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Bakersfield Ahmed Alhrbi.

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Presentation on theme: "Bakersfield Ahmed Alhrbi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bakersfield Ahmed Alhrbi

2 Good places to eat My bedroom My car out door
Best places to eat on my life. My car I have no idea why I like this places. out door Sometime I like eat with nice weather.

3 Great Things to Do. Shopping Good school Watch movie stay in home
There are really nothing to do on Bakersfield. The great things is near to Los Angeles.

4 Temperatures Average Temperatures Hight Low jan 55.8 35.2 feb 64.0
39.7 mar 71.3 44.4 apr 77.2 48.8 may 84.8 55.5 jun 92.7 61.5 jul 102.1 67.5 aug 100.7 66.1 sep 91.8 25.3 oct 83.1 50.5 nov 70.0 40.0 dec 58.0

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