Integration of ICT in teaching and learning

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1 Integration of ICT in teaching and learning
Romanian presentation Latvian mobility Project No LVO2-KA

2 Presentation outline Definition of ICT; Characteristics of ICT;
ICT tools; Attributes of computer based technology; Influences on student learning; Impact on teachers; ICT programs in Romania; Ael platform; Teacher vs students’ point of view; Conclusions; Project No LVO2-KA

3 Definition of ICT ICT can be defined as the use of hardware and software for efficient management of information. ICT literacy basically involves using digital technology, communication tools and/or access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in order to function in a knowledge society. Project No LVO2-KA

4 ICT-characteristics Project No LVO2-KA

5 ICT tools Multimedia PC, Laptop, Notebook.
CDs& DVDs, digital video, still camera. Internet and its tools- ,browsers, website, search engines, chat etc. Computer aided instruction& computer mediated video/audio conferencing. Digital libraries, e-books& electronic publications. Microsoft publishing-news letter, poster, brochure. Project No LVO2-KA

6 Attributes of Computer based technology
Multi-sensory delivery: Text, graphics, animation, sound and video. Active learning: enhanced learner interest. Co-operative learning: positive group/social interaction. Communication Skills: one-to-one, one-to- many, many-to-many. Multicultural education: link students from across the country/around the world. Motivation: greater learner engagement (time). Project No LVO2-KA

7 Influence of ICT in student learning
ICT helps to provide interactive learning experiences. ICT stimulates and motivates students to learn. ICT provides comfortable learning. ICT aids in the understanding of difficult concepts and processes. ICT caters to different learning styles. ICT helps students to gain valuable computer skills. ICT aids in collaboration and group work. Project No LVO2-KA

8 IMPACT ON TEACHERS Teacher access to : Lesson plans
Network of teachers Pedagogical techniques Information resources Project No LVO2-KA

9 ICT programs in Romania
Launched in 2001 ,the Romanian Government approved The Project for the Implementation of the Alternative System of Computer-Assisted Education through the Provision of the Romanian Schools with ICT-based Laboratories. The project has been carried out in several stages, being monitored by the Ministry of Education, recognized at an international level, and attested by many diplomas and other awards. Project No LVO2-KA

10 Ael Platform AeL is an integrated teaching/learning and content management system that facilitates the activities of the actors involved in the educational process and its design – teachers, students, content developers, evaluators, managers etc. The AeL Platform, designed in a multi-layer system, is a standard client application, web browser type, and an application server based on Java platform. AeL offers HTML editors, mathematical formulas editors, editors for chemistry, geometry, physics, and tutorials for the on-line content. The educational software is designed so as to respect a methodology which is continuously improved based on data obtained from school practice. Project No LVO2-KA

11 For the Romanian education system, the educational portal was established within the project. The portal has different components for students, teachers and parents, as well as elements of connection with higher education. The portal has over 80,000 registered users and a collection of incorporated web sites. Project No LVO2-KA

12 Teacher Access to ICT Courses and Students’ Interest in ICT
With regard to the ICT skills, a quarter of the teachers say that their skills are very good (3, on a scale of 0 to 3), and almost half consider that their use of computers is at least satisfactory. With regard to the usefulness of the existing training programs, when compared to the concrete needs for classroom activities, most teachers (58.3%) think they are appropriate for start, but the development of efficient learning activities based on the new technologies requires direct experience and a lot of practice. Students think that the most important effect of using computers in classes is that they learn more easily and then, close behind, that they understand more easily and that they feel attracted to learning how to use a computer. Project No LVO2-KA

13 Conclusions The conclusions of the Evaluation Report on Implementing SEI, published in 2008, show the progress that was made as compared to the situation described in the 2004 intermediary report. Thus, the number of teachers that use ICT was significantly greater than before, the number of lessons in which ICT was used increased and, to a similar extent, the teachers’ and students’ willingness to take part in more lessons that use ICT; the number of students per computer in a school decreased, especially at high school level. Project No LVO2-KA

14 Thank you for your attention!
Project No LVO2-KA

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