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Animal Behavior Magnet Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior Magnet Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior Magnet Biology

2 Animal Behavior Behavior: anything an animal does in response to a stimulus in its environment

3 Ethology Study of how animals behave 4 main questions
What stimulus elicits a behavior and what physiological mechanisms mediate a response? How does the animals experiences during development influence the response How does the behavior aid survival and reproduction What is the behaviors evolutionary basis.

4 Instincts Innate behavior – “fixed” (inherited) behaviors that all the
animals in a population are born with (associated with instinct)

5 Movement Kinesis – change in activity due to a stimulus
Taxis – orientation towards or away from a stimulus

6 Migration Migration – a long distance change of locations done at regular intervals Usually stimulated by seasonal changes Use the sun, north star, or the earth magnetic field

7 Rhythms Circadian rhythms – daily cycles (rest, eating, etc), usually regulated by light and dark Circannual rhythms – yearly cycles usually linked to seasons. Cortisol, released by the adrenal gland

8 Territoriality - defense of a physical space, territory
Songs, calls, intimidation, marking territory, attack, chase bashing-bison.

9 Fight or Flight The decision to fight or run is measured by risk and reward (benefits should out weight costs)

10 Signaling Usually, visually, chemical, or auditory

11 Learning Nature vs nurture- Genetic inheritance vs Environmental Influences

12 Imprinting Imprinting – a life long reaction or bond to an object or individual created at a young age Usually a baby raised by a different species mistakenly believes he is of that species

13 Learning Habituation – a reduction or loss of reaction to a stimuli (crying wolf)

14 Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning – a stimulus elicits a response Povlov’s dog – ringing a dinner bell before dinner causes the dog to salivate without food being present

15 Pavlov’s dogs

16 Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning – an animal connects his behavior with a good or bad response (trial and error) Rewarding dog with a treat

17 Cognition Cognition – the ability to think, reason and process information. Cognition can be used to problem solve

18 Selection and Survival
Most behaviors are ultimately formed by natural selection for survival and reproduction

19 Mating Systems Promiscuous – no mating bonds
Monogamous – strong bond forms one male one female for a long period Polygamous – one sex mates with others

20 Antagonistic behavior
Competition to gain access to a resource.

21 Altruism Altruism- animals reduces their individual fitness to increase the population fitness Insect societies- reproduction limited to only one pair, the queen and her mate. Workers – take care of female and larvae; gather food

22 Social Learning Social learning – an individual learns by copying the behavior of a more experienced individual. This breeds culture. Increases fitness

23 Mate choice copying Mate choice copying – females choose mates that other females find attractive

24 THE END!!! Time to show off what you have learned  Good luck!!

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