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Fruit Group.

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1 Fruit Group

2 What is a serving: 1 ½ to 2 Servings per Day Medium Apple or banana
½ cup chopped or cooked canned fruit ¾ c. juice

3 Fruit Provides: Vitamins Minerals Vitamin A-helps us to see at night
Vitamin C-fights infection

4 How to Eat Most healthful to eat fruit in it’s natural state.
The following will destroy fruits natural state: Cut into pieces Exposed to heat, cold or moisture Skin is removed and drying begins

5 Processed Fruit Dried in cereals Canned Frozen Pie Filling Ice Cream

6 Fruit Fruit is environmentally correct because the skin protects the soft flesh on the inside from the elments. Fruit also contains minerals, carbs, water and fiber but lacks protein and fat. When you choose fruit consider these factors: Season, use, storage, color and apperance

7 Care of Fruit at home Fresh Fruit: Keep in a cool, dry storage
Wash before using Canned Fruit: Keep in a cool, dry place Refrigerate after opening Frozen Fruit: Keep in freezer Promptly use when thawed Dried Fruit: Refrigerate after cooking Tightly cover

8 Types of Fruit-citrus Fruits
Lemon-high in vitamin C, should be heavy for size Lime-High in vitamin C, helped prevent Scurvy Orange-high in vitamin C, Navel orange most popular Grapefruit-High in vitamin C, Mostly grown in Florida Tangerine-High in vitamin C

9 Types of fruits-exotic fruits
Kiwi- Comes from New Zealand, Fuzzy surface that is peeled, available most of the year. Kumquats- Native to China, skin is sweet, meat is tart. Available Nov-June Paypayas-Florida and Mexico, The most healthy (A&C), available all year. Avacados-Is NOT sweet, guacamole, soup, salad and available all year.

10 Types of fruits-tropical fruits
Mango-Good source of Vitamin A Pomegranate-Only the seed is edible, available from Sept-Dec. Coconut-Hair is used for many things

11 Types of fruits- common fruits
Apples-King of fruit (7000 varieties) Banana-High in potassium

12 Preparing Fruits Wash fruits well. Use a vegetable brush to remove dirt. Leave on the edible skins when possible. Remember they are good fiber and nutrient sources. Serve fruits raw to retain the most nutrients. Serve in salads, side dishes, desserts, or snacks. Use cutting boards when cutting fruits to protect the working surface. To prevent fruit discoloration caused by exposure to air, dip fruit into fruit juice, do not cut fruit until ready to serve, and store in an airtight container after cutting.

13 Cooking fruits Save nutrients, improve shape, texture, flavor and color by cooking fruits properly. Use the least amount of cooking water. Cook with a lid to speed cooking time. Fruits cooked in water will get soft and lose their shape. Don’t overcook. Cook just until tender but crisp. Fruits cooked in sugar syrup will retain their shape. Methods of cooking include simmering, steaming, baking, frying or microwave cooking.

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