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Invasive Species Lecture Objectives:

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1 Invasive Species Lecture Objectives:
Be introduced to biological invasions Know several examples of invasive species Learn what you can do to stop the spread of invasive species

2 Invasive Species: Why should we care? ecological concerns
What are they? Why should we care? ecological concerns human, plant and animal health economic concerns

3 What is a native species?
normally live and thrive in a particular community. occupy specific habitats have specific niches in their native environment. have natural predators that help to keep their populations in check. Pink lady's slipper, Cypripedium acaule Red fox, Vulpes vulpes

4 Invasive species in general
Have few natural predators, competitors, parasites or diseases Have high reproductive rates Are long-lived Characteristics that make Zebra mussels a good invader include: its ability to tolerate a wide-range of environments high reproduction rate female mussels release up to 100,000 eggs

5 Invasive Species Some introduced deliberately: Shakespeare fans game animals domestic animals Some accidental: ballasts of ships unprocessed wood fruit shipments by-pass natural barriers

6 Ballast Tanks

7 ZEBRA MUSSEL — Dreissena polymorpha
Found in 1988 in Lake St. Clair (Lake between Huron and Erie, just off of Detroit, MI). Up to 70,000 individuals per m2 Likely came to North America in ballast water

8 Exotic mollusks) Quagga mussel (1990s) Asiatic clam (1980)
(Dreissena bugensis) Ballast water Asiatic clam (1980) (Corbicula fluminea) Aquarium release

9 Negative effects on native clams
Zebra mussels cover them and prevent them from feeding and moving

10 Crustaceans

11 fish Round goby (1990) Ballast water- accidental Common carp From asia Stocked as cheap food source for future

12 Asian Carp Eat plankton Out compete native species Threat to Great lakes species Electrical fence to keep them out asian carp

13 Welland Canal Niagara Falls was the major obstacle to an uninterrupted waterway Begun in 1829

14 Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Invaded the Great Lakes after the opening of the Welland Canal Devastated native fish stocks, especially lake trout

15 European Starling First successful introduction was 60 European starlings released in Central Park, NY. in 1890, by fans of Shakespeare competes with bluebirds, woodpeckers slippery sidewalks

16 Insects In 1956, African Honey Bees were imported into Brazil
Africanized Bees In 1957, 26 African queens escaped Reached US in 1990 More aggressive than European Honey Bees, have killed 1,000 people Impact honey and pollination industries

17 Insects Gypsy moth Introduced in 1860s
Originally brought to the US for silk production now defoliates entire forests

18 Insects Emerald ash borer Introduced in 1860s
Originally brought to the US for silk production Kills ash trees

19 Reptiles Brown Tree Snake Introduced to Guam via cargo transported by U.S. military ships during World War II On Guam wiped out 9 of 13 indigenous bird species

20 Python in Florida

21 Mammals Goats and pigs in Hawaii wiped out native plants
Horses in Grand Canyon causing erosion Game animals “Texotics” “Texotics” Oryx Photo: Dr Mike Hill

22 Plants Kudzu Introduced into the U.S. in 1876 at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition promoted as a forage crop and an ornamental plant until 1953 kills other plants by smothering them under a solid blanket of leaves

23 Plants Purple Loosestrife (early 1800s) Lythrum salicaria

24 What you can do When boating, clean your boat thoroughly before transporting it to a different body of water. Clean your boots before you hike in a new area to get rid of hitchhiking weed seeds and pathogens. Don't release aquarium fish and plants, live bait or other exotic animals into the wild. If you plan to own an exotic pet, do your research and plan ahead to make sure you can commit to looking after it.  Volunteer at your local park, refuge or other wildlife area to help remove invasive species. Help educate others about the threat. 


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