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1 Fruits and Vegetables SMSD Mrs. Rohret Fruits and Vegetables.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Fruits and Vegetables SMSD Mrs. Rohret Fruits and Vegetables."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Fruits and Vegetables SMSD Mrs. Rohret Fruits and Vegetables

2 Important source of dietary fiber and carbohydrates They are rich in vitamins & minerals Fruits & Veggies are: –Low in fat –low in calories –low in sodium Nutrients in Fruits & Veggies

3 Excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, phytochemicals. Different types of fruits & Vegetables provide good sources of other nutrients. The food pyramid recommends eating a variety of deep colored fruits & veggies to get the most vitamins & minerals. Nutrients in Fruits & Vegetables (continued)


5 Botanical Names

6 Smooth Skin and an enlarged fleshy area that surrounds the core.

7 Fragile cell structure Pulpy and juicy Tiny seeds embedded in the flesh

8 Contain a single seeds or pit surrounded by juicy flesh.

9 Has juicy flesh with a hard outer surface that is smooth or netted

10 Have a firm rind and pulpy flesh that grow in warm regions

11 Grow in very warm climates. Each particular fruit differs in skin composition and seed characteristics.



14 14 Different Parts of Plants are Eaten as Vegetables Roots – stores plants food supply and sends nutrients and moisture to the rest of the plant Stems Tubers – a large underground steam that stores nutrients Leaves – are the manufacturing areas

15 15 Different Parts of Plants are Eaten as Vegetables Bulbs – made up of layers of fleshy leaves surrounding a portion of a stem Flowers Seeds – high in carbohydrates and other nutrients because they are the part of the plant which new plants grow Fruits – holds the seeds

16 Selecting Fresh Fruit & Veggies 6 Points to check to purchase quality fruit: 1.Condition: avoid fruits with bruised or damaged spots or decay 2.Denseness & Texture: should be plump and firm. Avoid those that are dry, withered, very soft or very hard 3.Color: should be typical for the particular fruit

17 Selecting Fresh Fruit & Veggies (continued) 6 Points to check to purchase quality fruit (continued): 4. Aroma: usually has a pleasant, characteristic aroma. If it has been refrigerated and is cold it may not have an aroma 5. Size: should be heavy for its size, this usually means it’s juicy 6. Shape: each type has it’s own characteristic shape. If misshapen, it will probably have poor flavor and texture

18 Selecting Fresh Fruits & Veggies Some fruits & veggies are available year round like apples, oranges and bananas Seasonal Fruits & Veggies and can only be purchased during certain months

19 Selecting Fresh Fruits & Veggies (continued) Buy only what you can use/store (they are highly perishable) Mature Fruits: Have reached their full size and color, but are very firm, lack flavor, and are not top eating quality. Ripe Fruit: When a mature fruit reaches it’s peak of flavor and is ready to eat

20 Storing Fresh Fruits & Veggies Don’t wash until you are ready to use it. Most should be stored in the refrigerator in a brown paper bag, the crisper section, or plastic bag with holes in it. Don’t line the crisper with paper towels. Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Onion should be stored in a cool, dry place.

21 To Ripen Fresh Fruit: Put them in a brown paper bag at room temperature. Room Temperature

22 Preparing Fruits & Veggies Always wash – but no not use soap Do not soak in water To prevent nutrient loss: –Don’t pare fruits and vegetables with edible skins –Cut fruits and vegetables into large pieces

23 Preventing Cut Fruits from Browning The browning of fresh fruits is due to the process called enzymatic browning Coat them with ascorbic acid (vitamin c) –Dip in lemon juice –Sprinkle with “Fruit Fresh” (ascorbic acid powder)

24 Canned Fruits: –Come in whole, halved, sliced and in pieces. –Some are packed in light or heavy syrup which sweetens them. Heavy syrup adds extra sugar and calories Frozen Fruits: –Can come with or without sugar, be sure to check the label. –Taste similar to fresh fruits but frozen often have a softer texture when defrosted. –To serve thaw it only partially so that ice crystals remain to help keep the fruit firm, otherwise it will be mushy Dried Fruits: –Look for good color when purchasing them and that are fairly soft and pliable. Makes a nutritious snack or can be added to dishes. Different Types of Fruits

25 Eat 5 dark, colorful fruits & veggies each day!

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