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Civics EoCA Review Declaration of Independence

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1 Civics EoCA Review Declaration of Independence

2 Declaration of Independence 2

3 Founding Fathers Term used to describe political leaders who participated in the creation of the United States of America. (Specifically the signing of the Declaration of Independence) need a plan of government. In 1777 the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and wrote this new plan of government.

4 Declaration of Independence has 3 parts:
Philosophy of Government List of Grievances Declaration of War / Statement of Independence


6 Within the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson discusses Natural rights and a philosophy of government explaining John Locke’s ideas about “Natural Law” and the “Social Contract”.

7 Natural Law God given rights “Life, liberty (freedom), & property”.
Think John Locke

8 Social Contract Agreement between the people and their government.
People agree to give up some freedom and obey the laws ………. in return ………… Government agrees to protect their rights (life, liberty, & property)

9 Social Contract is expressed in the Declaration of Independence
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.

10 Grievance : a formal complaint about a problem.
Such as the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence.

11 In the list of grievances, He refers to
George III King of England.

12 In the list of grievances, For refers to
Parliament, the law making body in England.

13 Taxation without representation is one of the principal grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence.


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