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ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 اعداد/ زينة مكي دحام مبرمج اقدم.

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1 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 اعداد/ زينة مكي دحام مبرمج اقدم

2 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 يعتبر برنامج Adobe PhotoShop ME7 من اقوى وأشهر برنامج في التعامل مع الصور والتعديل عليها وبرنامج Adobe PhotoShop بجميع اصداراته ليس برنامج للرسم فقط بقدر ما هو برنامج يتعامل مع الصور. حيث يحتوي البرنامج على ادوات مفيدة تقدم افضل مستوى من التفاعل بين المستخدم والبرنامج للوصول الى افضل النتائج المراد تحقيقها ,ويستخدم ايضاً في تصميم المطبوعات ومواقع الانترنيت والإعلانات. Let’s look at the topics we will cover in our session today.

3 Program Windows تحتوي نافذة برنامج Adobe PhotoShop على مكونات وأدوات وتسمى بالنافذة الرئيسية :- After completion of this lesson, we will be able to: Create new files Work with Menus, layer window and palette options Work with tools in Photoshop Adjust layers based on requirements Add Mask effects Develop translations وتتكون النافذة الرئيسية من :- 1- شريط العنوان :- يكون هذا الشريط في اعلى النافذة يحتوي على اسم البرنامج وأيضا على ثلاثة ازرار على يمين النافذة ( زر اغلاق البرنامج , زر الاستعادة والتكبير للنافذة وزر التصغير على شريط المهام ), وإذا كانت نافذة العمل بملأ الشاشة يظهر على شريط العنوان الرئيسي اسم الصورة ونظام الالوان المستخدم والنسبة المئوية الظاهر بها التصميم على نافذة العمل كما في الشكل التالي :-

4 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 2- شريط القوائم :- هو الشريط الثاني بعد شريط العنوان ويتكون من مجموعة قوائم المنسدلة :- قائمة File : الخاصة بالتعامل مع ورقة التصميم . قائمة Edit : تحرير ورقة التصميم من حيث (القص واللصق والتراجع والإعادة) وغيرها من الادوات الخ . قائمة Image : للتعامل مع انظمة الوان التصميم . قائمة Layer : للتعامل مع طبقات التصميم . قائمة Select : للتعامل مع التحديد . قائمة Filter : تحتوي هذه القائمة على مجموعة من التأثيرات الجاهزة التي يمكن اضافتها والتحكم بها اثناء التصميم . قائمة View : لتحديد اسلوب العرض وإظهار الشبكة والمسطرة. قائمة Windows : تستخدم هذه القائمة في اظهار وإخفاء النوافذ وطريقة ظهورها . قائمة Help : تستخدم هذه القائمة للحصول على المساعدة . Now, let’s look at an introduction of Photoshop. Photoshop is known to be the world’s standard image editing software. It provides an efficient, professional working environment that is the benchmark by which other products are judged. Photoshop is a pixel-based graphic which is used for photo-editing. Using various tools in Photoshop, you can incorporate resolution-independent, vector-based graphics & types into Pixel-based images to achieve an unparalleled range of design effects. Lets watch a small video clip to see different formats available in Save As dialogue box to save your document.

5 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 3- صندوق الادوات :- يحتوي على مجموعة من الادوات المهمة التي لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها خلال العمل على البرنامج . Let us now familiarize ourselves with the Photoshop CS5 interface. The most important elements of the interface are: Menu bar Option bar Colors Tool box Panels Layers In Photoshop, the most important element of the interface is the toolbar. It contains a bunch of icons that represent the different tools that Photoshop offers to alter and create images. These include tools for selecting specific areas of images, changing the colors of the image, stretching, transforming, and erasing parts of an image, and many more. 4- شريط الخصائص :- يظهر هذا الشريط اسفل شريط القوائم وظيفته التحكم في الادوات الموجودة في صندوق الادوات حيث ان كل اداة من الادوات تحتوي على خصائص معينة خاصة بالأداة

6 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 5- نافذة العمل : تظهر هذه النافذة في وسط النافذة الرئيسية وهي النافذة التي يتم العمل عليها . 6- النوافذ المساعدة : هي مجموعة من النوافذ موجودة على يمين النافذة الرئيسية التي تحتوي علة مجموعة من المعلومات الخاصة بالعمل من حيث الالوان والطبقات وتاريخ الاحداث التي مر بها التصميم . Let’s now learn to work with Photoshop colors. What is a color? Well! Now we will see the actual definition of a color. Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eyes. Color wheel: A color wheel is an abstract illustrative organization of color hues around a circle that shows relationships between primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors. Today we will learn about primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors Primary colors are sets of colors that can be combined to make a useful range of colors. Primary colors normally used are Red, Green and Blue. RGB: The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers A secondary color is a color made by mixing of any two primary colors in a given color space. We will see a few examples of secondary colors: Red + green = yellow Green + blue = cyan Blue + red = magenta Secondary colors normally used are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black. CMYK: If you need to have your photograph printed by a commercial printer using 'full color process printing', you will have to covert RGB files to CMYK, as a printing press uses the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black) color space. Complementary colors: In color theory, two colors are called complementary if, when mixed in the proper proportion, they produce a neutral color such as grey, white, or black. GRAYSCALE: It is a color mode in Photoshop and used for black & white modification. It is the combination of black, white and gray colors. HSB: Stands for Hue, Saturation, and Brightness, it is suitable for changing the scenery background & environments.

7 Menus Bar قائمة File *لإدراج ورقة تصميم فارغة للعمل عليها نستخدم الامر Newاو الضغط على مفتاحي Ctrl+N من لوحة المفاتيح حيث تظهر النافذة التالية :- وتحتوي هذه النافذة على : Name:تحتوي هذه النافذة على اسم التصميم. Preset Size: يحتوي البرنامج على العديد من المقاسات الجاهزة باختلاف مقاسات الورق ومن الممكن اختيار أي منها .ولكتابة المقاسات يدوياً في خانتي Width (عرض الورقة) و Height(طول الورقة) نختار Custom . Once you create a file in Photoshop, you may save it into any file format. So, we will now learn about file formats which will be useful for us in course development. Photoshop will save your images/files in a huge variety of formats. We will use a few file formats for print and some are for Internet and multimedia purpose. In general we use the following file formats for course development. PSD JPEG GIF PNG A PSD file is the proprietary layered format used by Adobe. It stands for Photoshop Document and is designed to take advantage of Photoshop’s layer blending options. The most common file format used for digital photographs is JPEG and it offers a relatively small file size. JPEG stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group”. It is the only way in which images are transformed into data and this format does not perform well for line graphics or charts. GIF stands for “Graphics Interchange Format”. GIF images are a form of bitmap, designed to be much smaller files. GIF images are well-suited for use on the internet and also support animation. They support the transparency feature. PNG stands for “Portable Network Graphics” and is a format designed to replace GIFs, using superior technology. It has support for many of the GIF features including transparency. PNG images are usually larger files because of the higher quality as compared to either GIFs or JPGs.

8 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 Resolution : مسؤولة عن دقة التصميم من حيث النقاط (Pixels) في Inch الواحد او السنتمتر Cm . Mode: هي المسؤولة عن نظام الالوان . * لغرض استعراض او استدعاء جميع الصيغ للصور الموجودة على الحاسوب وفتحها داخل البرنامج نستخدم الامر Open . * لتسهيل على الصورة او التصميم نستخدم الامر Browse حيث مصغرات للصور دون الحاجة لتشغيله داخل البرنامج . * لاستدعاء صيغة البرنامج ( PSD ) نستخدم الامر Open As * ولفتح اخر الملفات التي قمنا بالعمل عليها في البرنامج نستخدم الامر Open Recent * لإغلاق الصورة او التصميم الفعال نستخدم الامر Close * لحفظ اخر التعديلات على التصميم نستخدم الامر Save * لحفظ التصميم بأسم او تحويله من صيغة الى اخرى نستخدم الامر Save as * لحفظ التصميم او الصورة للانترنيت لتسهيل تناقلها عبر الانترنيت او لتصميم صفحات الويب نستخدم الامر Save For Web وذلك لصغر الحجم والمساحة التي يشغلها التصميم او الصورة . * لاسترجاع جميع التعديلات التي حدثت على التصميم الى النسخة الاولية نستخدم الامر Revert Now, we will learn how to Create a new file and Set properties of a new file Let’s look at the properties of a new file. Name: Type in the desired name for the image. Width: Set width for the file in pixels. Height: Set height for the file in pixels. Resolution: Resolution is the number of pixels. Set the resolution (use default 72 dpi for practice). Color Mode: A color mode in Photoshop determines the color MODEL used to display and print documents. Best practice is to set the Color mode to RGB color. Background Contents: We have three options available in the background contents as: 1. White:- To fill white in the background. 2. Background color:- To fill the current background color. 3. Transparent:- To make transparent, with no color values, then click OK. Lets watch a small simulation on creating our first Photoshop document.

9 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ME7 ادوات التحديد Selective Tools : وظيفة هذه الايقونة التمكن من تحريك التحديد عن طريق الضغط على المساحة المحددة والسحب وعدم السماح لتحديد اكثر من منطقة على التصميم ويمكن الغاء التحديد عند الضغط بالماوس في أي منطقة على التصميم بعيداً عن المنطقة المحدودة. هذه الايقونة تستخدم للسماح في تحديد اكثر من منطقة على التصميم . وظيفة هذه الايقونة هو تحديد منطقة وتحديد منطقة اخرى بوجود التحديد الاول وتقاطع التحديدين معاً.يتم انقاص منطقة التقاطع من التحديد الاول. هذه الايقونة عكس الايقونة السابقة حيث تبقي منطقة التقاطع فقط . We just now learned how to create a new file. Now let us enter into Photoshop and learn about menus. A menu bar is a region of a screen or application interface where drop down menus are displayed. Menu bars are typically present in graphical user interfaces that display documents and representations of files in windows and windowing systems but menus can be used as well in command line interface programs like text editors or file managers where a drop-down menu is activated with a shortcut key or a combination of keys.

10 Adobe Photoshop ME Topic 4: Working with Tools Horizontal Type Tool
Move Tool Crop Tool Hand Too l Pen Tool Horizontal Type Tool Rectangul ar Marquee Tool Gradient Tool Eraser To ol Zoom To ol Today we will learn and explore tools within Photoshop. A tool is a device that can be used to produce an item or achieve a task. Let’s look at the tools which are commonly used by course developers in Photoshop. Move Tool (V): The move tool allows you to move a selection or entire layer by dragging it with your mouse or using your keyboard arrows keys. Rectangular Marquee Tool (Shift + M): This tool allows you to create Rectangular selection. Crop Tool (C): The Crop tool allows you to select an area of an image and discard everything outside this area. Eraser Tool (E): Using this tool you can erase the image within a document. Gradient Tool: The Gradient tool creates a gradual blend between multiple colors. You can choose from preset gradient fills or create your own. You can choose from an existing gradient fill or create your own. Paint Bucket tool: It is used to fill the foreground & background color in the selected area. The shortcut to fill foreground color is Alt+ Backspace and for fill background color it is Ctrl+Backspace Pen Tool (P): Click to add points to a path Freeform Pen Tool: Draw a freeform path Add Anchor Point Tool: Click on the path to insert an anchor point Delete Anchor Point Tool: Click on an anchor point to delete it from the path Convert Point Tool: Smooth a corner or sharpen a curve Horizontal Type Tool (T): Insert horizontal text into the image Vertical Type Tool: Insert vertical text into the image Horizontal Type Mask Tool: Create horizontal type-shaped selections Vertical Type Mask Tool: Create vertical type-shaped selections Hand Tool: Click and drag to move around in the page Rotate View Tool: Non-destructively rotate the canvas Zoom Tool (Z): Click with the zoom tool to magnify the image so you can see individual pixels more clearly. Drag to enclose the specify portion of the image you want to magnify. To restore to 100%, double click the zoom tool icon. We have now learned how to use Photoshop tools. Let’s move ahead and learn how to work with Layers Windows/Palette Options. Lets watch a small video clip on how to cut image using the pen tool.

11 Adobe Photoshop ME انواع ادوات التحديد :- Rectangle Marquee Tool :
تستخدم هذه الاداة لتحديد شكل المستطيل . Elliptical Marquee Tool : تستخدم هذه الاداة لتحديد شكل دائري او بيضوي . Polygonal Lasso Tool : تعتبر ادق اداة للتحديد حيث يتم تحديد المنطقة عن رسم خطوط مستقيمة . Lasso Tool : هذه الاداة تستخدم لرسم تحديد حر بالضغط بالماوس والسير على المنطقة المراد تحديدها . Magnetic Lasso Tool : تستخدم هذه الاداة لعمل تحديد بالانجذاب الى منطقة لونية محددة . Let’s learn about layers and windows/palette options. Today we will learn: How to Create a new layer How to Move Layers How to add Layer Styles How to copy and paste Layer styles How to align and distribute Layer Content

12 Adobe Photoshop ME قائمة Select : * لرسم مستطيل تحديد يشمل التصميم ككل نستخدم الامر Select Al(Ctrl+A). * لإلغاء أي تحديد على التصميم نستخدم الامر Deselect (Ctrl+D). *لاسترجاع اخر تحديد قمنا بإلغائه نستخدم الامر Reselect (Ctrl+Shift+D). * اذا اردنا عكس التحديد لمنطقة معينة نستخدم الامر Inverse (Ctrl+Shift+I). * نستخدم الامر Feather لتحديد حجم شفافية اطراف التحديد . قبل استخدام الامر بعد استخدام الامر ملاحظة :- يجب وضع قيمة (Feather) قبل عمل تحديد المنطقة المراد العمل عليها وتقاس وحدة ال Feather بوحدة ال Pixel . Let’s learn about layers and windows/palette options. Today we will learn: How to Create a new layer How to Move Layers How to add Layer Styles How to copy and paste Layer styles How to align and distribute Layer Content 12

13 Adobe Photoshop ME تحتوي قائمة Modify على عدة اوامر
الامر Border :- يستخدم هذا الامر لعمل اطار خارجي للمنطقة المحددة حيث تظهر نافذة نحدد من خلالها سمك الاطار . الامر Expand :- يستخدم هذا الامر بعمل توسع للتحديد . الامر Contract :- هذا الامر عكس الامر السابق يقوم بعمل تضييق للتحديد Let’s learn about layers and windows/palette options. Today we will learn: How to Create a new layer How to Move Layers How to add Layer Styles How to copy and paste Layer styles How to align and distribute Layer Content 13

14 Adobe Photoshop ME الامر Transform Select :- عند استخدام هذا الامر تظهر ثمانية مقابس على التحديد نستطيع من خلالها تصغير وتكبير حجم التحديد من حيث العرض والطول وزاوية الميل ويمكن التحوير على التحديد بالضغط المستمر على لوحة المفاتيح ( Ctrl) . الامر Save Selection :- من خلال هذا الامر نقوم بحفظ التحديد باسم معين من خلال نافذة تظهر ثم نضغط على زر OK . الامر Load Selection :- من خلال هذا الامر نقوم باستدعاء التحديد الذي قمنا بحفظه . اداة Move Tool :- تستخدم هذه الاداة لتحريك كائن الطبقة المحددة. حيث تحتوي هذه الاداة على خيارين :- Auto Select Layer :عند تفعيل هذا الخيار وأردنا اختيار كائن من التصميم دون التقيد بطبقته ما علينا إلا الضغط عليه بالماوس. Show Bounding Box :عند تفعيل هذا الخيار سوف تظهر مقابس من خلالها نستطيع التحكم في حجم الكائن وعند الانتهاء نضغط Enter من لوحة المفاتيح . اداة Crop Tool :- تستخدم هذه الاداة تحويل المنطقة المحددة الى صورة لها نفس مقاسات المنطقة المحددة . Let’s learn about layers and windows/palette options. Today we will learn: How to Create a new layer How to Move Layers How to add Layer Styles How to copy and paste Layer styles How to align and distribute Layer Content 14

15 Adobe Photoshop ME وعند ضغط على مفتاح Enter بعد استخدام الاداة في تحديد المنطقة المراد تحديدها تظهر الصورة بالشكل التالي:- Let’s learn about layers and windows/palette options. Today we will learn: How to Create a new layer How to Move Layers How to add Layer Styles How to copy and paste Layer styles How to align and distribute Layer Content 15

16 Adobe Photoshop ME وعند استخدام هذه الاداة يظهر في شريط خصائصها عدة خيارات :- خياري Width – Height :لتحديد الطول والعرض للصورة . خيار Resolution :لتحديد دقة الصورة . قائمة Edit : تستخدم هذه القائمة في تحرير الصورة من قص ولصق والتراجع وتحتوي هذه القائمة على مجموعة من الاوامر وهي : Undo State Change: يستخدم هذا الامر في التراجع عن اخر تعديل قمنا بعمله . Step Forward: يستخدم هذا الامر في استرجاع التعديل الذي قمنا بعمل تراجع له . Step Backward: يستخدم هذا الامر للوصول الى اول تعديل وليس اخر تعديل . Fade: يستخدم هذا الامر في عمل شفافية للالوان . Cut: يستخدم هذا الامر في قص المنطقة المحددة. Copy: يستخدم هذا الامر في نسخ المنطقة المحددة مع الاحتفاظ بها كما هي . Paste : يستخدم هذا الامر في لصق الجزء الذي عملنا له نسخ او قص. Fill : يستخدم هذا الامر بتعبئة المنطقة المحددة وعند اختيار هذه الامر تظهر النافذة التالية . Let’s learn about layers and windows/palette options. Today we will learn: How to Create a new layer How to Move Layers How to add Layer Styles How to copy and paste Layer styles How to align and distribute Layer Content 16

17 Adobe Photoshop ME خانة Use : تحدد نوعية التعبئة .
خانة Mode : تحدد نمط التعبئة . خانة Opacity : تحدد نسبة الشفافية للتعبئة. الامر Free Transform : يستخدم هذا الامر في التعديل الحر على الكائن من حيث التغير في الطول والعرض والميل . الامر Transform: يستخدم هذا الامر ايضاً في اجراء التعديلات على الكائن لكن كم خلال اوامر جاهزة. الادوات التي تستخدم الفرش كل اداة من هذه الادوات لها خصائص معينة ومن هذه الادوات: * Brush : Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode.

18 Adobe Photoshop ME ويحتوي هذا الخيار على عدة خانات :
Master Diameter : تحدد حجم الفرشاة . Mode : يحدد نمط الفرشاة . Opacity: يحدد نسبة شفافية الرسم . Flow : يحدد التدفق للرسم . * Pencil : تستخدم هذه الاداة في الرسم اليدوي الحر مع خطوط حادة الاطراف. Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode.

19 Adobe Photoshop ME :- Clone Stamp Tool تستخدم هذه الاداة في نقل جزء من الصورة الى مكان اخر في نفس الصورة او في صورة اخرى مفتوحة داخل Photoshop مع الاحتفاظ بوجود هذا الجزء بمكانه . وبعد اختيار هذه الاداة نقوم بالضغط على الجزء المراد نسخه بالماوس والضغط على زر (Alt) Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 19 19

20 Adobe Photoshop ME Eraser Tool :- تستخدم هذه الاداة في محو الجزء المراد من الصورة وإظهار الطبقة السفلية له . Dodge Tool :- تستخدم هذه الاداة في زيادة حدة الصورة. قبل استخدام الاداة بعد استخدام الاداة Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 20 20

21 Adobe Photoshop ME وعند استخدام هذه الاداة تظهر خصائصها على شريط الخصائص الخيار Range : يمثل المدى الذي تؤثر عليه الاداة على الصورة حيث نختار Shadow اذا اردنا التأثير على الظلال و Highlights اذا اردنا التأثير على شدة الاضاءة ونختار Midtones اذا اردنا ان نؤثر على الصورة بشكل متساوي Sponge Tool :- وظيفة هذه الاداة انها تقوم بزيادة تشبع الصورة بالألوان او انقاصها حيث عند اختيار هذه الاداة تظهر فيها خاصية Mode تحتوي على الخيارين Saturate :- يقوم بزيادة تشبع الالوان. Desaturate :- عكس الخيار الاول يقوم بإنقاص التشبع. استخدام الامرDesaturate استخدام الامر Saturate Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode.

22 Adobe Photoshop ME 22 Smudge Tool: تستخدم هذه الاداة في تسيل الصورة .
قائمة Image :- وظيفة هذه القائمة هو التعديل على الصورة من حيث الالوان والحجم ومن الادوات الموجودة فيها Mode :- يستخدم هذا الامر لمعرفة نظام الالوان . هناك عدة انظمة منها :- HSB(Hue Satration Brithness)1 :- العين البشرية تعمل بهذا النظام Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 22 22

23 Adobe Photoshop ME 23 Hue :- هو اللون المنعكس من أي مادة .
Satration :- هو تشبع اللون من مادة معينة. Brithness :- درجة تسليط الضوء على المادة . RGB(Red ,Green,Blue) :- يعمل هذا النظام على الاجهزة والحاسوب. R+G = Mogenta R+B=Yellow G+B=Cyan R+G+B=White R-G-B=Black *CMYK(Cyan ,Mogenta ,Yellow ,Black) *Gray Mode:- تحويل الصورة من نظام الالوان الى نظام الابيض والأسود مع الحفاظ على تدرجات الابيض والأسود. Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 23 23

24 Adobe Photoshop ME Adjustments :- يستخدم هذا الامر في التعديل على الوان الصورة ومن الخيارات التي تحتويها هذا الامر هي Levels :- يستخدم هذا الامر في زيادة الاضاءة على الصورة او انقاصها Auto Level :- يقوم هذا الامر بضبط الاضاءة في الصورة بصورة اتوماتيكية . Curves:- يقوم هذا الامر بتعديل الاضاءة على الصورة نفس الامر السابق لكن باستخدام منحني بياني كما في الشكل التالي . Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 24 24

25 Adobe Photoshop ME Color Balance :- يستخدم هذا الامر للتحكم في توازن الالوان عن طريق ثلاثة الوان الرئيسية. Brightness/Contrast :- من خلال هذا الامر يمكن التحكم بالإضاءة والوضوح للصورة. Hue/Saturation :- من خلال الامر يمكن تغيير الالوان وتشبعها والإضاءة في الصورة. Desaturate:- يقوم هذا الامر بتحويل الصورة الى اللونين الابيض والأسود. Selective Color :- يقوم هذا الامر التحكم في اللون عن طريق مجموعة من الالوان الرئيسية المكونة لهذا اللون . Channel Mixer :- من خلال هذا الامر يمكننا التحكم قنوات الالوان الرئيسية. Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 25 25

26 Adobe Photoshop ME Gradient map:- يقوم هذا الامر تدرج لوني للصورة بين لونين او اكثر. Invert :- هذا الامر يقوم بعكس الالوان المكونة للصورة. Equalize :- يعمل هذا الامر على اعادة توزيع الالوان الى الصورة وزيادة درجة الوضوح. Threshold :- يعمل هذا الامر على تحويل الصورة الى صورة خالية من أي تدرج للألوان عن طريق اللونين الابيض والأسود فقط . Posterize :- يقوم هذا الامر بتحويل الصورة الى صورة مرسومة يدوياً Duplicate :- يستخدم هذا الامر في عمل نسخة للملف المفتوح بكل عناصره . Image Size:-يمكن من خلال هذا الامر التحكم في حجم الصورة وأبعادها ودقتها. Canvas size :-هذا الامر مسؤول عن قص اطار للصورة حيث تصبح مساحة فارغة تحيط بالصورة ذات لون واحد . Rotate Canvas :- يتم من خلال هذا الامر التحكم في دوران الصورة ككل Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 26 26

27 Adobe Photoshop ME 27 Healing Brush :-
تستخدم هذه الاداة في معالجة مناطق لا يستحب تواجدها في الصورة قبل استخدام الاداة بعد استخدام الاداة :- تستخدم هذه الاداة في ملئ الالوان Paint Bucket- بالمنطقة المحددة . Gradient :- تستخدم هذه الاداة في رسم تدرج لوني بين لونين او اكثر وعند اختيار هذه الاداة تظهر خصائصها. Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 27 27

28 Adobe Photoshop ME Linear Gradient :- تستخدم هذه الاداة في عمل تدرج خطي باتجاه مستقيم . Radial Gradient :- تستخدم في عمل تدرج لوني على شكل انبعاث ضوء. Angle Gradient :-تستخدم في عمل تدرج على شكل زاوية . Reflected Gradient :- تستخدم في عمل تدرج لوني على شكل انعكاس لأحد الالوان . Daimond Gradient :- تستخدم في عمل تدرج على شكل بريق الالماس. Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 28 28

29 Adobe Photoshop ME النافذة Layer:- من اهم النوافذ في البرنامج حيت يمكننا التحكم من خلالها في جميع عناصر التصميم . الطبقات (Layers) :- هذا الجزء هو المكون للتصميم بحيث ان كل عنصر من عناصر التصميم موجود في طبقة خاصة لان في حالة أي تعديل يحدث في العنصر لا يؤثر على بقية العناصر. رمز القفل :- في حالة وجود القفل معناه ان الطبقة مغلقة لا يمكن التعديل عليها , وعند فتح أي صورة في الفوتوشوب يظهر عليها اسم Background وظهور هذه الكلمة يعني ان هذه الطبقة هي الطبقة الوحيدة التي تحتوي على جميع العناصر. الشفافية الشفافية الشفافية التعبئة التعبئة التعبئة اضافة طبقة قناع فوق الطبقة المحددة. الطبقات الطبقات رمز القفل انشاء مجلد انشاء طبقة جديدة فوق الطبقة لإضافة التعبئة والإضاءة انشاء طبقة جديدة Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. حذف الطبقة 29 29

30 Adobe Photoshop ME Fill :- من خلال هذا الامر يمكننا التحكم في نسبة شفافية الالوان المعبئة للطبقة. Opacity :-من خلال هذا الامر يمكننا التحكم في نسبة شفافية الطبقة ككل . Delete Layer :- من خلال الامر يمكننا حذف الطبقة المحددة. New Layer :- من خلال هذا الامر نقوم بأنشاء طبقة جديدة فارغة . Create New Fill Or Adjustment Layer :- من خلال هذا الامر نستطيع انشاء طبقة فوق الطبقة المحددة نتحكم من خلالها في الاضاءة وألوان الطبقة المحددة . Create Anew Set :- من خلال هذا الامر يتم انشاء مجلد نقوم بوضع طبقات داخله ونلجأ الى انشاء هذا المجلد عندما يكون العمل مع عدد كبير من الطبقات في التصميم ويتم تصنيف الطبقات على حسب طبيعة العمل ويتم تسمية المجلدات حسب التصنيف. Add Layer mask :- من خلال هذا الامر نستطيع عمل طبقة قناع داخل الطبقة المحددة . Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 30 30

31 Adobe Photoshop ME Add Layer Style :- يستخدم هذا الامر لعمل تطبيقات معينة على الطبقة مثل الظلال والتوهج . Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. انواع التأثيرات عند اختيار أي تأثير تظهر خصائصه 31 31

32 Adobe Photoshop ME فمثلاً عند اختيار التأثير Drop Shadow وهذا التأثير مسؤول عن ظهور اسقاط الظل قبل استخدام التأثير بعد استخدام التأثير الفرق بين Raster و Vector Raster ( الصور النقطية ) تعتمد هذه الصور بشكل اساسي على النقاط المكونة للصورة وتقاس بوحدة الPixel وإذا قمنا بتكبير حجم الصورة سوف يحدث تشويه للصورة وهذا النوع من الصور مرتبط ارتباط كبير بالتعامل مع برنامج PhotoShop لهذا فان هذا البرنامج لا يصلح في الرسم. اما Vector ( الرسوم المتجهة) تعتمد هذه الصور بشكل اساسي على اتجاهات الصور (محاور الرسم X-Y) وتستخدم هذه التقنية في برامج الرسم مثل Flash وغيرها .... حيث ان الصورة عندما نقوم بتكبير حجمها فانها تحافظ على دقتها. Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 32 32

33 Adobe Photoshop ME Indicates if layer is Linked:- عند الضغط على هذا الخيار سوف تظهر علامة وتعني هذه العلامة انه تم ربط الطبقة المحددة بالطبقة التي تظهر امامها العلامة ويمكن استخدام هذه الامكانية في محاذاة الطبقات مع بعضها باستخدام خاصية (Alignments) التي تظهر في شريط الخصائص عند الضغط على اداة التحريك (Move Tool) . Indicates Layer Visibility من خلال هذا الامر يمكننا اخفاء الطبقة او اظهارها. Lock All عند الضغط على هذه الايقونة يقوم بعمل رمز قفل على الطبقة المحددة وهذا يعني ان الطبقة مغلقة كلياً أي لا يمكن تحريكها او تعديل الالوان عليها. Lock Position عند الضغط على هذه الايقونة يقوم بتثبيت كائنات الطبقة بمكانها فقط أي لا يمكن تحريك محتوى الطبقة بهذا الخيار. Lock Transparent Pixel :-عند اختيار هذا الامر يتم غلق الطبقة الفارغة من أي تلوين او تعديل في قيم الشفافية . Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 33 33

34 Adobe Photoshop ME القائمة Layer:- تحتوي هذه القائمة على الاوامر المسئولة عن الطبقات . ومن هذه الاوامر :- New :- عند اختيار هذا الامر تظهر قائمة فرعية يتم منها اختيار نوعية الطبقة المراد انشاؤها . Duplicate :- يقوم هذا الامر بعمل نسخة من الطبقة المحددة Delete :- هذا الامر مسئول عن حذف الطبقة Rasterize :- يستخدم هذا الامر في تحويل ( طبقة الكتابة – طبقة الاشكال) الى طبقة عادية ( نقطية ) كما في الشكل التالي:- Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 34 34

35 Adobe Photoshop ME -Group With Previous :-يستخدم هذا الامر في وضع الطبقة المحددة داخل الطبقة الخلفية لها. Ungroup:- يستخدم في التراجع عن الامر. Range :- يستخدم هذا الامر في ترتيب الطبقات داخل نافذة Layers من حيث تقديم الطبقة المحددة او تأخيرها . Merge Linked :- يقوم هذا الامر بعمل دمج في طبقة واحدة لجميع الطبقات المربوطة ببعضها . Create new group Let’s look into the topic called “layers” and the “options” available on layer window/palette. Layers are like transparent sheet and they are placed one above the other. These are used to edit the work easily without disturbing another layer content. We can rename a layer by clicking the name of it twice, and entering whatever name you desire. When you select any layer you will be working on that layer alone in the Photoshop document. When you initially open a new document in Photoshop, you will find that the document already contains a layer that is “Layer 0”. It comes as default layer whenever you create a new document. To create a new layer, click “create new layer” icon which is located at the bottom of the layer window. Following options will also available on layer window/palette. Create new group: It is used to create a new group. We can add layers inside the group by dragging and dropping of layers inside the group. Groups functions in a similar manner to a folder. You can put multiple layers inside of a group. Delete layer: Clicking on this icon will delete the selected layer. Create new fill or adjustment layer: Adjustment layers and fill layers have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden, and duplicated in the same manner as image layers. Add a mask: It is used to apply a vector mask to your objects/images. Add layer style: it is used to apply special effects to your layer elements without permanently modifying the layer content. Link layer: It allows us to apply a command to several different layers all at once. It also allows us to be able to move objects in several different layers all at the same time. Layer lock options: It is located near the top of the palette, you’ll see the word “Lock” followed by four symbols. From left to right, the icons are Lock Transparent Pixels, Lock Image Pixels, Lock Position and Lock All. Blending mode: The Blend Modes are used to control how pixels in two separate layers interact with and effect each other. Lets watch a simulation on Blending mode. 35 35

36 Adobe Photoshop ME 36 الاداة Horizontal Type :-
عند اختيار هذه الاداة تظهر خصائصها على شريط الخصائص Font :- من خلال هذه الايقونة يتم اختيار نوع الخط . Font Style :- من خلال هذه الايقونة يتم اختيار اسلوب الخط (مائل , عريض ,عريض مائل) . Font Size :- يتم من خلال هذه الايقونة تحديد حجم الخط Anti-Aliasing Method :- التحكم بنعومة الخط . Align Text :- التحكم في وضعية الكتابة ( اليمين – الوسط – اليسار ) Text Color :-التحكم في لون الكتابة . Text Warp :-التحكم في تحوير شكل النص . If you want to move a layer in the Layers panel, click the layer, hold down the mouse button, and drag the layer to a new position in the stack of layers. Another quick shortcut here is to use the Control + [ key and Control + ] key to move the current layer down and up respectively. Opacity: Completely opaque. You can't see any light through it. If it is semi opaque you can see some light and shadow through it. 36 36

37 Adobe Photoshop ME وعند الضغط على اخر ايقونة موجودة في شريط الخصائص الخاص بالاداة Horizontal تظهر النافذة التالية :- التحكم في قيم التباعد بين الاحرف تحديد النسبة المئوية لسمك عرض حروف الكلمة تحديد النسبة المئوية لسمك ارتفاع حروف الكلمة تحديد ارتفاع الكلمة عن السطر If you want to move a layer in the Layers panel, click the layer, hold down the mouse button, and drag the layer to a new position in the stack of layers. Another quick shortcut here is to use the Control + [ key and Control + ] key to move the current layer down and up respectively. Opacity: Completely opaque. You can't see any light through it. If it is semi opaque you can see some light and shadow through it. تصغير الكلمة اسفل السطر تصغير الكلمة اعلى السطر تحويل الكلمة الى احرف Capital مكبرة تحويل الكلمة الى احرف Capital مصغرة 37 37

38 Adobe Photoshop ME Brightness/Contrast Color Balance
Making Adjustments to a Layer(مجموعة تعديلات تخص الألوان) Brightness/Contrast Color Balance De saturate (Black & White) Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers is used to adjust the layers, which effects the images appearance by selecting the options and changing the value in it. The most commonly used layer adjustment options are: Brightness/Contrast Color Balance Desaturate (Black & White) Hue/Saturation Let’s move on to explore and use layer adjustment options.

39 Adobe Photoshop ME Brightness/Contrast(السطوع والتباين اللوني)
First, we will look at the Brightness/Contrast option. Brightness/Contrast: This option lightens or darkens your image and increases or decreases the contrast. To increase brightness/contrast of your image, go to Image tab-> Adjustments -> select Brightness/Contrast By dragging the slider of brightness towards right side you can increase brightness of the image, whereas By dragging the slider towards left side you can darken the image. In Brightness, the white percentage increases when you the drag slider towards the right side whereas in Contrast, it acts opposite to Brightness i.e. the white percentage decreases when you the drag slider towards the right side. One or both of the sliders can be dragged to set new values that can range from -100 to +100.

40 Adobe Photoshop ME Color Balance Intensities of the colors
Color levels Tone balance Preserve luminosity حيث يظهر مخطط من خلاله نستطيع التحكم بالألوان عن طريق الزيادة والنقصان في درجة اللون. Now let's look at the options available in Photoshop to help you with color correction i.e. Color Balance. The Color Balance dialog is relatively straight forward to use and is effective in correcting color imbalances in your images. Color Balance can be applied as an adjustment layer. It can also be applied to an entire layer by going to Image tab -> Adjust -> Color Balance. Here you can see there are three sliders in the color balance dialog box, showing the opposing colors at each end. If we want to correct color balances in the image, then we need to look carefully at our picture and decide which color needs to decrease and adjust the appropriate slide. Lets watch a simulation on how we can add adjustments to a layers in our document.

41 Adobe Photoshop ME De saturate (Black & White)
عملية الغاء كل الألوان مع بقاء (RGB Mode) Desaturate will remove all color from a layer or selection, leaving a grey scale image that is still in RGB color mode. It can be applied to a layer by going to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate. This option is used to convert a color image to a grayscale but the lightness does not change.

42 Adobe Photoshop ME Hue/Saturation(درجة الاشباع اللوني)
The Hue/Saturation option allows you to choose a target color in an image and adjust its hue, saturation or lightness. It can be applied as an adjustment layer or to a layer by going to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. Now, let’s learn about what are hue, saturation and lightness. Hue is one of the main properties of a color and it is used to change the color of an image. It’s values can range from -180 to +180. Saturation: The "colorfulness of a stimulus relative to its own brightness". It’s values range from -100 (de saturated) to +100 (fully saturated). Lightness: This affects the overall lightness or darkness of your image. It’s values range from -100 (black) to +100 (white).

43 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Adding a Mask Layer Mask
Important role in non destructive editing Visual strength Till now we have learned and know how to use image editing tools, layers, and adjust the layers. Today, we will learn about an effect called Mask and also what type of mask effects will be useful for course developers in Photoshop. We will see a definition of a mask. A mask is a powerful isolation tool that allows you to protect a specific area of an image for modification. A mask can be applied to a layer or layer group. Layer Mask: A Layer Mask is linked to a layer and hides part of the layer from the picture. What is painted black on the adjustment layer will not be visible in the final picture. To apply a layer mask to your layer, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. The color black in a layer mask hides the corresponding pixels in the linked layer (actually makes those pixels transparent). The color white leaves the corresponding in the linked layer intact; it doesn't do anything with them Let’s watch a short simulation and learn how to apply a layer mask.

44 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Clipping Mask
One layer to take on the shape of another Base layer provides shape Second provides content A clipping mask is an object whose shape masks the other artwork/image so that only areas that lie within the shape are visible-in effect. It provides a way of masking portions of layers that are adjacent to each other. An object or objects placed on the base layer serves as a window, through which the content on the above layers can be seen. We will see a simulation and learn more about it.

45 Summary Use the Photoshop Interface Create a New File Work with Menus
In this Course, you learned to: Use the Photoshop Interface Create a New File Work with Menus Work with Tools Work with Layers Windows/Palette Options Make Adjustments to a Layer Add Mask Effects Develop Translations Let’s quickly recap the today’s session. We have learned to: Use the Photoshop Interface Create a New File Work with Menus Work with Tools Work with Layers Windows/Palette Options Make Adjustments to a Layer Add Mask effects Develop translations

46 Shortcuts CTRL + N Create a new document
SHIFT + CTRL + N Create new layer F7 Layer palate F8 Info V Move tool M Rectangular Marquee Tool SHIFT + M Oval tool C Crop tool E eraser tool G gradient tool P pen tool T Type Tool H Hand tool W Magic wand tool

47 Shortcuts Shortcuts( مفاتيح الاختصار) Z Zoom tool
CTRL + ALT % screen CTRL + + Zoom the page CTRL + - Zoom out the page CTRL + S Save the file CTRL + shift + S Save as the file D Make the default colour in the foreground and background ALT + I + P Cut the image for the selected area CTRL + M Curves CTRL + j duplicate the selection in a separate layer CTRL + j duplicate the layer SHIFT + F6 Feather F Full screen CTRL +] to bring the layer UP CTRL +[ to bring the layer Down

48 Key points Key points to remember Photoshop is a raster based graphics
RGB is the primary colour PNG and Gif are the background transparent formats of the image Shortcut for the inner tools (Tools located inside the tools) is SHIFT + the tool shortcut Image size cannot be defined in Percent Pen tool is used for drawing curves Image setting like brightness, contrast, and Image size is located under image menu ALT + Click on the eye symbol on the layer palate to show only the particular layer Recent version of Photoshop is cs5 PSD is a Photoshop working file Png , gif, jpg, bmp, psd , tiff, jpg are the file formats to save the image Drop shadow, inner glow and bevel are located in the blending options Default resolution of Photoshop is 72pixels/inch

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