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Welcome, Scholars! CSS Profile – What is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, Scholars! CSS Profile – What is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, Scholars! CSS Profile – What is it?

2 So what is the CSS Profile? (College Scholarship Services)
The CSS Profile is an application for nonfederal student financial aid. The application opens October 1st of each year. A good place to start, an overview slide show by CollegeBoard: overview/

3 Menu

4 Why should I complete the CSS Profile?
Approximately 400 schools and scholarship organizations require the CSS Profile. The CSS Profile includes possible funding from sources not available through FAFSA. The CSS Profile is more thorough regarding family finances. It allows for better explanation of financial situations and experiences that is not available with FAFSA.

5 What Can I Expect When Completing the CSS Profile?
A lot of questions regarding you and your family, particularly financial. Have all financial documents readily available for yourself and your parents. They WILL be needed. Lengthy time for completion. It does not have to be completed all at once (don’t worry, it is saved along the way), so make sure you check your deadlines for each school application.

6 What Kind of Financial Documents are Needed?
Current bank statements Current year income records and W-2 forms The previous two years tax returns Records of untaxed income and benefits for the current and previous tax years Records of savings, stocks, bonds, trusts, etc. ALL financial records.

7 Getting Started

8 Getting Started Select “Sign In to Apply” followed by the year you intend to begin college. Your sign in is simply your College Board account, the same one used for AP Exams or the SAT. Select “Begin New Profile” on the Welcome to CSS Profile page.

9 Process Information is divided into sections on the left of the page. As these sections are completed, a check mark appears. Required fields are marked by an asterisk. Once you complete a section, click the “Save and Continue” button. If you logout and return, you will be placed at the section where you stopped.

10 I filled in my information, now what?
Prior to submitting the CSS Profile, review your responses by choosing the application review. If anything is left incomplete, you will be prompted to complete it at this time. Verify the information is correct my checking the Certification box, then click “Save and Continue.”

11 What if I found a new school or program that I want to apply for?
It’s okay, you can go back into your CSS Profile and add them, even after you first submit. Make sure you save a copy of your profile so you have it for reference and can quickly reference it for any interviews or discussions.

12 Cost Yes, there is a fee: $25 for the first college or report, then $16 for each additional report after the first. Fee waivers are available, but you must qualify.

13 The CSS Profile Dashboard
An at-a-glance tool that provides a snapshot of your application status, payment information, college deadlines and messages. Updated in real time Is also mobile enabled and can be viewed on smart devices.

14 I’m finished, now what? Follow the next steps on your dashboard. Your dashboard provides you with helpful next steps for the colleges you’ve applied to. View the Next Steps section of your dashboard for messages from your colleges, including additional document requirements that may be needed to process a financial aid award.  A direct link to IDOC, may be provided if your college participates in this service. IDOC allows you to upload your financial documents through a secure website.

15 My Parents are Divorced, whose Information do I use?
If your parents are divorced or separated, complete the CSS Profile with your custodial parent’s information first or the parent you lived with most during the past year.  Some colleges may also require the CSS Profile from your noncustodial parent or the parent you did not reside with most of the time. Your noncustodial parent will need to create a College Board account and fill out their own CSS Profile application.  Remember, list all of your parents, including step- parents, on the CSS Profile application and indicate their relationship to you.

16 International Students
If you select Non-U.S. tax return and your country’s tax year does not follow the calendar year, report information from the last tax year that ends before April 1st of the academic year for which you hope to receive financial aid.  International students are asked to provide additional information about household expenses, so be prepared with any documents that will help you answer these questions efficiently.  Your application must be completed in English using standard American keyboard characters. Use the keyboard letters A through Z, numbers 0 through 9, and standard English language punctuation. You do not need to convert your financial information into U.S. dollars. However, report your information in the currency used in your financial documents.

17 Tips and Helpful Resources
Multiple resources are available to assist you with completing your application. If you are unsure of how to answer a question or need additional clarification, in-application or hover help is available simply by clicking within the question.  Reaching our customer support staff is also only a click away. At any time, you can click on contact us to reach our customer support center to chat live, , or speak to someone by phone.  Additional resources are also available on the CSS Profile online website. Here you can find guides, a list of participating colleges, tutorials, and more. 

18 All information provided by CollegeBoard https://learn. collegeboard

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