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Liberal vs. Conservative

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1 Liberal vs. Conservative

2 Liberal vs. Conservative
To change or not to change—that is the question! Liberal vs. Conservative How much change are you willing to accept?

3 Liberal Liberal-believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

4 Conservative believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism  not liking or accepting changes or new ideas disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

5 Change These are generalizations, but, in general…
A Conservative is more likely to believe in traditional values and wants things to remain the same. A liberal is more likely to believe that change is necessary and will do what it takes to make those changes

6 On the issue of guns A more liberal view A more conservative view

7 Guns A more liberal view: Wants to limit who can own guns and gun rights A more conservative view: Belief in the 2nd amendment, with few restrictions *Remember this is on a spectrum, it is not black or white, or on one side or the other.

8 Money These are generalizations, but, in general…
A Conservative is more likely to believe in the government saving money rather than spending it A Liberal is more likely to believe that government money should be spent if it leads to change

9 Size of Government These are generalizations, but, in general…
A Conservative is more likely to believe in a government that is small and has limited power A Liberal is more likely to believe in government that is larger (because it can promote change)

10 Environment This topic tends to go against the “general idea”
What would a liberal or conservative say about protecting the environment?

11 Environment Liberal View: Wants to protect the environment
Conservative View: More willing to use the environment for the advancement of people

12 Issue: Gay Marriage Which party would be more likely to favor laws that would give gays more rights? For example, which party would be most likely to allow people to be openly gay in the military? Which party would be most likely to allow civil unions (non-religiously endorsed unions of gays)? Which party would be most likely to allow gay marriage?

13 Abortion Which party would associate with a woman’s right to choose? (planned parenthood) Which party would associate with the Right to Life organization?

14 Liberal or Conservative
Most people are going to be liberal on some issues and conservative on others.

MODERATE RADICAL REVOLUTIONARY: Wants drastic change and believes it requires drastic action (revolution) REACTIONARY: Wants to go back to the way things were

16 Democrats vs. Republicans
Which party tends to be more liberal? Which party tends to be more conservative?

17 A Hint Which party does Barack Obama belong to?

CONSERVATIVE RADICAL MODERATE RADICAL REVOLUTIONARY: Wants drastic change and believes it requires drastic action (revolution) REACTIONARY: Wants to go back to the way things were

CONSERVATIVE RADICAL MODERATE RADICAL REVOLUTIONARY: Wants drastic change and believes it requires drastic action (revolution) REACTIONARY: Wants to go back to the way things were

20 Where do we get our political ideas?
This is called Political Socialization

21 BIAS: News…

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