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OFFICE SAFETY CGA New Employee Orientation.

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1 OFFICE SAFETY CGA New Employee Orientation

2 Office Safety When you think about job safety and hazards in the workplace, you probably think about industrial work environments, not an office like the one you work in. But the fact is that offices have many of the same hazards as other work environments, and a surprising number of accidents and injuries occur in offices. That’s why you need to be aware of the hazards in your office and understand the precautions you need to take every day to keep safe at work.

3 Training Objectives Recognize office hazards
Know what to do in emergencies Take proper precautions to avoid accidents Reduce ergonomic risk factors Use proper lifting techniques Manage stress effectively

4 What You Need to Know Emergency procedures Fire prevention
Preventing common office injuries Ergonomic safety Back safety Stress management

5 Office Hazards Fires; Slips, trips, and falls;
Although offices are generally considered safe compared with other work environments, there are still many hazards of which you need to be aware. Here are some examples: Fires; Slips, trips, and falls; Electrical shocks and fires; and Falling objects that have been improperly stacked or stored.

6 Emergency Procedures: Evacuation
In the event of a fire or other emergency that requires evacuation of the building, you’ll have to know how to get out quickly and safely. Be familiar with the alarm sound. Whenever you hear the alarm, pay attention and listen for instructions over the paging system.

7 Emergency Procedures: Evacuation
Know the location of emergency exits. There are multiple emergency exits throughout the building. Make a point of knowing where each exit is located—not just the exits near your office, but also those near the restrooms and other parts of the building where you go frequently. Have at least two evacuation routes from your work area—a primary route and an alternate in case your primary route is blocked by fire, smoke, or some other obstacle.

8 Emergency Procedures: Evacuation
It’s important to keep exits and access to exits—including hallways and stairways—clear. Never block emergency exit doors with office furniture or supplies.

9 Emergency Procedures: Evacuation
Make sure you know what you’re expected to do in the event of an emergency. If you have not been assigned any other emergency duties, then your sole duty is to evacuate quickly. Once you safely evacuate the building, proceed directly to your designated meeting area. A headcount will be taken to make sure everyone is safely out of the building. Do not leave the designated meeting area until you are told it is safe to do so.

10 Emergency Procedures: Evacuation
Everyone must participate in evacuation drills. When you hear the alarm, treat it like a real emergency, and proceed calmly and quickly toward the nearest emergency exit. Familiarize yourself with the evacuation routes from your office and the location of the nearest emergency exits.

11 Emergency Procedures: Fire Response
If you discover a fire, there are two things you should do right away: activate the fire alarm; call the fire department. If a co-worker is nearby when you spot the fire, one of you can call the fire department and the other can simultaneously activate the fire alarm. If a fire is small and contained, you can use a fire extinguisher to try to put it out.

12 Emergency Procedures: Fire Response
Do not try to fight a large or spreading fire with an extinguisher. Evacuate and let the firefighters handle the blaze. Remember, even if you think you can put a fire out with an extinguisher, you should call the fire department first. That way, they will be on the way in case you can’t put the fire out. Do you know where fire extinguishers are located near your work area? Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher?

13 Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergencies
Medical emergencies can also occur in any office. If the problem is serious—such as a heart attack or profuse bleeding—call 911 right away. While waiting for help, give first aid if you are trained. Otherwise, call a co-worker who is trained in first aid and CPR.

14 Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergencies
For minor injuries such as sprains or small cuts, first aid may be sufficient. The employee can go to the doctor for follow-up if necessary. If a co-worker is bleeding, do not touch the blood with your bare hands. Wear latex gloves from the first-aid kit or use a clean piece of plastic as a barrier. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through contact . First-aid kits are available in each work area

15 Emergency Procedures: Natural Disasters
Be prepared Have a survival kit Listen for warnings and instructions Shelter in place or evacuate

16 Fire Hazards How to prevent office fires:
Make sure that any flammable or combustible liquids kept in the office are stored in appropriate flammable cabinets and kept away from heat and flames. If you’re not sure if something is flammable or combustible, check the label. Also make sure that any materials that can burn are stored properly. Combustible materials such as paper, cardboard, and trash should be kept away from hot equipment or electrical equipment.

17 Fire Hazards How to prevent office fires:
Damaged electrical cords and plugs can overheat or short and ignite carpeting, paper, or boxes. Be sure to inspect electrical cords regularly and have them replaced if they’re damaged. Remember that extension cords without internal fuses should not be used for extended periods. They are intended for short-term use only. Smoking is prohibited.

18 Slips, Trips, and Falls According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 265,000 nonfatal injuries from slips, trips, and falls every year. Slips, trips, and falls result in 17% of all nonfatal workplace injuries per year. Visitors and clients can also become statistics.

19 Types of Injuries Usually slips, trips, and falls are minor and don’t result in injury. But sometimes these accidents are serious. Some are permanently disabling. Injuries can occur whether you fall from a height, like a ladder, or just slip or trip on ground level. Injuries resulting from slips, trips, or falls include: Back or spine injuries Head injuries Muscle strains; Sprains and torn ligaments; Broken bones; or Life threatening

20 Common Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls
Messy work areas Inadequate lighting Not watching where you’re going Running or walking too fast Spills and wet floors

21 Common Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls
Clutter Open drawers Flooring problems Failure to use handrails going up or down stairs Lack of caution on ladders Wearing inappropriate shoes

22 Eliminate Trip Hazards
Put things away after use. Pick up items you see on the floor. Step over or around obstructions. Walk slowly and change directions slowly, especially when carrying a load. Watch for changes in floor levels. Report lighting problems.

23 Eliminate Trip Hazards
Don’t leave boxes, bags, tools, or other materials on the floor. Don’t block walkways with carts or other equipment. Don’t leave cords or power cables in walkways. Don’t place anything on stairs. Don’t leave drawers open.

24 Watch Out for Slip Hazards
Clean up spills, drips, and leaks immediately Put up signs or barriers to warn about wet floors Put down mats on wet days Wear shoes with nonskid soles Walk slowly and slide your feet on wet, slippery surfaces Report observed issues immediately

25 Keep Alert and Use Common Sense
Be aware of the hazards Pay attention to where you are going Adjust your stride according to the walking surface Make wide turns at corners Don’t block your vision when carrying items

26 Be Careful on Stairs Use handrails. Walk—don’t run.
Inspect for slippery surfaces or damaged steps. Do not put objects on steps. Be especially careful when carrying a load.

27 Choose the Right Ladder for the Job
Preventing falls from ladders starts with choosing the right ladder for the job. A step stool might be just what you need to safely get to an item on a shelf that is just out of reach. In higher places, use a stepladder. Make sure to choose the right one for the job. Don’t stretch or overreach. Instead, use a straight ladder of the right height. If you need to go even higher, use an extension ladder.

28 Ladder ‘Don’ts’ Don’t stand on the top two steps of a stepladder or the top three rungs of a straight or extension ladder Don’t place a ladder on boxes or barrels to gain height Don’t join two short ladders together to form a longer ladder Don’t use a box or chair in place of a ladder

29 Set Up Ladders Correctly
Place ladders on a firm, level surface Take precautions when setting up in front of a door Make sure stepladder braces are fully extended Position straight and extension ladders properly (4 to 1 rule) Watch where you lean ladders Secure ladders top and bottom

30 Climb and Descend Safely
Wear proper shoes. Allow only one person on the ladder at a time. Face the ladder when climbing and descending, and hold onto rails with both hands. Carry tools so hands are free. Hoist up materials once you’re up.

31 Climb and Descend Safely
Keep one hand on the ladder while you work. Keep your body centered. Don’t overreach. Move slowly and cautiously. Never slide down a ladder.

32 Inspect Ladders Before Each Use
Ladders should be inspected before each use. Be sure to check: Joints Hardware and fittings Moveable parts Ropes Safety feet and locks Rungs and steps

33 What to Do If You’re Falling
You could minimize injury by remembering to: Bend elbows and knees to absorb shock. Roll with the fall. Tuck your head. Use hands and forearms to break the fall. Yell or exhale as you fall.

34 What to Do If You’re Injured
Report the incident to your supervisor and/or HR. Get medical attention. Follow doctor’s orders.

35 Key Points to Remember Keep walkways clean and clear
Clean up spills promptly and pick up trip hazards from the floor Make sure stairs and ladders are safe and use them carefully Walk slowly, watch where you’re going, and wear proper shoes Don’t carry loads that block your vision

36 Electrical Hazards Even though offices don’t have a lot of high-voltage equipment, electricity is still a hazard you need to be aware of. Make sure not to overload outlets and circuits. When you plug too many office machines into an outlet, you may overload the circuit. This could result in overheated wiring, which could cause a fire. Damaged electrical cords and plugs are also hazardous. Damaged cords and plugs should be reported and replaced right away. Visually inspect electrical equipment before plugging it in. Any piece of equipment that shocks, smells, sparks, or smokes should be turned off immediately and reported. Leave any electrical repairs to a qualified electrician. Don’t try to fix electrical equipment yourself. Just report it and leave the repairs to an expert.

37 Safe Stacking and Storing
Store items in a safe place Stack evenly and carefully Don’t stack too high Make sure shelves can hold the weight Inspect your work

38 Preventing Cuts and Bruises
Two often forgotten office hazards are cuts and bruises. You may occasionally use a box knife to open packages or boxes. If you do, always cut away from you, never toward your body. Be sure to close the blade as soon as you’re finished using the knife. Scissors with sharp points can also cut or puncture skin. Store them in the closed position with the pointed end facing away from you. Watch out for other items with sharp points like letter openers, which can cause a puncture wound as well.

39 Preventing Cuts and Bruises
When handing a sharp tool to another person, hold it carefully and off the handle end, not the blade end. Do not leave sharp instruments/tools in soapy water. Keep hands away from the blade when cutting. When you’re finished, put the blade in the down position and latch it. Use common sense. Your hands could get pinched under a heavy box as you put it down. You could also get a finger pinched if it’s caught as you close your desk drawer.

40 Office Ergonomics: Risk Factors
There are two common ergonomic risk factors for office workers— repetitive motion and poor posture: Most office workers are exposed to the risks created by repetitive motions resulting from such things as the repetitive nature of keyboarding and using a mouse. Maintaining an awkward posture for long periods is another risk factor for most office workers. Examples include extending arms to type, hunching the shoulders while working, bending or twisting your neck while you work, or leaning forward to get closer to the computer screen.

41 Office Ergonomics: Risk Factors
Force might be another risk factor for some people in the office. If you are constantly lifting, bending, reaching, pushing, or pulling, you could be at risk of incurring an ergonomic injury. Other ergonomic risk factors include contact stress and vibration, but these are not normally problems for office workers.

42 Office Ergonomics: Proper Posture
Maintain a good posture. Keep your head facing straight ahead while you work at your computer. To keep your head aligned properly, place your monitor directly in front of you about an arm’s length away. The screen should be positioned so that while you work your eyes remain level with a point about 2 to 3 inches below the top of the screen.

43 Office Ergonomics: Proper Posture
When you sit, your knees should be bent about 90 degrees so that they are comfortable. Choose a chair that can be adjusted for height. Make sure the chair is comfortable, even after you sit for 30 to 60 minutes. The chair should have a good, firm backrest to provide adequate lower back support. Be sure to sit all the way back in the chair so that your back is well supported.

44 Office Ergonomics: Proper Posture
Your feet should be resting flat on the floor or on a footrest. Remove any obstructions from under your desk that interfere with the proper position of your legs and feet. Keep your wrists in line with your forearms so that your wrists are not flexed up or down or bent to either side. Adjust your keyboard to the right height and tilt to keep your wrists comfortably straight. Remember not to rest your wrists on a wristrest while typing. This puts pressure on your carpal tunnel. Only use a wristrest during typing pauses.

45 Office Ergonomics: Proper Posture
Keep your shoulders in a comfortable, relaxed position while you work. Adjustable armrests on your chair can help support your shoulders. Keep your elbows at your side while keyboarding. Extending your elbows out when typing puts additional strain on your shoulders and elbow joints.

46 Office Ergonomics: Reduce Repetition
Reduce your risk: Prevent injury by alternating tasks so that the same muscle groups are not used all day long. For example, if you spend a lot of time keyboarding, then every 30 to 60 minutes, take a little time away from the computer and perform some other task—for example, making copies, filing, or returning phone calls. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s productive and doesn’t involve typing.

47 Office Ergonomics: Reduce Repetition
Reduce the strain of repetition by taking minibreaks right at your desk. Between bursts of typing activity, allow your hands to relax in a flat and straight posture. Also take this opportunity to shift your position, shrug your shoulders, and rotate your neck gently. Take eye breaks at least every 15 minutes. Look away from the monitor at something at least 20 feet away for about a minute. This allows your eye muscles to relax. Blink rapidly for a few seconds, too, to refresh the eyes’ surface.

48 Office Ergonomics: Reduce Repetition
Stretching exercises can also help reduce the strain of repetitive tasks. You can do them right at your desk. Start by stretching your hands. Make a fist and then extend and spread your fingers. To stretch your wrists and forearms, hold your arms straight out in front of your body and bend your hands up and down.

49 Office Ergonomics: Reduce Repetition
Stretch your shoulders by rolling them back and forth or reaching your arms overhead, stretching, and then bending gently from side to side. Stretch your neck by moving your head gently up and down and from side to side. Finally, stretch your back by standing up, placing your hands on your hips, and arching gently backward.

50 Back Safety Maintain good back posture when sitting, standing, or lifting Do not lift more than you can handle Use material-handling aids Make sure you can see over and around loads you are carrying

51 Safe Lifting Establish a wide and stable stance
Bend at your knees and hips and squat down next to the object Grip the object firmly Hold the object close to your body When turning, use your feet and turn your whole body, not at the waist.

52 Safe Lifting Pull the object close Tighten your stomach muscles
Keep your back straight Rise up using your leg muscles, not your back muscles

53 Workplace Stress Stress can come from many areas of your life.
Pressures on the job can be stressful. So can personal problems, like financial difficulties, family issues, or illnesses. Lifestyle changes like getting married or divorced, having a baby, or moving to a new home can also be stressful. And let’s not forget everyday annoyances like commuting to work in traffic, standing in lines, and on and on. Symptoms of stress include emotional distress such as anger, anxiety, or depression. You may also experience physical symptoms like headaches, neck or back pain, or stomach problems like heartburn.

54 Workplace Stress Sometimes stress is episodic. It comes and goes depending on what you have on your plate. Episodes of stress, for example, are common during the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Year. When things calm down, you’re likely to feel less stressed. Although stress is often a problem, it can also have some benefits. When channeled properly, stress can help you improve your focus and concentration. A positive response to modest amounts of stress can improve your work performance and even help you become more confident.

55 Stress Management Most often, however, stress gets to be a problem, and can even negatively affect your health. Use some simple stress management techniques: Try to control your reaction to stressful situations by thinking positively rather than negatively about the situation. Manage your anger. Use positive thoughts and self-talk to alleviate fear or worry. Remind yourself that you’ve gotten through tough situations before, and you can this time, too. Release some of the tension by getting some exercise. Eating right and getting enough sleep also helps.

56 Stress Management Avoid stressful situations. Take a less traveled route to and from work to avoid the traffic. Shop when stores are less crowded. Pick your battles at home and at work, and don’t sweat the small stuff. If your life is getting hectic, get organized. Set priorities, develop routines, and maintain an accurate calendar of commitments. Finally, don’t forget to laugh, relax, and find some quiet time to do the things you like to do.

57 Key Points to Remember Offices have more hazards than most people think. Keep alert to hazards and take precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Know how to respond to emergencies. Reduce exposure to ergonomic risk factors. Always lift safely. Recognize symptoms of stress and take steps to manage it effectively.

58 Exceptional Team – Exceptional Solutions
Acknowledgement of Training – Office Safety I acknowledge through my submittal below that, on this date, I reviewed the training session. I further acknowledge that I understood the training and the CGA, Inc. expectations, and I will act consistently with those expectations. I also understand that if I have questions or concerns regarding the matters covered by the training, that I can address those with Human Resources. Please click the button below to submit an to HR for training acknowledgement. Submit Acknowledgement

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