Sound & Light SC.912.P.10.18 SC.912.P.10.21 SC.912.P.12.7.

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Presentation on theme: "Sound & Light SC.912.P.10.18 SC.912.P.10.21 SC.912.P.12.7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sound & Light SC.912.P.10.18 SC.912.P.10.21 SC.912.P.12.7

2 1 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT
BOARD 1 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT Take out your journal & writing utensil donovan darius jamya Ms. King desk terronda, damion, shomari denice eddie ronica Cabinets steven sapphira justis chiarrah, rhyannon, alexia tayia davon B kiana aaron jordan isaiah kendjy kanisha torien elijah BLACK DESKS ONLY: Breonna, Destiney, Kenneth diamond marisa matthew christian B

3 christie, akiara, perryon
BOARD 2 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT Take out your journal & writing utensil ty’riona desean carmani Ms. King desk asia, christine V jakeria T kendall malik Cabinets destini alexandria deondre christie, akiara, perryon jakeria W courtney lionel semaj donquavis isaiah diane, annamaria tareek COMPUTERS Tyquan

4 Cain, Padilla, Thomas, Sanquan
BOARD 4 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT Take out your journal & writing utensil amari garry stephanie Ms. King desk gammoni, cathie jayla calvin brooklen tylauna devin ivory Cabinets jordan, brittany raheem taliyah tashauna kenosha samiyah jalen, dre, jamal COMPUTERS (pair up) Cain, Padilla, Thomas, Sanquan

5 emely le, emely s, derreonte kenneth, jamileth, sarah
BOARD 6 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT Take out your journal & writing utensil crystal steven joshua Ms. King desk nick, darius, cornel jaquan chaiashia tyrah Cabinets jov’on xavier kyceem emely le, emely s, derreonte christian p jasmine D kenya jasmine h khai izshel kenneth, jamileth, sarah zachary Black desks None justen f

6 keniya, shantrell, faith
BOARD 7 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT Take out your journal & writing utensil jamauri ah’drevious tiffany Ms. King desk Carrie, nelson raquan dawud Cabinets taylor erika lakeiorioa shakira, regina, briana essence raven m caitlyn zakera russel gabriella keniya, shantrell, faith Tyler computers Lee raven s michelle alexis destiny cayla s

7 8 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT
BOARD 8 Bell Ringer for points! FIND YOUR NEW SEAT Take out your journal & writing utensil camille anbriana candie Ms. King desk alvin ahmari jada jakyyah shavonna kiyiem, nick r, colay Cabinets richard, cameron P, johneda ralph kyree diante --empty-- sa’koyia, essence, noemi Computers (one per computer) Jeannie, Chris F, Antonio, Hayley, Courtney

8 Announcements Make-up work Grades updated: 3rd quarter finished
Journals, tests, quizzes Grades updated: 3rd quarter finished 4th quarter grading starts NOW Homework & Journal CGA May 27-28 Ticket exchange Thursday / Friday! Classroom procedures Heads down/ sleeping/ off-topic conversations

9 8 minutes DO NOW Draw the wave above and label: wavelength, amplitude, crest, trough Draw two waves: one with high frequency and one with low frequency Draw two waves: one with high amplitude and one with low amplitude Draw one wave with high frequency and low amplitude Draw one wave with long wavelength and low amplitude

10 The entire range of electromagnetic waves, including all possible frequencies, is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Frequency = energy Shorter the wavelength, higher the energy Notice the order of colors of visible light Which color has the most energy Which color has the least energy

11 10 minutes Think, write, share
With your group mates, discuss and determine the following: Be prepared to share out for “Electromagnetic spectrum worksheet” grade I will call on random people to answer – this is a group/activity grade


13 Expectations for notes
C – None; unless directed H – raise hand A – light and sound notes M – None unless given permission P – taking notes, asking questions, no heads down, no sleeping S – 4th quarter success!

14 sound

15 Frequency and Pitch The pitch of a sound is how you hear and interpret its frequency. A low-frequency sound has a low pitch. A high-frequency sound has a high pitch. Each person is saying “Hello”.

16 The speed of sound The speed of sound in normal air is 343 meters per second (660 miles per hour). Sound travels through most liquids and solids faster than through air.

17 24.1 The speed of sound Objects that move faster than sound are called supersonic. If you were on the ground watching a supersonic plane fly toward you, there would be silence. The sound would be behind the plane, racing to catch up. Example of "Sonic Boom“  F14 Tomcat

18 Music that is school appropriate
The Doppler effect When the object is moving, the frequency will not be the same to all listeners. The shift in frequency caused by motion is called the Doppler effect. You hear the Doppler effect when you hear a police or fire siren coming toward you (gradually louder), then going away from you (gradually softer). 1 volunteer needed Must have: Cell phone Music that is school appropriate


20 The wavelength of sound
Wavelength is also important to sound. Musical instruments use the wavelength of a sound to create different frequencies.

21 Pitch  Frequency

22 Loudness  Amplitude

23 light

24 Properties of light Light travels fast over long distances and carries energy and information. Light travels in straight lines, but can be bent by lenses or reflected by mirrors heat and warmth. Light has color and can be bright or dim.

25 The electromagnetic spectrum
Light, like sound and heat, is a form of energy. The visible light we see is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

26 Properties of light You see book pages because light in the room reflects from the page to your eyes. Your eyes and brain use the information carried by the light to make a mental picture.

27 Color and energy Need 3 volunteers
When all the colors of the rainbow are combined, we see light without any color. We call the combination of all colors white light. Need 3 volunteers

28 Color and energy Compare the hot, blue flame from a gas stove to the orange flame of a match. Which has higher energy? * Think back to the electromagnetic spectrum

29 Color and energy The light from a gas flame is blue (high energy) and the light from a match is red-orange (low energy).

30 25.1 The speed of light The speed at which light travels through air is about 300 million meters per second. NOTHING IS FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT!!

31 25.1 Wavelength and Frequency of Light

32 Wavelength and Frequency of Visible Light

33 Labs! We will be conducting labs this class and next class
If you are unable to conduct yourself in an appropriate way beneficial to the learning environment, you will be sent to 207 (Hunter) or 308 (Dean) to complete an alternative assignment Conduct for walking through the halls (classroom consequences): Do not bang on walls Do not disappear to use the bathroom without permission Stay with the group if you are lagging behind I will send you back Do not disturb other teachers classrooms

34 Exit Slip

35 Vocab flip chart Medium - an intervening substance through which signals can travel Electromagnetic wave Electromagnetic spectrum Doppler effect Pitch Frequency Amplitude wavelength

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