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Week 8: The Music of the British Invasion

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1 Week 8: The Music of the British Invasion

2 Agenda 1. Review- 2. Lesson- 3. Song analysis- 4. Documentary-

3 So far…

4 The 1960s: A Defining Decade

5 Besides Vietnam, there were other significant events that occurred in the 1960’s that led to a distinct culture: 1. Assassination of John F. Kennedy (November 22, 1963) – Lee Harvey Oswald shot president John F. Kennedy Jr. while he was on a motorcade in Dalls, Texas. Lyndon B. Johnson was immediately sworn in as the new President of the US and would seriously escalate US involvement in Vietnam. 2. Civil Rights Movement- ( ) The movement included acts of nonviolent protest and ”civil disobedience” that showed the inequities that the Black population faced and in which governments, businesses, and communities had to respond immediately (bus boycott, Selma to Montgomery march, etc.)

6 3. Assassination of Martin Luther King Junior-  King, the prominent leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement known for his use of nonviolence and civil disobedience, was assassinated April 4, 1968 at a hotel in Memphis. 4. Baby Boomer generation- Those conceived during the Post WWII baby boom- this generation grew up during a time of social change and are associated with breaking the traditional norms. Baby boomers all of the world seemed to age together: “Britain was undergoing Beatlemania while people in the United States were driving over to Woodstock, organizing against the Vietnam War, or fighting and dying in the same war”

7 Music of the 60’s Rock music became an outlet for the baby boomer generation to express their hopes and fears in a time of political an racial issues, as well as war. One of the most famous displays of rock in the 1960s was a concert called Woodstock, which featured two British bands: Keef Hartley and Ten Years After. Some of the most well known artists who performed included: Janis Joplin, The Who, Grateful Dead, Santana, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Jimi Hendrix, etc.


9 Hit Songs in the us from British bands in the 60’s
1. The Kinks- Some Mother’s Son 2. The Who- Won’t Get Fooled Again 3. John Lennon- Give Peace a Chance & Imagine 5. Ten Years After- I’d Love to Change the World 6. Rolling Stones- Sympathy for the Devil

10 1. What is the overall message of the song?
2. Each member of the group choose two lines and explain what they mean and why they are important. 3. Explain how your song relates to the 1960s and identify any specific events of this time your song references.

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