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What is “food insecurity”?

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Presentation on theme: "What is “food insecurity”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is “food insecurity”?

2 “Volatile Food Prices Grab G-20’s Full Attention”
Why are politicians becoming more involved with the issue of food insecurity? The radio broadcast reports that many organizations predict food prices to double in upcoming years. If this happens, what do you think the political effects will be? What about the humanitarian effects?

3 “Nigeria Families Left Hungry”
What type of food insecurity (lack of food or lack of nutrition) is the most prevalent in Nigeria? What factors foster food insecurity in Nigeria? [Possible answers: dry season, lack of government support, price instability] What conclusions can you draw about the role of government in ensuring food security from this video?

4 “India’s Growing Problem, Food Production”
What type of food insecurity (lack of food or lack of nutrition) is the most prevalent in India? How big a role does water availability play into food security in India? What impact will additional water pumps, dry season cropping, fertilizers, pesticides and other food insecurity solutions have on the environment?

5 “Guatemala’s Children Languish from Malnutrition”
What type of food insecurity (lack of food or lack of nutrition) is the most prevalent in Guatemala? How does extreme poverty contribute to the food insecurity problem in Guatemala? What is stunting? How else does malnutrition affect children? How serious are the side effects of malnutrition?

6 Conclusion What are the main factors portrayed in the videos that contributed to food insecurity? Was it lack of government support, environmental degradation, lack of resources (water, seeds, fertilizer, etc.), or poverty? Is it a combination of these factors? Which factors have the biggest impact?

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