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2 WHAT DO YOU KNOW? What does it mean to be “political”?
What is a political perspective? Examples? What lens do Democrats and Republicans use? Where do you stand? Political is persuading or negotiating A lens through which a person or group sees problems, solutions and issues Democrats-how can we use gov’t to solve problems Republicans-how can we use free-enterprise to improve society?

3 So what is a political party?
Definition: A group of individuals outside the government that organizes to win elections, operate government, and determine public policy Considered a vehicle of popular practice (how we get popular opinion into government)

4 A Brief History Founding Fathers believed political parties threatened national unity and popular government Came into existence as a way to mobilize supporters We have had our modern definitions since the 1930s Democrats v Republicans (GOP) Biggest divider is the size and role of government in daily life

Change in issues Change in voters 4-5 Eras…Realignments… Consistent dominance in office Current: Divided

6 Realignment - How does it drive elections?
Voter driven demographics change (age, race, regional locations of people, wealth) Issues change Party driven Reaction to issues Perceptions of changing needs of society

7 PRESIDENT ROLE: Chief Republican Republican Agenda Tax reform
Immigration Healthcare Reform Tax reform National Security States Rights How to get it done Options: Congress Exec. Order Public Pressure Chief Executive

8 Two- Party System Dominated by Republicans and Democrats
Traditional in the U.S. Forces winning candidates to be more moderate to win independent voters

9 Third Parties - What is their role?
Forces topics for discussion Main parties have to address topics to win voters Typically more single issue focused vs major part Providing additional voter voice Barriers to success: Winner-take-all system (Electoral College) fees/signatures to get on ballot Shifting platforms of major parties “wasted” vote

10 Third Parties 2 types of third parties
Issue oriented - believe certain issues are not being met by the existing parties Ideological - believe certain values about human nature and politics are not being met

11 POSITION PAPER Choose an issue and develop a position. Write out your position on the issue: On the issue of ___________ I believe_________ Does your position see government as the solution to problems? Does your position prioritize unity over individual rights and beliefs? What is the correlation between economics and the issue? Should taxes pay for it or should market forces determine the outcome? Which political party does your stance most align with?

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