RECRUITING Staff and Student

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Presentation on theme: "RECRUITING Staff and Student"— Presentation transcript:

1 RECRUITING Staff and Student
Streamline, Simplify, Organize, Automate HCM Deep Dive September 2017

2 Human Capital Management
SuccessFactors Recruiting Onboarding Performance and Goals Succession Development Learning Compensation Workforce Analytics Enablement through Engagement How can we automate – through SuccessFactors. SuccessFactors is a cloud-based application that encourages engagement – enabling employees to easily access and perform tasks they need to complete – when they need to complete it. An employee will be able to access and update information similar to ESS today, including viewing pay and tax information. Both time and leave requests will be processed through SuccessFactors, eliminating both paper timecards and Kronos. One of the greatest benefits of SuccessFactors is the interconnectivity of the modules. The information gathered at the end of recruitment, once candidate accepts position, is then pushed to onboarding - eliminating paper processes, duplicative approvals and data entry. Employee Central EC Payroll EC Time Benefit Focus Build a Foundation

3 Recruiting Process From creating a job requisition to hiring a candidate, the typical job requisition progresses through the following steps: Offer Management Requisition Approval and Posting Job Posting and Sourcing Candidate Application Candidate Selection Management Employee Central Pending Hire Review Onboarding Post Hire Review

4 Recruitment Requisitions Four Separate Requisition Templates
Faculty Staff Service Staff Students The system will derive the requisition based on the position Must be a vacancy – ready to be hired in Employee Central Reduced data entry Pulls information from the position into the requisition Links an application to the requisition based on type of template

5 SuccessFactor Web Portal

6 SuccessFactor Web Portal

7 Requisition Posting Internal Career portal in SuccessFactors for Internal Employees (Purdue Employees) Internal Private posting (private job posting link used for internal employees, if needed) External Posting (where non-Purdue Employees view and apply to positions) External Private Posting (private job posting link used for external employees, if needed)

8 Offer Management Offer Approval Template is used – holds field information that populates the offer letter Offer Approval Template is routed electronically for approvals Once Approved – Offer letter created Offer Letter sent to the candidate electronically Offer accepted electronically

9 Staff and Service /Skilled Trade Staff Recruiting Roles

10 Staff and Service /Skilled Trade Staff
Staff Requisition Approval and Posting Process Create Requisition Update job requisition with pertinent search information Submits requisition for approval Receives notification of posted position Three Roles Initiator Budget Approver Recruiter Received notification of request for approval of newly created requisition Approves or denies requisition based on available budget Receives notification of approved requisition Reviews/updates requisition data as needed for search Posts Position Begins sourcing candidates as desired

11 Staff and Service /Skilled Trade Staff
Requisition Sourcing Candidates Post the Requisition Receives notification of newly applied candidates, review and refer If candidates coming from agency – invite them to apply Two Roles Recruiter Candidates Receives notification and find/select the job Fill out the profile and application and submit online

12 Staff and Service /Skilled Trade Staff
Applicant Tracking Selects the position interested Create Profile Fill out and submit application Three Roles Candidates Recruiter Search Committee Receives candidates in the Requisition Review and refer Update Status(es) Move Candidate through the pipeline Interview Candidate and complete recommendation. Option to rate candidate in the system.

13 Staff and Service /Skilled Trade Staff
Offer Management Four Roles Initiator/Search Committee Recruiter Budget Approver / Other Approver Candidate Communicates to Recruiter – selected candidate Draft offer template – enters details involved in the offer Routes for Approval Once Approved – extends offer to candidate Initiate background check Adjudicates background check once complete Moves Finalist to Ready to Hire Status Reviews offer template and either approves or rejects with comments Reviews offer – accepts or rejects

14 Student Student Requisition Approval and Posting Process Two Roles
Initiator/Hiring Manager Department Recruiter Create Requisition Update job requisition with pertinent search information Submits requisition for approval Receives notification of posted position Begins sourcing candidates as desired Receives notification and approves the requisition Posts position

15 Student Recruiting Roles

16 Student Requisition Sourcing Candidates Two Roles Department Recruiter
Post the Requisition Receives notification of newly applied candidates, review and process If candidates coming from agency – invite them to apply Two Roles Department Recruiter Candidates Receives notification and finds/select the job Fill out the profile and application and submit

17 Student Applicant Tracking Two Roles Candidates
Selects the position interested Create Profile Fill out and submit application Two Roles Candidates Recruiter/ Department Recruiter Receives candidates in the Requisition Review Add to shortlist Update Status Move Candidate through the pipeline

18 Student Offer Management Four Roles Initiator/Hiring Manager Candidate
Draft offer template – enters details involved in the offer Routes for Approval Once Approved – extends offer to candidate Four Roles Initiator/Hiring Manager Candidate Recruiter / Department Recruiter Reviews offer template and either approves or rejects with comments Receives notification of accepted or rejected offer Initiates background check (if applicable) Adjudicates background check once complete (if applicable) Moves Finalist to Concurrent Employment status for review Moves finalist to Ready to Hire Status

19 SuccessFactors Working with Tiles Demonstration:
Log in and speak to how easy it is to access information through drop-down lists, tiles, etc. . . Just like SAP today – it is role-based – in other words you see and have access to the things you need to perform tasks I would start with easy demonstration – everyone will be able to Update information . . .review goals . . and then work towards job-specific stuff. You can say ‘ those included in the recruitment process. . Will access And then see. . . Or complete The goal of the demonstration is to give you an idea of how SuccessFactors looks compared to SAP today.

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