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Chapter 8 review.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 review

2 Number 1: A person’s belief that he or she needs a drug to feel good or function normally

3 Psychological Dependence

4 Number 2: The body’s need for larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect

5 Tolerance

6 Tiny air sacs in your lungs
Number 3: Tiny air sacs in your lungs

7 Alveoli

8 The substance produced when tobacco burns
Number 4: The substance produced when tobacco burns

9 Tar

10 One harmful substance found in tobacco that is a highly addictive drug
Number 5: One harmful substance found in tobacco that is a highly addictive drug

11 Nicotine

12 Number 6: Uncontrolled growth of cells that reproduce abnormally; often caused by smoking

13 Lung cancer

14 Smoke that is exhaled by a smoker
Number 7: Smoke that is exhaled by a smoker

15 Mainstream smoke

16 One of the main reasons teens may try tobacco
Number 8: One of the main reasons teens may try tobacco

17 Peer Pressure

18 A passageway in your throat that takes air into and out of your lungs
Number 9: A passageway in your throat that takes air into and out of your lungs

19 Trachea

20 A mental or physical need for drug or other substance
Number 10: A mental or physical need for drug or other substance

21 Addiction

22 True or False Questions

23 Number 11: Nicotine in smokeless tobacco has a different effect than nicotine in cigarettes

24 False

25 Anyone who stops using nicotine goes through withdrawal.
Number 12: Anyone who stops using nicotine goes through withdrawal.

26 True

27 Teens are an especially good target audience for tobacco companies.
Number 13: Teens are an especially good target audience for tobacco companies.

28 True

29 Secondhand smoke is also known as mainstream smoke.
Number 14: Secondhand smoke is also known as mainstream smoke.

30 True

31 Number 15: The law does not allow the sale of tobacco to anyone under the age of 21

32 False

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