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Test Semester 1, 2011 Feedback and answers 19 May 2011

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1 Test Semester 1, 2011 Feedback and answers 19 May 2011
Public Relations PURE311 Test Semester 1, 2011 Feedback and answers 19 May 2011

2 Outcomes 1st Semester Test Answers from marking memorandum
Specific and generic feedback 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

3 General comments Highest mark 90% (95%), lowest 42% (62)%
1x (3x) 90% >, 3x (9x) 80% >, x (8x) 70% > Too many 50% and 40% Class average 61% (78%) QUESTION 3 – WHY? Language and spelling need committed attention – how and when? 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

4 Question 1 Give any definition of the term ‘strategy’
Student manual pp marks From Greek word strategie (1) Means office of general (1) It is multi-dimensional (1) Indication of future position (1) Pattern (1), consistency in behaviour (1), intended or unintended (1), or a position (1), to locate organisation in an environment (1) Mintzberg: plan to get from here to there (1), ploy to outwit (1), patter of actions over time (1) , position that reflects decisions (1) to offer products to markets (1), perspective (1), ie vision and direction (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

5 Question 2 PRPs role as ‘expert describers’
Student manual pp 26, marks Identified as informed practitioners (1), regarded as experts on PR (1), best informed about PR issues (1), best qualified to answer PR questions (1) Practitioner researches (1), defines communication problems (1), develops PR programmes (1) takes responsibility for implementing the programmes (1) Practitioners plays a passive role in manage ment involvement (1), have little or no influence on strategic decisions (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

6 Question 3 Explain any one of three functions of PR specialist: Research, Mirror, Window Research student manual p marks Gathers information (1), to assess public opinion (1), trends (1), emerging issues (1), political climate (1), and media sentiment (1) Pro-active tool (1), used to plan strategically for problem situations (1). Conducted throughout programme implementation (1), to assess campaign effectiveness (1) Research as environmental scanning is imperative (1), for successful integration of PR (1) into strategic intent of organisation (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

7 Question 3 Explain any one of three functions of PR specialist: Research, Mirror, Window mirror student manual p 28, marks Involves monitoring (1), of environmental developments (1) and anticipation of consequences (1) from developments for organisation (1) Practitioner functions as early warning system (1), that identifies issues of relevance to organisation (1) Practitioner gathers (1), interprets (1), and uses the strategic information (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

8 Question 3 Explain any one of three functions of PR specialist: Research, Mirror, Window WINDOW student manual p 28, marks Preparation (1) and execution of the PR strategy and policy (1) resulting in messages (1) that portray the image of organisation (1) Practitioner aware of environment of organisation (1) and knows stakeholders (1), can portray philosophies/policies/programmes and practices (1) of top management (1) to stakeholders (1) Example: adopts environmental policy (1) that has implication to stakeholders (1) and PRP needs to communicate this to stakeholders (1), creates outward orientation (1) and mutual understanding and cooperation (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

9 Question 4 Explain and give examples of PR models: two-way asymmetrical; two-way symmetrical Student manual pp marks (3 for explanation, 2 for example) TWO-WAY ASYMMETRICAL MODEL Developed by Edward L Bernays (1) and focuses on scientific persuasion (1) Uses two-way communication system (1) with the main source of the model the receiver (1) Has an imbalanced effect (1) as feed is not always received (1) Example: mainly used in competitive business agencies such as advertising agencies (2) DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1 19/5/2011

10 Question 4 Explain and give examples of PR models: two-way asymmetrical; two-way symmetrical Student manual pp marks (3 for explanation, 2 for example) TWO-WAY SYMMETRICAL MODEL Developed by Edward L Bernays (1) with many educators (1) and professional leaders contributing to the development of the model (1) Based on concept of mutual understanding (1) where receiver understands (1) and analyses (1) message as sender intended (1) Based on two-way communication (1) that leads to balanced effect (1) where feedback forms basis of the model (1) Source is group (1) and used in regulated businesses/agencies such as banks (2) DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1 19/5/2011

11 Question 5 Describe one of the redefined PRP roles: strategist OR technician Student manual p marks STRATEGIST Person monitoring relevant environmental development (1) Anticipating consequences for organisation’s policies and strategies (1) Fulfilling role of boundary spanner (1) Forms part of strategy formulation team (1) (Played at macro (1) or top management level of an organisation (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

12 Question 5 Describe one of the redefined PRP roles: strategist OR technician Student manual p marks TECHNICIAN Played at the implementation (1) or programme level (1) Responsible for implementing communication plans or campaigns (1) directed at organisation’s stakeholders (1) Traditional role played most often by practitioners (1) Responsible for writing news releases (1), organising exhibitions etc (1) Played at micro (1) or implementation level of an organisation (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

13 Question 5 Explain the four models of Public Relations
with and example Student manual pp 35-36 5 marks; 3 for explanation, 2 for example 5.2 Two-way asymmetric model (explanation 3, example 2) Developer Edward L Bernays (1) Focus scientific persuasion (1) Uses two-way communication (1) with receiver as main source (1) Imbalanced effect (1) as feedback not always received (1) Example: competitive business agencies (2), persuasion to trigger a transaction (1), popular with marketing (1) and use for evaluative research (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

14 Question 6 Explain the PRP’s role at the meso level in the organisation Student manual p 79 – 10 marks Window function (1) and role of PR manager (1) Boundary spanning role (1): external representation (1), information disposal (1), in stakeholder (1) and societal environment (1) Environmental scanning (1): external representation (1), information disposal (1) in stakeholder (1) and societal environment (1) Levels of strategy formulation (1): input (1) into PR function’s strategy formulation (1), developing PR/communication strategy (1), middle management role (1) at function (1) meso organisational level (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

15 Question 7 Explain licensing and other issues and trends in PR in 1 page essay, including technology and shift to corporate communication Student manual pp marks; 2 marks each to introduction and conclusion, 2 marks to logical flow, 14 marks to rest Edward Bernays advocated licensing for PR profession (1) Only viable solution (1) to gain and maintain credibility for profession (1) Difficulty of defining profession (1) or PR itself (1) leads to differences in opinion on where PR stands on issue (1) PR must achieve professional status (1) before its social role will be accepted as valuable to society (1) or clients will accept advice from PR counsellors (1) In PR term professionalism normally linked to expression to improve standing in industry (1) with negative consequences for its image (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

16 Question 7 Explain licensing and other issues and trends in PR in 1 page essay, including technology and shift to corporate communication Technology has strengthened communication channels around the world and created a ‘global village (1) South African PRP needs conscious awareness of specific needs of markets we are serving (1) Therefore necessary to determine trends (1) and issues that are important to environment we function in (1) Shift has taken place and function of PR has been branded corporate communication (1) Corporate communication is communication on behalf of an organisation (1) Communication activities managed to increase organisational effectiveness (1) by creating and maintaining relationships with stakeholders (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

17 Question 7 Explain licensing and other issues and trends in PR in 1 page essay, including technology and shift to corporate communication It encompasses all communication activities (1) which an organisation undertakes as a corporate entity (1), everything which comes from head office (1) is aimed at all staff (1) or which reflects the organisation as a whole (1) It excludes communication such as departmental newsletters (1) and PR activities on behalf of brands or subsidiaries (1) It includes organisation’s website and investor relations (1) Corporate communication functions as peripheral function to policy formulation (1) and many other management functions in the organisation (1) PRP traditional role has many shortcomings (1), led to perception that PRPs need to be strategist (1) not only technician (1) Solutions for concerns raised above is strategy (1) 19/5/2011 DPR3-Public Relations-Test Feedback-Semester1

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