Self-reflection LivingValues Movement

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Presentation on theme: "Self-reflection LivingValues Movement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-reflection LivingValues Movement

2 Good day. Welcome to self-reflection
Good day. Welcome to self-reflection! Goodness is innate in humans - however, the daily grind leaves little time for us to relate with it / our own self. This self-reflection is an attempt to connect with oneself, and being aware of one’s connect with society and nature.   The incidents / anecdotes / situations and the questions that follow, are to help the process - kindly fill-in the response boxes with your thoughts (for each of the posers) and feel free to save them for future reference / reflections. Thank you


4 Reflection 1. What is duty? My response

5 Reflection 2. Is duty and responsibility synonymous/ same?
My views


7 Reflection 3. What is my duty towards society or nature?
My response

8 Incident Murli Kanne, 23-year old, was on his way to the gym along with his friend. It was around 7:30 pm. He heard a baby crying and the sound was coming from a garbage bin nearby. Murli decided that he would not let this one-year-old baby girl fight it out alone, immediately posted for help on Facebook. Murli immediately got calls from people with suggestions, advice and leads. Murli decided to take the legal route. He took the girl to the local police station, where he was explained the legalities involved with surrendering a child to an orphanage. The infant is now in Shishu Vihar, Ameerpet, with name Anshu and is doing great.

9 My views Reflection 5. Would I go that extra mile to help a needy in my society/neighbourhood?

10 Reflection 6. Going forward what I can/may do?
My response

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