Unique points of view in Astronomy & Physics that were neglected.

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Presentation on theme: "Unique points of view in Astronomy & Physics that were neglected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unique points of view in Astronomy & Physics that were neglected.
The Forgotten Unique points of view in Astronomy & Physics that were neglected.

2 Hindus knew the Life Cycle of Sun (9 Billion Years) without knowledge of nuclear physics? 3,500 to 35,00 years ago. They sang instead of writing.

3 The Great Pyramid and Sphinx—constructed before 8,000 BC before written language?

4 Aristarchus—sun-centered solar system 230 BC 1700 years before Copernicus!

5 Hypatia—murdered for supporting Aristarchus! 400 AD

6 Giordano Bruno 1593—burned at stake for his ideas: like stars are suns with planets!

7 Francis Bacon Gave us the full Scientific Method.

8 Galileo (1620), who came up with Newton’s 1st Law (inertia) and first relativity!

9 John Michell discovered the idea of Black Holes in 1780
John Michell discovered the idea of Black Holes in 1780!! Because he was a Minister (rector), he was ignored.

10 Einstein, who never got a Nobel Prize for his relativity!!

11 Georges LeMaitre gave us the math for our current cosmology with dark energy—1927.

12 Lise Meitner (~1930), who never got a Nobel Prize for discovering nuclear fission, because she was a woman!!

13 The Catholic Church redeems itself in science.
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences was founded in 1603 with the approval of Pope Clement VIII by Prince Federico Cesi under the title “Linceorum Academia”. (Lynx – observer animal) In 1611, the word "telescope" was first used in public by Prince Federico Cesi at a banquet held by the pioneer scientific society, the Academy of Linceans (or Lynxes, of which he was a founder). It was held to Honor Galileo, on a grand hillside estate.

14 The Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Current members: Stephen Hawking (black holes), Vera Rubin (dark matter in spiral galaxies), Ed Witten (M theory of superstrings), Chen Ning Yang (gauge theory of particles—Nobel prize) Walter Thirring (dragging of space-time around black hole)

15 Pope Benedict XVI and Stephen Hawking (no Nobel Prize
Pope Benedict XVI and Stephen Hawking (no Nobel Prize!) at the Pontificate Academy of Sciences

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