Parent Information Afternoon 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Afternoon 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Afternoon 2017
Welcome to Year 1 Parent Information Afternoon 2017

2 The Year 1 Team 1S: Miss Sendall Mrs Howarth 1C: Miss Chambers Tara

3 Timetable Both classes work from the same timetable.
We teach Phonics, Literacy, Guided Reading and Maths each morning. Other areas of the curriculum are explored through play during afternoon sessions.

4 P.E Indoor P.E Wednesday Outdoor P.E Thursday
Please ensure that your child has suitable footwear for outdoor P.E and that all their kit is clearly labelled.

5 Library Library day is on Wednesday so please remember to bring books back to change for a new one.

6 Ex Days Ex Days will be every other Tuesday.

7 Year 1 Expectations School Rules Individual Reward Chart
Golden minutes for Golden Time earned as a class

8 Golden time Golden Time is earned throughout the week by the children.
It is held on a Friday afternoon and is made up of activities chosen by the class. Check your child’s class window for a copy of the timetable.

9 Reading Choose a new book each morning.
Please read with your child each night and comment in the reading diary. Reading Karate.

10 Homework Phonics spellings are given out each Friday to be practised for the following Friday. Maths and Literacy homework will be given out on alternate Fridays to be handed in the following week. This will start after half term.

11 Topic learning The first topic in September will be The Big Build, based on the Three Little Pigs story.

12 And finally…. We have an open door policy in our school. Please come and speak to us if you have any questions or concerns. Any questions?

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