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Self Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Dream Houses

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Presentation on theme: "Self Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Dream Houses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Dream Houses
INTRO TO EARTHSHIPS Self Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Dream Houses

2 “An understanding of mechanical systems for most humans is limited to what is within reach of their fingertips. It is understood that when you flip a switch on the wall, a light comes on. When you turn on the tap, hot water comes out. When you pull the handle on the toilet, it flushes. Little thought is given to where the electricity comes from or what kind of nuclear waste was produced to generate it. How many of us even know where the power plant is that supplies our power? Few people ever wonder which water table is depleted to bring them water and what chemicals have been added to it. Where does the sewage go after it is flushed and which rivers and lakes are polluted by it?”

3 Basic principles Heating & Cooling Power Generation Water Harvesting
Waste Management Food Production Building with Recycled Materials

4 Passive Solar Heating Rocket Stove Radiant Floors Insulation Heating

5 Passive solar heating (1)
Thermal Mass: Any material that helps you store the sun’s heat. Usually very dense earth. Absorbs heat by day, radiates it back out at night Home must be south facing for max efficiency Right thickness of thermal mass is key. Too thick = heat being lost into extra mass Too thin= not enough storage Earthship Brighton had 2m walls Too thick! When using thermal mass in floors, they must remain bare

6 Passive Solar Heating (2)
Glazing: Layers of glass arranged to allow maximum light in, while also keeping heat from escaping Must be custom made! Most expensive part, also most important. Takes 3 months to be made Traditionally at 90 degree angle to sun This will cause more wearing of windows and beams A rating is best. U-value: how much heat can travel through the material R-value: how much sun light can pass through You want LOW U , HIGH R

7 Rocket Stove (Masonry)
Radiant Floors

8 Insulation Stops heat flow
Rigid insulation board in structure (weight bearing) Compressible in inner divides of home Many varieties!

9 Passive Cooling Curtains Cooling

10 Passive Cooling Hot air rises Cold air sinks
Custom windows allow for cool air flow through bottom trap, and warm air to escape through upper ventilation traps Better insulation = less infiltration Be aware of wind flow in your area Having bodies of water nearby helps!

11 } Power Sources Storage Hydro Solar Geothermal Wind Generator
Batteries Thermal Mass } depends on location! Power

12 Battery Tesla Aquion S20P Aquion M100 Iron Edison Cycles 5000 3000 2000 kWh/ lifetime 29000 5400 65000 5500 Total Cost $3600 $1155 $16000 $2700 $/kWh $0.12 $0.21 $0.24 $0.50

13 Consumption Comfort Central Air Conditioning: 2 tons= 1450 kwh Fans:
Whole House= 30 kwh Ceiling= 12 kwh Water Heating/Supply: Water Heater 2 Persons= 195 kwh; 4 Persons= 310 kwh Kitchen Appliances: Coffee Maker= 9 kwh Dishwasher= 30 kwh Microwave Oven= 16 kwh Oven= 58 kwh Toaster= 3 kwh Blender, Can Opener & Food Mixer= less than 1 kwh Lighting: 4-5 Room= 50 kwh 6-8 Room= 60 kwh Outdoors, 1 Spotlight, All Night= 45 kwh Housewares: Clocks= 1 1/2 kwh Vacuum Cleaner= 4 kwh Health and Beauty: Hair Dryer= 2 kwh Curling Iron, Shaver= less than 1/2 kwh Refrigerator-Freezer: Manual, cu. ft.= 125 kwh Frost-free, cu. ft.= 170 kwh Laundry Services: Dryer= 75 kwh Iron= 5 kwh Washing Machine= 9 kwh Home Entertainment: Radio/Record Player= 9 kwh Television (color solid state)= 27 kwh

14 Water Rainwater Greywater Blackwater
We use around 150L/day per person! Quebec has 1000mm/year precipitation Re-using of water! Must use biodegradable/organic cleaning products for this to work Water

15 Rainwater 1. collected on roof 2. pre-filtration (debris) (underground) 4. filtering 5.sent to house


17 Greywater What was used for showering, cooking, cleaning
1. grease removal through membrane 2. grey water planters 3. toilet flushing

18 Blackwater What comes from your toilet! 1. sifting through septic tank
2.overflow into a reed bed 3. soaking away of water into vegetation or storage


20 Reed beds Compost toilets Cess pool/ Septic tank waste

21 Compost Toilet

22 Grey Water Planters Greenhouse Plant Types Food production

23 Grey Water Planters Cement/Earth container Waterproof membrane
Gravel, then sand, then soil Must be able to prune the plants Heat loving fruit and veggies work best Must be Alkaline! Grey Water Planters

24 Building with recycled materials
Rammed Earth Tires Re-purposed wood, tiles, doors, etc. Glass bottle walls Bottle Bricks Building with recycled materials


26 Bottle Bricks

27 Basic building steps Land → Budget → Plans (design + execution) → Permits→ Locals → Build storage → Crew facilities→ BUILD!

28 Dig Your Holes

29 Tire Wall

30 Walls Up

31 Plumbing and Wiring

32 Windows + Inner Earth Walls

33 Homemaking

34 modifications Thermal mass Rocket stove
Outside waterproofing (not jus earth) Tilted roof (no snow) Moveable solar pannels

35 Further Reading Designing Building
“Normandy Earthship” on youtube The Edible Container Garden by M. Guerra Building ($) (Quebec!) Further Reading


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