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M-Learning Libraries in Distance Education: A Proposed Model for IGNOU

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1 M-Learning Libraries in Distance Education: A Proposed Model for IGNOU
Seema Chandhok Parveen Babbar

2 Mobile Revolution in India
India 2nd largest mobile market in the world. Market of 500 million subscribers by the year Currently has 320 million potential mobile subscribers. Average growth rate of 10 million new subscribers increasing per month.

3 M-Learning in Distance Education
Transition from ‘print’ to ‘e-learning’ to ‘M-learning’. M-learning is an apparent extension of electronic learning, having a potential to make learning more widely accessible to distance learners than in the existing distance learning environment.

4 Mobile Web for Distance Learners
Information access, wherever and whenever Limitless Access Mobile Data Potentials Interactive capabilities Location-Aware

5 Mobile Education in IGNOU: Initiatives in Pipeline
Provision of educational content to students via text, audio and video on mobile phones. Provision for appearing for exams on a mobile. IGNOU channels-Gyan Darshan I and II round the clock all through the year carried by the TBSPL cable network service. Plans to offer capsule courses on dance, music, art, public health and other subjects though mobile phones IGNOU ONLINE, the gateway to the IGNOU online programmes, will also be available through handsets.

6 Mobile SMS Service of IGNOU
Two Way SMS service for having information for downloading the requested data, by the user of mobile phone. SMS based information system to students helps in giving them information ranging from their enrollment status to results, and further assist the student and the institution to interact through SMS and reply to their queries. The university also plans to declare results of its term end and entrance examinations through SMS

7 m-Initiatives @ Library & Documentation Services
Initiatives through Consortium of Open and Distance Learning Institutions called National Open and Distance Learners’ Library & Information Network (NODLINET). Access to NetLibary has been provided to Regional Centres of IGNOU all around the country through mobile phones.

8 Proposed Model for m-learning Library Services at IGNOU

9 A: Mobile Users for proposed model
Faculty conducting research or teaching activities at University Headquarters and Regional Centers Research and Teaching Assistants of IGNOU Academic Councillors at Study Centers Student Support and other staff of IGNOU Students who study at a distance education mode in IGNOU Students whose courses include online and on-campus components Learners in the research field pursuing doctorates Learners using mobile devices for learning activities outside of the study centres classroom, e.g., class assignments and group projects

10 B. M-services Requirements of Distance Learners of IGNOU
Type of m-Library Services Required Response Rate Enrollment Status % Status of Entrance/ Term End Examinations 82% Assignment Evaluation Status 85% Alert Services about the New Programmes/ Services Launched % Examination Schedule % Library Alert Services about new arrivals 42% SMS Reference Service % Reference/ Enquiry Services 60% Mobile Blog Posts % Library Circulation Services 30%

11 Access to IGNOU Course Materials 55%
Access to Assignments 70% Project Reports % Thesis and Research Papers 20% Previous Year Question Papers 90% Webcasting of IGNOU Channels 20% Library WEB-OPAC % e-books/e-journals from Library 45% Digitized Collection of Special Library Materials 55%

12 C: Mobile Services for proposed model
Mobile Library Databases M-Repository Publishers Databases Links to Free Open Sources Mobile Instructions Reference/Enquiry Presentation and Visibility RSS Alerts Moblogging SMS notification services Mobile Library Circulation Video Conferencing

13 SMS notification services
SMS alert service about new arrivals SMS reference services for Distance Learners SMS if requested document is available (collect messages) SMS reminder if a book/document is due Requesting a list of loans via SMS Renewing documents via SMS Requesting an overview of outstanding fines via SMS Checking the availability of resources via SMS Requesting the opening hours of the library via SMS

14 Web layout of M-Library Website
Keep it Simple Test on various Platforms Keep Customization on the Desktop Incorporate Search Remember Usability Clean up Images More Mobile suitable Content

15 Some Examples American University Libraries available at Boston University Medical Center Mobile Library available at University of Illinois Library available at New York University Libraries available at University of Virgina Library available at

16 American University Libraries

17 University of Virginia Library

18 IGNOU Library Homepage @ M-Library


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