Occupation Profiles Rural Math Excel Partnership

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1 Occupation Profiles Rural Math Excel Partnership
The following presentation is a sample of the occupation profiles prepared on behalf of the Rural Math Excel Partnership. It contains the data of one STEM-H occupation group, Health Technicians, in one community - Accomack County - but it also explains how to interpret the tables and charts contained in all occupation profiles and communities. Rural Math Excel Partnership The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

2 Occupation Profiles 39 STEM-H Technician Occupations; does not include all existing STEM-H occupations Seven Broad Categories Maintenance Technicians Machinists & Program Control Programmers Health Technologists & Technicians Engineering Technicians & Drafters Computer Support Specialists Agricultural Technicians Accounting & Administrative Coordinators Page and Accomack County: local statistics RMEP Southside communities: regional statistics A sample of 39 STEM-H Technician occupations were grouped into seven occupation groups. These occupation groups do not include all occupations in a specific field but are meant to provide an overview of example STEM-H jobs in a specific community. The seven broad categories are: Maintenance Technicians Machinists & Program Control Programmers Health Technologists and Technicians Engineering Technicians & Drafters Computer Support Specialists Agricultural Technicians And Accounting and Administrative Coordinators For the Counties of Page and Accomack an occupation profile was prepared for each STEM-H occupation group. These profiles contain local statistics. For the communities in Southside Virginia (which are the Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry and Prince Edward, and the City of Martinsville) one regional profile was created for each STEM-H occupation group, containing regional statistics.

3 Table of Contents Occupation Profiles
Current Employment and Future Demand Entry level, Average, and Experienced wages Training Required Top Industries for Employment Data from sample occupation profile: Health Technologists & Technicians in Accomack County Each STEM-H occupation profile contains the following topics: Current and Future Employment statistics Entry level, average, and experienced wages The training required to work in a specific occupation And the Top Industries that employ the STEM-H technicians Each of these topics is presented using tables and graphs. The Data is taken from Chmura Economics’ JobsEQ database and is recent as of November 2017. Data from a sample occupation profile, Health Technicians in Accomack County, will be presented on the following slides. Please note that the occupation profile does not include all Health Technician Occupations that exist but is meant to provide an overview of example occupations in the Health sector.

4 Current and Future Employment: Health Technicians
Accomack County Largest occupation group Licensed Practical/Vocat ional Nurses (LPN) Forecast to grow most Future Demand: at least 57 jobs Next highest Future Demand EMTs Medical Assistants This bar chart demonstrates the current employment and projected future demand of jobs over the next 10 years for 17 Health Technician occupations in Accomack County. In this and all future charts, the Future Demand is the sum of a community’s Growth Demand and its Separation Demand. You can think of this as the number of new jobs required because of an industry’s growth and the minimum number of jobs required because of retirements and turnover. Retirements and turnover make up most of the Future Demand. Current Health Technician employment in Accomack County is 224 and the projected future demand of jobs over the next 10 years is at least 215. The graph lists all occupations included in the “Health Technician” group on the left side, with one bar for each. The current employment is listed first as the blue portion of the bar. The Future Demand of a specific occupation is listed as the second portion of the bar in grey. For example, the first bar for Medical Assistants displays current employment as 18 and Future Demand over the next 10 years is at least 33 jobs. The largest occupation group, with the largest blue bar, is Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses (LPNs) with 65 workers. This occupation group is also forecast to grow most during the next 10 years and has the largest Future Demand with at least 57 jobs, mostly due to retirements and turnover. The next highest Future Demand occupations are EMTs and Medical Assistants (reflected by the long grey bar portions on the chart) Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017

5 Average Wages: Health Technicians
Accomack County Average Annual Wage: $38,300 Highest average wages Dental Hygienists ($77,800) Diagnostic Medical Sonographers ($66,200) Occupational Therapy Assistants ($59,000) This bar chart displays the average annual wage for each Health Technician occupation in Accomack County. Each of the occupations included is listed on the left side of the graph. The first bar shows that the average annual wage of all health technicians in Accomack County is $38,300. The highest average wages in Accomack County are earned by Dental Hygienists with $77,800 (which is the longest bar, the second from the bottom) Next highest average wages are earned by Diagnostic Medical Sonographers earning an average of $66,200, and Occupational Therapy Assistants at $59,000. The average wage for Cardiovascular Technicians (third from the bottom) is listed as $0 because employment currently is 0. Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017

6 Entry Level, Average & Experienced Wages
Average Wages, Accomack County Entry Level Average Experienced Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians $23,100 $34,600 $40,400 Dental Hygienists $66,700 $77,800 $83,400 Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians $34,300 $57,200 $68,600 Diagnostic Medical Sonographers $47,600 $66,200 $75,400 Radiologic Technologists $41,600 $52,900 $58,500 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics $27,200 $34,700 $38,400 Pharmacy Technicians $21,200 $28,000 $31,500 Respiratory Therapy Technicians $24,600 $38,300 $45,200 Surgical Technologists $30,300 $44,500 $51,700 Veterinary Technologists and Technicians $23,700 $30,900 $34,500 Ophthalmic Medical Technicians $22,200 $32,800 $38,000 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses $31,700 $39,000 $42,700 Medical Records and Health Information Technicians $22,700 $34,200 $40,000 Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other $41,400 $49,800 Occupational Therapy Assistants $40,500 $59,000 $68,200 Physical Therapist Assistants $27,700 $48,400 $58,800 Massage Therapists $17,800 $33,700 $41,700 Medical Assistants $20,700 $27,100 $30,200 All Health Technologists and Technicians $29,100 $41,900 Total - All Occupations $27,400 $39,800 $46,000 Accomack County Entry level wage for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians: $23,100 Average annual wage: $34,600 Experienced wage: $40,400 Average for all Health Technicians: $38,300 This table contains the entry level, average, and experienced wages for the 17 Health Technician occupations in Accomack County. The first column lists the job title, the second column the entry level wage, followed by the average and experienced wages in the next two columns. For example, the first row of data displays the entry level wage for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians in Accomack County as $23,100. The average annual wage is $34,600 and the experienced level wage is $40,400. The second to last row contains the average wages for all Health Technicians in Accomack County ranging from $29,100 annually for entry level, $38,300 as the average and $41,900 as the experienced wage. Entry-level wages are the average (mean) of the lower third of all wages and experienced wages are the average (mean) of the upper two-thirds of wages for a specific occupation. Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017

7 Training Entry-Level Education / Degree Previous Work Experience
Typical On-The-Job Training Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians Associate's None Dental Hygienists Associate’s Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Radiologic Technologists Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Postsecondary non-degree award Pharmacy Technicians High school diploma or equivalent Moderate-term on-the-job training Respiratory Therapy Technicians Surgical Technologists This table contains information about the level of training required to work in an entry level position in a specific occupation. The first column shows the occupation name, the second column the Education or Degree required, and the next two columns state whether or not previous work experience is required and if on the job training is typical. For example, to work in an entry level position as a Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technician, an Associate’s degree is required Previous work-experience is not required And “On the job training” is not available Because of space limitations, the table lists information for nine of the 17 Health Technician occupations. Please refer to the occupation profile for a complete list.. *Partial list above; additional occupations included in the Health Technician Profile. Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017

8 Top Industries Employing Health Technicians
Largest employment sector Other Ambulatory Health Care Services (20.5%) Almost half of Health Technicians employed Ambulatory health care services Physician offices Nursing facilities This graph shows the top industries that employ Health Technicians in Accomack County. For example, the first bar demonstrates that 20.5% of individuals in Health Technician Occupations in Accomack County are employed by Ambulatory Health Care Services, which is the largest employment sector. Almost half of the Health Technicians are employed in ambulatory health care services, physician offices, and nursing facilities, which are the top three employment sectors. Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017

9 Notes/Sources Current Employment and Future Demand Statistics JobsEQ, 11/2017; Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Data are updated through 2016Q4 with preliminary estimates updated to 2017Q2. Forecast employment growth ( ) uses national projections from the BLS, adapted for regional growth patterns by Chmura. 1: Future Demand = Growth Demand + Separation Demand; Growth Demand is the increase/decrease of jobs in industry due to industry growth/decline. Separation demand is the minimum number of jobs required due to replacements (i.e. retirements and turnover). Average Wages Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017; Occupation wages are as of 2016 and should be taken as the average for all Covered Employment. Entry-level wages are the average (mean) of the lower third of all wages and experienced wages are the average (mean) of the upper two-thirds of wages for a specific occupation. Totals Employment/Future Demand totals may not match sum of individual industry sectors or occupation groups listed due to rounding

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