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Normal Schedule Today!.

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1 Normal Schedule Today!

2 Answer in a complete sentence
Success Criteria 5/30/2017 1.We can identify the types & forms of gov’t.  2.We can compare and contrast democratic & authoritarian gov’ts. 3.We can close read scenarios in order to determine type of gov’t is discussed. 4.We can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of gov’t. Answer in a complete sentence Vladimir Putin is the leader of Russia. He is technically elected by the people, however anyone who seriously runs against him is arrested or killed. What type of gov't does Russia have? Why?

3 Testing Schedules

4 House Cleaning Mini Coach Class Today! Full on Coach Class Tomorrow!!
Remember, next week is the final coach class! HSA is most likely FRIDAY!! Breakfast will be provided!

5 HSA Review Unit 1 – Foundations of Gov’t
Today we begin with Documents, Types, & Forms

6 Historical Documents First doc that took away the power of a king
Magna Carta First doc that took away the power of a king Allowed citizens to be tried by a jury Declaration of Independence Letter from the Colonists to the British saying they were free and everyone has rights. States power comes from the people.

7 Historical Documents Articles of Confederation Constitution
First gov’t established in the US Displayed LIMITED GOV’T and popular sovereignty Constitution Rules for our current gov’t Bill of Rights & Amendments guarantee individual rights. Corrected the AoC by allowing the national gov’t to collect taxes. States power comes from the people.

8 Types of Gov’t Authoritarian Gov’t has unlimited power
Provides LITTLE freedom to citizens Dictatorship one leader holds total control through military power Monarchy Leader is part of royal family and inherits power Oligarchy Small group of leaders join together to take power

9 Types of Gov’t Democratic Provide the MOST freedom to citizens
Gov’t has limited powers Representative Democracy People vote for someone who is elected to make decisions for them (legislators). Leaders are held accountable to the citizens. Direct Democracy People vote on every issue themselves

10 Forms of Gov’t Unitary Federal Confederate
A government that gives all key powers to the national or central government, states have little to no power. Federal Powers of government are divided between the national and state Confederate A loose union of independent states, the national gov’t has little to no power.

11 Which Type of Gov’t is Shown Here?
“King Imprisons All People Who Oppose His Policies” “Barack Obama Elected As 44th President of the United States” “State Senate Election is Too Close To Call”

12 Which Type of Gov’t is Shown Here?
North Korea’s Kim Jong Il Receives 100% of the People’s Vote” Towns People Gather to Vote on New Public Works Project” “Critics Say Congress Will Never Pass Healthcare Bill This Year”

13 Which Type of Gov’t is Shown Here?
“Saddam Hussein Uses Biological Weapons Against His Own People” “Elderly Queen Dies As Nation Turns to Only Son” “Wealthy Still Hold Monopoly Over Political Power”





18 Group Practice

19 Quick /30/2017 Explain the differences between authoritarian and democratic gov’ts. What are the advantages of each? What are the disadvantages of each?

20 Which of these is most associated with an authoritarian government?
The legislative process is slow. Freedom of expression is valued. Government leaders have absolute power. Elections for government offices are conducted fairly.

21 2. Which of these is an advantage of a representative democracy?
Political parties have similar platforms. Citizens are able to vote on all issues. Government agencies make decisions quickly. Legislators are elected by the people.

22 3. Great Britain and Japan are examples of democratic countries with a strong, central government that makes laws for the entire nation and limits the power of local governments. What form of government do these countries have? authoritarian confederation federal unitary

23 4. Which of these statements about a unitary form of government is correct?
The central government is created by the local governments. The central government has no judicial authority over local governments. Local governments can veto legislation proposed by the central government. Local governments have only those powers given to them by the central government.

24 5. In Mexico, the national and state governments share certain responsibilities.
Which of these terms describes this form of government? dictatorship federal monarchy unitary

25 6. In which of these government systems are government leaders most accountable to citizens?
oligarchy dictatorship absolute monarchy representative democracy

26 “… government of the people, by the people, for the people…”
—Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, 1863 7. Which type of government does Abraham Lincoln describe? democracy dictatorship monarchy oligarchy

27 8. Which of these is a characteristic of a dictatorship?
A system of checks and balances distributes government power. Individual freedoms and rights are protected by the constitution. Courts may override decisions made by government leaders. Government leaders rule with absolute authority.

28 9. In the United States, the central government and the state governments share power.
Which of these terms best describes this type of government? representative democracy federal system confederate system direct democracy

29 10. Which of these statements is true of a representative democracy?
Citizens have unlimited individual rights. Citizens vote directly on all laws and government actions. Government leaders rule by force. The people elect government leaders.

30 11. Which of these would not take place in an authoritarian system of government?
Government leaders decide what jobs people may have. Government leaders dictate what will be taught in schools. Political parties compete in elections for control of the government. Local political officials take orders from national officials.

31 12. Which of these statements is usually true about the people who pass laws in a representative democracy? They inherit their power. They seize power by force. They are elected by citizens. They are appointed by government leaders.

32 13. Which of these acts is least likely to take place in a totalitarian system?
The government makes rules about what jobs people may Leaders dictate what will be taught in schools. Political parties compete for control of the government. Local officials take orders from national officials.

33 14. Which of these describes an authoritarian government?
The people grant the government its power. The lives of citizens are controlled by the government. Government leaders are limited by established laws. Government leaders are elected directly by the people.

34 14. Which of these is a characteristic of the United States system of government?
State governments may choose to ignore national laws. The executive and legislative powers of government are combined into one branch. The executive branch of government can choose to dissolve the judicial branch. The powers of government are divided between the national and state governments.

35 15. Which of these could be a disadvantage of living under an authoritarian government?
a slow legislative process a weak executive branch a lack of national laws a lack of individual freedoms

36 16. Which of these is a similarity between the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? They list the rights of those accused of a crime. They divide powers of government among three branches. They list the grievances of American colonists against Great Britain. They state that government gains authority from the people.

37 17. The U.S. Constitution corrected a weakness of the Articles of Confederation by
establishing a national legislature allowing state governments to have power requiring that amendments be approved by the states giving the national government the power to collect taxes

38 18. One of the main purposes of the Bill of Rights is to
limit individual rights strengthen criminal laws limit the power of government improve the court system

39 18. Which of these excerpts from the United States Constitution best reflects the principle of checks and balances? “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States… shall be the supreme Law of the Land.….” “All persons born or naturalized in the United States… are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” “Every Bill which shall have passed [Congress] shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States.” “The [listing] in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be [interpreted] to deny… others retained by the people.”

40 Quick /1/2017 The exclusionary rule states that prosecutors may not use illegally obtained evidence in court. Do the advantages of the rule outweigh the disadvantages? Explain why or why not.

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