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English 12 Vocabulary Unit 1. Acquisitive We live in an acquisitive society.

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1 English 12 Vocabulary Unit 1

2 Acquisitive We live in an acquisitive society

3 Arrogate A pirate will arrogate treasure from other vessels.

4 banal Knock, Knock! Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock, Knock! Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock, Knock! Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say banana? describes something common or overused

5 belabor Belabor means to explain or work at something for longer than is necessary. To belabor the point!!

6 Carping finding fault, especially in a petty, nasty way

7 Coherent holding or sticking together; making a logical whole;

8 Congeal change from liquid to solid I poured the Jello liquid into the mold, and then it congealed.

9 Emulate match or surpass through imitation; strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation Leonard di Vinci emulated his teacher, Andrea Verrochio, and soon was a greater sculpture than Verrochio ever was.

10 Encomium Warm, glowing praise. A formal expression of praise; a tribute. The book is essentially an encomium to the man's father, whom he idolizes. The Grammy Award is an encomium to the performer who receives it.

11 Encomium An Excerpt of an encomium speech given at a funeral: My father was the kindest, most generous, and giving individual to ever walk this earth. He was both smart and humble; always putting others before himself. He was truly a man to be remembered.

12 Eschew- avoid, shun, keep away from Sentence: He tried to eschew evil, but it seemed to follow him everywhere.

13 eschew

14 germane relevant, appropriate, fitting, necessary Sentence: Why didn’t you tell me? That information was germane to the investigation. Ice cream is germane to a milkshake

15 Insatiable incapable of being satisfied, as an insatiable hunger or thirst

16 invidious unjust or unfair; offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment His invidious treatment caused his family to resent him.

17 Largesse - "lar JESS" Money or gifts given generously, a very large gift

18 substantiate (v) to prove a claim to be true or back up a claim with evidence; prove

19 Taciturn- habitually silent or quiet

20 tenable- defendable position The cat is in a tenable position.

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