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Elisa A. Mancuso RNC, MS, FNS Professor of Nursing

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1 Elisa A. Mancuso RNC, MS, FNS Professor of Nursing
Respiration Elisa A. Mancuso RNC, MS, FNS Professor of Nursing

2 Respiratory Alterations
↑ Risk < 3 years Smaller upper and lower airways Underdeveloped supporting cartilage ineffective clearing of organisms Immature immune systems Compensatory Mechanisms Lungs- ↑ or ↓ RR Kidneys- retain or filter H+ affects pH Blood buffer system: H+, HgB, Na Interact to maintain pH

3 Interpreting ABG’s Know your normal values! PH 7.35-7.45 PaCo2 35-45
< 7.35 = Acidosis > 7.45 = Alkalosis PaCo < 35 = Alkalosis > 45 = Acidosis HCO < 22 = Acidosis > 26 = Alkalosis PaO % < 90 = Hypoxia

4 Respiratory or Metabolic?
ROME Respiratory opposite (pH & CO2) Metabolic even (pH & HCO3) Respiratory reflects PaCO2 ↓ CO2 = alkalosis ↑ CO2 = acidosis Metabolic reflects HCO3 and BE ↓ HCO3 = acidosis ↑ HCO3 = alkalosis

5 Respiratory Alterations
Respiratory Acidosis ↓ PH and ↑ PaCO2 Causes ↓ RR Neuromuscular problems: BPD, RDS, CF Respiratory depression and ↑ CO2 Respiratory Alkalosis ↑ PH and ↓ PaCO2 ↑ RR ↑ Fever Stress

6 Metabolic Alterations
Metabolic Acidosis ↓ PH and ↓ HCO3 Causes Renal failure, diarrhea, ketoacidosis Metabolic Alkalosis ↑ High PH and ↑ HCO3 Vomiting, Meds for ulcers, NaHCO3, NGT = HCL loss & ↑ HCO3 Diuresis

7 Case Study Mariska, 4 years old presents with following:
RR = 54 C/O Chest tightness Bilateral expiratory & inspiratory wheezing Frightened appearance. ABG pH of 7.27, PaO2 88, PaCO2 48 and HCO3 24. What is her acid – base status? Identify each component. Find the cause Answer???? At this point her status is respiratory acidosis. Decreased ability to ventilate appropriately, retained CO2 and lowered the pH.

8 Upper Respiratory Infections URI
Acute pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis Children get 7-10 colds/year! Majority is viral = Rhinovirus Signs and symptoms low grade fever sore throat spontaneous recovery Self limiting 7-10 days

9 URIs Bacterial Group A beta-hemolytic strep (GABHS) Signs and symptoms
Abrupt onset Fever >102, chills Fatigue, HA Nasal congestion Abdominal pain & Anorexia Vomiting, diarrhea Halitosis Fire red throat & petechiae Exudative

10 Treatment of Strep Pharyngitis
Throat culture IN and OUT. Rapid antigen detection test 60-95% sensitive. Antibiotics Prevents serious complication = Rheumatic fever PEN-VK BID-TID drug of choice x 10 days Amoxicillin mg/kg/day ÷ BID ↑ tasting and ↓ dosing needed ↑better compliance! Zithromax 10mg/kg/day 1 5mg/kg day 2-5 Cefdinir (Omnicef) 14 mg/kg/day Cefixine (Suprax) 8mg/kg/day

11 Treatment (cont) Bed rest Tylenol 10-15mg/kg every 4 hours
√ Infant vs. Child concentration! Saline gtts and cool mist humidifier Hydration Decongestants > 6 months. Contagious: Separate from others! Need meds x 24 hours Then return to school Feel better in hours! Must Complete all meds!

12 Tonsils Lymphoid tissue in pharyngeal cavity
Filter and protect respiratory and GI tract ↑ Antibody formation until 3 years & immune system mature ↑ ↑ size in children until puberty Inflamed with infections If chronically enlarged 3+ → 4+ Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Difficulty breathing and eating

13 Tonsillitis Persistent cough Dry mucous membranes White patchy exudate
Secondary OM from blocked Eustachian tubes Viral- Self- limiting Palliative measures Pain & Hydration

14 Tonsillectomy Most common indication today is OSA
4 strep infections/season Peri-tonsilar Abscess Post-op care ↑ HOB with pt prone or on side Encourage fluids PO -No straws! Medicate for pain (no ASA) and N/V Ice pack to anterior neck √ Hemorrhage (5-20%) Go to OR! (1st 48 hours and then 5-7 days) ↑ ↑ swallowing/vomiting bright red blood ↑↑ RR ↑↑ HR ↑↑ Restlessness Normal Eschar forms

15 Epiglottitis Medical Emergency
3-6 years Haemophilus influenza type B (HIB) (50% pre-vaccination) Dramatic ↓↓ since HIB vaccine Strep pneumoniae, staph aureous. Rapid & severe inflammation of epiglottis and surrounding areas Complete airway obstruction

16 Signs and symptoms Abrupt onset of sore throat
Fever toxic appearing 4 D’s Dysphonia (muffled voice) Dysphagia (↓ swallowing) Drooling Distress/Dyspnea Inspiratory stridor Retractions ↑ RR ↑HR Pallor Tripod position Thumb sign on soft tissue x-ray

LIMIT UPSETING PROCEDURES! Establish Airway Respiratory Isolation! Humidified O2 Hydration Antibiotics (Meningitic doses) Ampicillin mg/kg/day ÷ q6H Chloramphenicol mg/kg/day ÷ q6H Steroids Methylprednisolone 2mg/kg/day ÷ q6H

18 Croup Laryngotracheobronchitis
Acute spasmodic laryngitis Upper airway ↑ 3 months to 5 years 2 years Paroxysmal laryngeal edema night Parainfluenza virus or allergic reaction ↑ in fall and winter months Precipitated with nasopharyngitis

19 Clinical signs Awakes suddenly with barking cough Inspiratory stridor
Hoarseness Restlessness Anxious Retractions, ↓↓O2 rest = severe croup ↑ Temp Duration few hours, Repeat x 2 nights Symptoms improve with change in temp

20 Treatment Maintain airway Position upright Cool mist humidified O2
Steam shower or expose to cold night air Decadron 0.6mg/kg IM/PO x 1 dose Racemic epinephrine 2.25% nebulizer for inspiratory stridor at rest Induce vomiting = stops laryngospasm Hospitalize only when: ↑ Stridor ↓ O2 ↓LOC

21 Otitis Media (OM) Acute inflammation & effusion of middle ear
Common pathogens Strep pneumonia (50%) ↓ incidence with Prevnar vaccine Haemophilus influenza (30%)-not type B! Moraxella catarrhalis (20%) ↑↑ incidence with resistance Viruses Food Allergies

22 Pathophysiology Eustachian tube dysfunction
< 5 years = shorter, wider and straighter Acute bacteria/purulent exudates Signs and symptoms ↑ ↑ Pain, ↑ ↑ irritability Tugging on ears Fever >102 Rhinorrhea, cough and congestion Anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea Tympanic membrane Red & bulging Tympanogram No movement of TM Hearing loss preventing organism drainage into nasopharygeal cavity leading to back-up of fluid and organisms in middle ear

23 To treat or not treat? AAP guidelines to ↓ resistant organisms
< 6 months: with S/S of illness → Treat! 6 mos -2 years: certain diagnosis → Treat! Uncertain & no s/s of severe illness = Observe > 2 years: certain diagnosis & no S/S of severe illness Observation & Pain Relief AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS, Guidelines for Acute Otitis Media, 2004

24 Treatments Amoxicillin 40-45mg/kg/day ÷ BID 80mg/kg- 90mg/kg/day ÷ BID
Now recommending high dose: 80mg/kg- 90mg/kg/day ÷ BID Augmentin 40-45mg/kg/day BID for resistance to amoxicillin Ceclor 40 mg/kg/day Bactrim/Septra 8mg/kg/day Rocephin for resistant OM’s Myringotomy Tubes Frequent infections Prolonged fluid

25 Bronchiolitis (RSV) Disease of lower airways
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) = common cause Can be fatal in <2 months/premature 90% of infants <1 year get RSV ↑ incidence winter/spring ↑ Contagious via direct contact & inhalation Use alcohol based hand rubs. Pathophysiology RSV affects epithelia cells of lungs Bronchioles become edematous Lumen filled with mucous - green thick exudate Bronchioles infiltrated with inflammatory cells Air trapping Severe cases mucous plugging & apnea= death

26 RSV Clinical signs Nasal Aspirate Culture =
(+) ELISA enzyme-linked immunosuppressive assay (+) RSV Ag or rapid fluorescent antibody 72 hours after onset Rhinorrhea with thick, tenacious, green secretions  RR, retractions & cyanosis Coughing, wheezing CXR Hyperinflation (obstructive emphysema) Atelectasis =↓ Breath sounds (PN) Hypoxia → apnea and even death

27 Therapy Respiratory Isolation Cool mist humidified O2 ↑ Hydration
√ O2 sats! >95% is nl ↑ Hydration Antibiotics for PN Bronchodilators Steroids Severe Cases Racemic epinephrine Mechanical ventilation Prophylactic Approach Respi Gam (RSV Immune Globulin) $600/vial Synagis (Monoclonal AB) 15 mg/kg IM Binds with RSV to ↓ infection. @ beginning of RSV season Oct - Nov total of 5 monthly doses; Need ↑ titers to be effective

28 Asthma Inflammation & Hyperactivity Abrupt onset after URI or allergen
RAD= Reactive Airway Disease Reversible bronchospasm 8 million kids/year 1st attack 3-8 years # 1 Chronic illness= 8 million kids, 1 cause of hospitalization 10 million missed school days/year

29 Pathophysiology Inflammation
Histamine release to allergen/trigger (stimulus). Edema→ Mucous Production → Bronchial Obstruction & Spasm Bronchoconstriction Hyper-responsiveness of stimuli: Allergens: Cigarette smoke Dust mites Exercise Cold air Stress Drugs (ASA/NSAID) Urban factors: #1 Cockroach droppings Diesel fumes Histamine is a vasoactive amine. Vasodilation → mucosal edema → nasal stuffiness → rhinorrhea → itchy → erythema

30 Early & Subtle Clinical signs
Irritable Itchy Tired Dry mouth Dark circle under eyes Chronic cough night

31 Clinical Signs Older child
SOB and Dyspnea Expiratory wheeze bilaterally Chest pain or tightness → ↑ HR Spasmodic or tight night Abdominal pain and nausea Mild Intermittent <2 days/week Severe Persistent Constant/daily

32 Warning signs Retractions ↑ RR and Hypoxia<92% (Admit to hospital)
As symptoms progress → Expiratory & Inspiratory wheeze ↑ HR Breathlessness Anxious & Restless Absent breath sounds No air movement Respiratory arrest!

33 Status Asthmaticus Limited or no response to therapy
Respiratory distress → arrest ICU IV Hydration & Intubation Medications: Steroids Magnesium Sulfate IV Bronchodilators Nebulizer RX Antibiotics

34 Diagnostic Tests Allergy testing- 4-8% have a food allergy
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Forced exhalation √ before and after neb Reliable when age > 5 years good effort

35 Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR)
Assess asymptomatic lung changes and function. Based on child’s height Ex: 47”=PEFR=200 Peak flow zones Visual = ↑ manage Early interventions Maintain control

36 Asthma Therapy The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) 2002 4 components of asthma management: Measures of assessment and monitoring Control factors that contribute to severity Education for a partnership in asthma Pharmacologic therapy

37 Bronchodilators “Rescue meds”
Inhaled Beta 2 Agonists Albuterol (Proventil,Ventolin) mg/kg/dose Levalbuterol (Zopenex) > 6 years 0.31mg/kg/dose SE = Tremors ↑ HR Hyperactivity Bronchospasm = Overdose! Anticholinergic Ipratropium (Atrovent) MDI 1-2 puffs q6-8H SE = Dizzyness HA Cough ↓ BP Methylzanthines Theophylline (PO) Aminophylline (IV) √ serum levels (10-20) SE = ↑ HR Arrhythmias Systemic B2 agonists SC Epinephrine 1:1000=bronchodilation x 3doses Caution CARDIAC DOSE 1:10,000 SE = ↑ BP ↑ HR Tremors Terbutaline (Brethine) SQ/IV SE = Restlessness cardiac arrthymias Stops pre-term labor

38 Anti-Inflammatory meds
Systemic Corticosteroids onset - 3 H Peaks in 6-12 H Loading dose 2mg/kg and taper slowly No need to taper if short term use Short-Acting (use 5-7 days ↓ SE) Hydrocortisone (Solu-Cortef) mg/kg/day Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) 1-2 mg/kg/dose Prednisone PO 1-2 mg/kg/dose Prednisolone (Orapred, Pediapred) PO 1-2 mg/kg Dexamethasone (Decadron) mg/kg/day SE = Hyperglycemia GI distress ↓ Growth Cushing Syndrome = ↑ Wt. ↑ Infection Mood Lability

39 Controller Meds Inhaled corticosteroids- Not rescue drug
Budesonide (Pulmicort) 2-4 puffs tid Fluticasone (Flovent) Triamcinolone (Azmacort, Kenalog) Advair discus Synergistic effect with B2agonists SE = Oral & pharyngeal irritation Non-steroidals- Cromolyn Na (Intal) Stabilizes mast cells & prevents attack. Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists-(LRA) Leukotrienes cause inflammation (capillary permeability) Use at night when leukotrienes are highest. Montelukast (Singulair) 5-10 mg PO/day Zafirlukast (Accolate) mg PO/day Zileuton (Zyflo) mg PO/day SE = HA Vasculitis Flu like symptoms

40 Other Treatments ↑ Fluids May need allergy shots
Dilute mucous & mobilize secretions May need allergy shots Zyrtec or Clarinex =↓ allergy symptoms. Singulair now indicated for allergy use as well as asthma maintenance Nasal Lavage Treat cold symptoms>7-10 days 60-80% pt with allergic asthma have sinusitis

41 Parent Teaching Remove allergens Dehumidifier - AC Review
Identify precipitating factors ↓ Rugs, heavy drapes, pets, foods (eggs, milk) Mattress & pillow covers Dehumidifier - AC Review Signs/symptoms of asthma PEAK Flow daily Meds SE & toxicity Nebulizer use ↓ Antihistamines May exacerbate wheezing Swimming = Best Exercise

42 Cystic Fibrosis Mom→ Dad ↓ C f CC Cf ff Dysfunction of exocrine glands
↑↑ Na++ ↑ Cl- in sweat & saliva (2- 5x normal levels) ↑↑ Viscosity of secretions GI & Pulmonary systems Autosommial Recessive 1/25 whites carry gene. Chromosome # 7 CC = Healthy Cf = Carrier ff = Disease 25% risk = healthy/disease 50% risk = carrier Mom→ Dad ↓ C f CC Cf ff

43 Pathophysiology Pulmonary ↑ Leukocyte DNA in sputum
Long, thick strands ↑↑ Thick mucous (yellow/grey) ↓↓ Diffusion of gases → ↓ O2 hypoxia ↑ CO2 ↑↑ Respiratory distress & Pseudomonas PN Obstruction = Fibrotic and stiff lobes ↓ compliancy & ↓ function

44 Pancreas Bile ducts Thick secretions block ducts
Fibrosis = ↓↓ pancreatic enzymes Malabsorption Syndrome Only 50% of food is absorbed Inability to digest & absorb proteins & fats “Steatorrhea” foul smelling bulky stools ↓↓ fat soluble vitamins A,D,E and K. Bile ducts Occluded: biliary cirrhosis & portal ↑ BP

45 Hallmark – CF Signs Meconium Ileus (newborn)
No mec passed in 1st 24 hours Abdominal distention 10-15% & 1st sign of CF Skin - “Infant tastes salty” Sweat Test (Pilocarpine Ionophoresis) > 1 month old Cl> 60 mEq = (+) CF

46 Respiratory Signs Frequent sinus & respiratory infections.
Bronchitis & PN Recurrent pneumothorax SOB, wheezing, hemoptysis Dyspnea, Hypoxemia Barrel shaped chest AP>lateral Clubbed fingers

47 Gastrointestinal Signs
Steatorrhea Excretion of undigested fats and proteins Bulky, frothy, foul smelling stool Abdominal Distension 3rd spacing & edema RT ↓↓ protein & albumin Prolapsed rectum Voracious appetite RT starving only 50% of food absorbed Failure to thrive ↓↓ drop on growth chart 10-25% = short stature Gastrointestinal Signs

48 Diagnosis Genetic testing Sweat Test Stool specimen Duodenal Enzymes
DNA analysis: Chromosome # 7 Prenatal screen (↑↑mutations exist) F508 mutation in 70% of pt with CF Sweat Test Cl>60meq strongly suggests CF Stool specimen 5 day collection √ fat content Duodenal Enzymes ↓↓ trypsin and chymotrypsin (absent in 80% of CF pt’s) Immunoreactive Trypsin Test >140 = CF (+)

49 Therapy Goals ↑ Life Expectancy > 30 ↑ Quality of life
↓ Sequella of CF Nutrition ↑ protein ↑ calories and moderate fat Need 150% of daily requirements to replace losses ↑ Na intake in hot weather Medications Pancrelipase (Pancrease, Pancrease MT4) PO (10,000u lipase/36,000u protease & amylase) Enteric coated & must give before all meals! ↑ digestion of fats, proteins and carbs. SE: diarrhea and abdominal cramping

50 Therapy Supplements Pulmonary- Fat Soluble Vitamins
A, D, E & K (2x dose) H2O Soluble Vitamins C, B, B2, B6 (B-C complex) Niacin, B12, Folic Acid Pulmonary- 1st Assess breath sounds and O2! Nebulizer treatments then PD & C. CPT x minutes in trendelenburg. Vibrate all lung fields =mobilize secretions

51 Inhalation Therapy Dornase Alfa-Pulmozyme Recombinant DNAse 2.5 mg
Breaks down DNA in sputum ↓↓ viscosity of sputum SE- laryngitis Administer via neb before PD&C Proventil Thoracic expansion exercises Stretching & Breathing Swimming (↑ mobility)

52 Family Support Educate Disease process and S/S of illness
Meds and diet Pulmonary care ATC Need ↑ support group to assist q 3-4 H Breathing exercises Antibiotics only for documented infections! Encourage verbalization of fears Numerous Hospitalizations Invasive Procedures (CT) lung transplants Anticipatory Grieving -Fatal Illness Support group CF Foundation

53 Foreign Body Aspiration
↑ 1-3 years of age Developmental stage ↑ curious and hand–to-mouth or nose 4th cause of accidental death < 5 years Acute and dramatic onset Common Objects Small toys Buttons Paper clips Batteries (Acid leaks = chemical PN) Food ↑ in size as absorbs H2O ↑ Edema = ↑ Obstruction Hotdogs Grapes Nuts Seeds

54 Clinical Signs Laryngeal Choking & Coughing
Aphonia = No cry or speaking Rapid color change → blue Inspiratory stridor ↓ O2 → Change in LOC → Collapse/Unconscious Bronchial # 1 site = R main stem bronchus Wheezing Lung Persistent respiratory infections Cough & congestion Purulent secretions Foul smelling breath Acute or chronic pulmonary lesions

55 Interventions Immediate Intervention (Death in 4 mins!)
CPR – Obstructed Airway Infants- alternate 5 back blows with 5 chest thrusts Kids >1 year Heimlich CXR Identify object & location Bronchoscopy Removal of object ASAP! Post removal Humidity Steroids ↓ Edema & ↓ inflammation Antibiotics

56 Pneumonia Classified according to agent or location:
Viral (RSV) most common Bacterial (strep pneumoniae, pseudomonas) Fungal (candida) Chemical/Aspiration (Oil, lotion, cleaners) Pathophysiology Inflammation of lung parenchyma Consolidation - aveoli fill with exudate Bronchial Obstruction RT ↑ restriction of lung ↓ Impaired gas exchange ↓O2 & ↑ CO2

57 Primary Atypical Pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Most common pathogen in older children 5-12 years of age ↑ incidence in Fall and Winter ↑ Highly populated areas Diagnosis: CBC & Differential BC or Tracheal aspirate CXR ELISA test

58 Clinical signs Sudden or gradual onset Fever - low grade Chest pain
could be a 7-10 day duration of symptoms Fever - low grade Chest pain Flushed cheeks with generalized pallor Hacking cough Pharyngitis Coarse Crackles or rhonchi ↓ Breath sounds with dullness (consolidation) Hypoxemia Anorexia Malaise

59 Therapy O2 √ Pulse oximeter ↑↑ Hydration PO/IV Humidity CPT
Blow Bubbles ↑↑ HOB & Rest Medications Azithromycin (Z-Pack) (10 mg/kg day 1 then 5 mg/kg day 2-5) Erythromycin 30-50 mg/kg/day PO/IV ÷ q 6-8 x days No IM causes tissue necrosis! Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 10-15 mg/kg/dose √ (infant vs. children) ↓ Pain & Fever Expectorants only No cough suppressant!

60 Bacterial Pneumonia ↑ Risk @ birth-5 years Strep pneumoniae (90%)
Clinical signs/symptoms Abrupt onset after viral illness - URI ↓↓ immune system High fever Retractions, tachypnea, hypoxia Rales/rhonchi Chest Pain with deep inhalation Pleural effusion→ Shallow respirations & ↑ CO2 Abdominal pain Lower lobe infiltrate

61 Therapy Similar to Mycoplasma Maintain patent airway!
Isolate with same pt if hospitalized Lying on affected side ↓ pleural rub/pain CT for thoracentesis Medications Antibiotics- appropriate drug for the bug! High dose Amoxicillin or Augmentin (40mg/kg/day PO) Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) (50-75 mg/kg/day) ↑ WBC or based on S/S Cefotaxime (Claforan) mg/kg/day Ceftiazidine (Fortaz) 150 mg/kg/day Tylenol Expectorants

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