEWSLETTERS USING RESOURCES AVAILABLE ON THE AUXILIARY WEBSITE NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S OFFICIAL VISIT REPORT I bet you are a little surprised to see the Historian return as a National Program and I’m certain you’re wondering about the /Media Relations “what does this mean?”. Well, think about… it is the basic responsibility of the Historian to collect the who-what-where-when-and why of the Auxiliary events and activities. That said, who better to get the word out to our community? It’s time we boast about our work and accomplishments…It’s time to boost our image and increasing interest in our organization. If we put ourselves out there for all to see, our communities will want to get involved with us because of the work we are doing. “I Believe We Can Do It”! Agree? I will talk more in detail about each area of focus in just a few minutes.

5 Department Historian/ Media Relations Chairman
Promote and train all members to be media savvy. Answer all questions and concerns quickly and efficiently, and then follow up. Take an active role in their Department Facebook page. So….this is new and exciting! While I’m sure you’ve given some thought to who you want as your Historian, I would ask that you give it lots of thought now with the information I am sharing today. Can I suggest that you appoint someone who has an outgoing personality, likes people, has the ability to (very important) instruct and motivate, follows through to conclusion, and is creative, dedicated, and organized. WOW….that’s a lot, isn’t it? Now lets talk about the EXPECTATIONS of this new chairmanship…. Promote…as in promotions, yes this position will be expected to do regular promotions. AND, train….as in teach and assist all members. Answer all questions…and I am expecting there to be lots of questions . I promise to do the same , I will answer all questions and concerns in that same manner. Facebook. It’s obvious that this chairman would be involved. Keep in touch….whether it is with promotions or trainings or just available to assist. We must keep in touch to know where members may be struggling. Using the 5 W’s is a “no-brainer”. Certainly, last but not least…Publicize, attend, and report on the National President’s Official visit to your Department. We’ll talk more about this in a few minutes.

6 Department Historian/ Media Relations Chairman
Keep in touch with the Auxiliaries in their state. Use the 5 W’s… WHO we are, WHAT we do, WHEN we do it, WHERE it happens and WHY we work for our veterans, their families and our communities. Publicize, attend and report on the National President’s Official Visit! So….this is new and exciting! While I’m sure you’ve given some thought to who you want as your Historian, I would ask that you give it lots of thought now with the information I am sharing today. Can I suggest that you appoint someone who has an outgoing personality, likes people, has the ability to (very important) instruct and motivate, follows through to conclusion, and is creative, dedicated, and organized. WOW….that’s a lot, isn’t it? Now lets talk about the EXPECTATIONS of this new chairmanship…. Promote…as in promotions, yes this position will be expected to do regular promotions. AND, train….as in teach and assist all members. Answer all questions…and I am expecting there to be lots of questions . I promise to do the same , I will answer all questions and concerns in that same manner. Facebook. It’s obvious that this chairman would be involved. Keep in touch….whether it is with promotions or trainings or just available to assist. We must keep in touch to know where members may be struggling. Using the 5 W’s is a “no-brainer”. Certainly, last but not least…Publicize, attend, and report on the National President’s Official visit to your Department. We’ll talk more about this in a few minutes.

7 Media Relations Training Local Auxiliary Story”
I can’t emphasis and stress enough the importance of media relations training by your Department Chairman…..There’s a great PowerPoint presentation available on the Auxiliary website “How to Share Your Local Auxiliary Story” . That along with the Publicity Guide would be the perfect tool for trainings. I am going to be looking very close at every Dept. Historian’s promotions for how they are conducting their trainings and I promise to acknowledge creative ideas and to share that information. “How to Share Your Local Auxiliary Story” & Publicity Guide

8 Auxiliary Newsletters/E-newsletters
Can reach out to all members at little or no cost. Excellent way to acknowledge hardworking active members. Ask for volunteers for Auxiliary projects. Members will help with projects even though they might not be able to attend meetings. Members will maintain a sense of involvement in their Auxiliary. Purpose of a newsletter is to keep all members informed and hopefully, as a result, get them involved. I’m sure most auxiliaries are similar to mine….We have 170 members and approximately 15 come to meetings…a newsletter will keep the other 155 informed and they can still feel involved. Have you ever heard a member comment “I joined the auxiliary and then never heard from them again” or “the only time I hear from my auxiliary is when it’s time to pay me dues”? Sad but true. There are many advantages to an Auxiliary newsletter, let’s talk about

9 Active and Robust Auxiliary Websites & Facebook Pages
Resources available: Website Basics: What to include Top 10 Reasons to Have an Auxiliary Facebook Page How to Set Up a Facebook Page for Your Auxiliary or Department (A Step-by-Step Guide) Best Practices for Your Auxiliary Facebook Page How to Add an Administrator How to Post On Your Page How to Schedule a Post How to Edit or Delete a Post Facebook Tips for An Active and Awesome Auxiliary Page There are sooooo many resources available right on our own website. From “Website Basics” What to include once you take the plunge to build a website, to anything you can possibly imagine Facebook related. Megan has provided us with a very detailed step by step instructions on “How to Set up a Facebook Page”. Adding Administrators, Posting & Scheduling a Post, or Editing and Deleting a Post. New and coming soon will be the Facebook Tips for an active and awesome Auxiliary page….very good info… for it.

10 Resources Available on the
VFW Auxiliary Website Publicity Guide: The tools you need to get the word out How to Share Your Local Auxiliary Story Local Talking Points template Communications Award/Certificate Media Release templates Website Basics: What to include Resources available will be located on the VFW Auxiliary website under the Historian/Media Relations program. I already talked about using the Publicity Guide & the “How to Share Your Local Auxiliary Story” for trainings. Let me take a minute and tell you about some of the information available within these two resources. You’ll find clarification on what events and activities are and aren’t newsworthy. There are details on the suggested format for a press or media release. A sample for a Local Fact Sheet that would help in creating an Auxiliary fact sheet. You’ll see News Release ideas. one announcing the Patriotic Art Scholarship, another for seeking Hospital Volunteers and then there’s TV & Radio Public Service Announcement Samples. Lots and lots of good stuff… Another valuable resource is the Communications Award Certificate in a fillable format that’s ready to print.

11 National President’s Official Visit Report
Special Award: Award to the Department Historian in each Program Division for the best report of the National President’s Official Visit. Last, but certainly not the least important is the National President’s visit responsibility. Your year will be my 3rd time serving as the National Historian. It has become difficult to get visit reports from some Departments. I have been very disappointed recently. Therefore we will be presenting an award to the Department Historian in each program division for the best report of the National President’s Official Visit. ALSO, BIG HELLLLOOOOO… The National President’s Visit Report must be submitted from your Department to become eligible for the Circle of Excellence. Tell my story of why I feel it is so important. Requirement for the Circle of Excellence


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