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RESIDENTS of the biggest concert halls

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1 RESIDENTS of the biggest concert halls
RADIO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS IN EUROPE ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács mdr Hungarian Radio Art Groups

2 It's hard to talk about radio orchestras unless we know the circumstances that helped them to establish. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

3 By the end of the 19th century Edison's phonograph, Bell's phone, the Lumiére brothers' film greeted the 20th century. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

4 Like many others Bartók and Kodály has been using the phonograph when collecting traditional folk music. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

5 Tesla, Marconi and Popov invented the direct predecessor of the radio, a wireless telegraphy.
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

6 These new devices inspired the phantasy of many people.
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

7 Tosca was on programme from the Metropolitan Opera House!
The first radio broadcast!!! The first radio broadcast of human voice was delivered by Lee de Forest on 12th January in 1910. Tosca was on programme from the Metropolitan Opera House! ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

8 Today’s radios are based on a device developed by American and British scientists. This was able to transmit human voice and music by 1920. The radio broadcast started in Great Britain in 1922, in Hungary in ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

9 The content of the radio broadcasts quickly evolved: news, weather, sports news, radio games, fiction, science dissemination, entertainment and of course music, music and music. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

10 The radio was about music
The radio was about music! Lacking reliable and quality sound recordings, only live music could be listened to at first. Significant artists went to the primitive studios to entertain the radio listeners with their play. (Beardsley and Kubelik on the photo) ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

11 Since the mid-1920’s radio companies which have gained more and more revenue have formed their own symphonic orchestras. ( Elgar on the photo.) ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

12 The main concerts have become the studio concerts, which have made millions of people happy.
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

13 The first golden age of the radio orchestras dates back to the '30s and' 40s, when most of their live concerts gave valuable music to palaces and huts. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

14 The second golden age was in the '60s and in the' 70s when the recording of the classical basic repertoire as a result of the development of sound recording became part of their special mission… ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

15 …and became part of their special mission as a growing expert in the presentation and recording of contemporary music. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

16 Television becoming more and more widespread since the late '40s only increased the demand for radio orchestras. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

17 However, in the 1980s, the evolution of technology increasingly questioned the necessity of the existence of radio orchestras. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

18 Until/in the 1990’s several radio orchestras were merged or terminated.
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

19 Nowadays, their situation seems to have stabilized.
Three of their average features: recording routines, brilliant reading skills, and proficiency in contemporary music are a peculiar value for almost every radio orchestra. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

20 Currently we have 49 radio orchestras in Europe, from Dublin to Moscow, from Madrid to Oslo.
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

21 Both the audience and the domestic and international market acknowledge their premium category.
So practically every radio orchestra is an active actor not only in the studios but outside of the studios too. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

22 Most of the radio orchestras are more-and- more active in music education.
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

23 Their funding can vary from country to country, but they are funded by public money everywhere in Europe. Huge tensions on the continent have little to do with other orchestras due to financial support. And the UK situation? ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

24 If that is the case, I do not want to be the judge of it.
As I know in the UK mostly self-governing, freelance orchestras sometimes feel that more stable financed BBC orchestras wanders to their hunting ground. If that is the case, I do not want to be the judge of it. However: should we keep radio orchestras away from meeting with the audience personally? ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

25 The future of radio-based orchestras?
Extraordinary values ​​and popularity of the radio orchestras can be the guarantee. But what about decision makers? ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

26 Let us wake up the spirit of Edison, Bell, Tesla, Marconi, Popov, Lee de Forest, the Lumiere brothers and all those who opened the door of telecommunication before humanity! We hope they look at us contentedly from their heavenly labs and enjoy the beautiful play of the radio orchestras, the residents of the biggest concert halls. ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

27 Many thanks for your kind attention!
ABO Conference Cardiff January 2018 Géza Kovács

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