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Mauryan Empire India’s First Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Mauryan Empire India’s First Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mauryan Empire India’s First Empire

2 Review of India Where was first civilization in India that we discussed? Why was this civilization so mysterious? What was the climate of India like? Monsoons – what were they?

3 Geography of India Subcontinent – separate tectonic plate on Asia
Separated from Asia by mountains – Hindu Kush, Himalayas 2 major rivers – Indus and Ganges Monsoons – seasonal winds that bring pouring rain to India

4 First Empire in India Empire – civilization ruled by one person that focuses on expanding and controlling other civilizations Mauryan Empire – Founded around 300 BCE by Chandragupta Settled on Ganges river, expanded from there Divided empire into 4 sections – bureaucracy Each section had smaller districts with someone in charge First empire to unite most of India

5 Asoka Chandragupta’s grandson, Asoka took over in 269 BCE
Began by fighting war against rivals, the Kalinga Wiped them out Didn’t feel good about it, decided to change his ways

6 Buddhism Asoka wants to become peaceful, converts to Buddhism
Built roads to connect empire Decides to establish laws throughout empire Known as Rock Edicts of Asoka Encouraged peace from his people Also encouraged religious tolerance

7 End of Mauryan Empire Asoka dies in 232 BCE – no strong leader to take over Mauryan Empire falls apart

8 Spread of Buddhism Asoka encouraged people to spread Buddhism outside of India People in China especially liked Buddhism First monastery in China founded in 65 CE What is it about Buddhism that would make it so appealing?

9 Gupta Empire 500 years after death of Asoka, next big Indian empire begins – the Guptas Chandra Gupta (no relation to Chandragupta) founds Gupta Empire Doesn’t take power by conquering Marries into royal family in 320 CE

10 Return to Hinduism After Asoka converted to Buddhism, Hinduism faded
Hinduism returns with Guptas Religion too complicated – needed to be a priest to understand it Hindu followers simplified religion – still polytheistic, but focused on less gods Brahma, creator Vishnu, preserver Shiva, destroyer Simplified caste system created and focused on 4 groups – the Laws of Manu

11 Highly Advanced Under Guptas, India advanced in culture and science – GOLDEN AGE Medicine – capable of surgery, injections Writing – drama, poetry became popular Most popular poet was Kalidasa Astronomy geniuses – navigated on seas using the stars Created calendar, used hours, 7 day week Concept of zero began with Guptas Also figured out pi to 4 decimal places

12 Summaries of two empires
Mauryan Empire 1st to unite India Famous leader – Asoka Buddhist and tolerant of other religions Gupta Empire Return to Hinduism Lots of scientific advancements Known as Golden Age of India

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