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CCR English Vocabulary unit 6.

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1 CCR English Vocabulary unit 6

2 Acquisitive In an acquisitive society, there is a great deal of emphasis on buying and selling. Synonym: greedy

3 Arrogate The ambitious noblemen will put the young kind under house arrest and arrogate royal privileges to themselves. Synonym: usurp

4 banal The new play’s banal dialogue made it seem more like a soap opera than a serious drama. Synonym: stale

5 carping The trainee resigned after a week rather than put up with the carping complaints of the sales manager. Most artists choose to ignore the carping of critics and simply go on with their work. Synonym: nit-picking

6 coherent The physics teacher gave a surprisingly coherent description of quantum mechanics. Synonym: unified

7 congeal If you do not wash your dishes right away, the food on them will congeal. Synonym: solidify

8 Emulate Most beginning writers try to emulate a great writer and later develop their own individual styles. Synonym: mimic

9 encomium On Veterans Day, the President delivered a heartfelt encomium to those who died for their country. Synonym: eulogy

10 eschew The young athletes promised the coach that they would train vigorously and eschew bad habits. Synonym: steer clear of

11 Germane Bringing up examples from the past is not germane to the present discussion. Synonym: Pertinent

12 Insatiable People with an insatiable appetite form gossip often do not have compelling stories of their own. Synonym: unquenchable The answer to INSATIABLE on the quiz is K

13 intransigent Little will get accomplished if the legislators of both parties maintain their intransigent attitudes. Synonym: unyielding

14 invidious Teachers should avoid making invidious comparisons between their students. Synonym: spiteful

15 largesse The university was the fortunate beneficiary of the largesse of many of its graduates. Synonym: bounty

16 reconnaissance The field officer required a thorough reconnaissance before ordering any troop movements. Synonym: scouting expedition

17 substantiate The prospector was unable to substantiate his claim to the land where the gold was found. Synonym: validate

18 taciturn Abraham Lincoln has the reputation of having a dour and taciturn personality. Synonym: Tight-lipped

19 temporize For most of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy, the protagonist Hamlet chooses to temporize rather than act. Synonym: Procrastinate

20 tenable The researchers put forth a tenable theory, but their conclusions would be reviewed carefully by others. Synonym: justifiable

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