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Bakersfield Christa Schaffer 2/18/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Bakersfield Christa Schaffer 2/18/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bakersfield Christa Schaffer 2/18/13

2 Good Places to Eat Bubba Gumps- Life is like a box of chocolates.
Bucca De Beppos- It’s Italian and the best you’ll ever eat in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Taco Bell- 99 cent tacos. Enough said.

3 Great Things to do Go to CSUB. Hunting rabbets.
Watching movies in theaters. Play practical jokes Sleep. Eat.

4 Temperatures Average Temperatures High Low Jan 55.8 35.2 Feb 64 39.7
Mar 71.3 44.4 Apr 77.2 48.8 May 84.8 55.5 Jun 92.7 61.5 Jul 102.1 67.5 Aug 100.7 66.1 Sep 91.8 58.3 Oct 83.1 50.5 Nov 70 40 Dec 58

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