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A Day At The Movies, Just Mommy And ME

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Presentation on theme: "A Day At The Movies, Just Mommy And ME"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Day At The Movies, Just Mommy And ME
By: Brandie Walters

2 Joan: How about we go to the movies? Kaden: Okay just me and you?
Kaden: Okay just me and you? Sound excited and smiling from ear to ear Arrive at movies Kaden: It’s a rainy day- sigh Joan: What is the matter honey? Kaden: It’s a rainy gloomy day and I can’t go out to play.

3 Kaden: Mom can we go see this one please please please !
Joan: Yes of course Kaden. Now lets get inside before it starts without us silly Joan: Can I have two tickets please to see cloudy with a chance of meatballs Asking attendant w. cash in hand Attendant: yes mam it will be ten dollars Kaden: Mom, mom, mom!!! Trying to get attention, tugging on leg. Joan: Yes Kaden! Looking down Kaden: How did he know how much too charge you? Curious voice

4 Joan: well it’s a thing called multiplication honey
Kaden: What is that? Curious voice Joan: Well you know how you learned how to add in Ms. Walters classroom ? Kaden: Yes Joan: Well multiplication is just like adding numbers together but in a quicker way. Kaden: How’s that? Joan: Well ok so we have two tickets and they cost $5 each. So if each of the tickets are $5, and you know 5+5= 10 because we have two sets of 5. But did you also know that $5 times 2 tickets also equals $10. Kaden: But how mommy? What does 5 x 2= 10 mean?

5 Joan: well the 5 and 2 are the factors in multiplication which mean they are the numbers being multiplied by one another to equal 10 which is the product in multiplication the answer you get after multiplying the factors together. See here on this multiplication table go to 5 and 2 where do they meet? Kaden: 10?- hesitation in voice Joan: that’s right, try another one. Kaden: Like this mommy go to 6 and down to 6 that equals 36? Hesitation and excitement in voice. Joan: Great job! I think you deserve some popcorn and a drink to go with our movie. Kaden: Yes please Both look up at the board. Joan: Okay so if we get one large popcorn and a large soda to share how much money should I need? Kaden: how much is each the popcorn and drink? Joan: they are $6 each.

6 Kaden: Thanks mommy for teaching me about multiplication
Kaden: so we have factors 2 and 6, so the product is $12- whisper to self, so we need $12 mom Looking down at multiplication table. Joan: that’s right!!!! Good job. Do you notice a pattern with the numbers. Kaden: kind of but can you help me? Joan: yes honey look here if you had you get 6 but look at the multiplication table at the factors 2 and 3, so 2 x 3 = 6, the product is 6 Kaden: so 2 x 4 = 8 because like in addition 4 +4 =8 Joan: Yes you got it!!!!!! Kaden: Thanks mommy for teaching me about multiplication Joan: Any time honey, you ready to go watch the movie now Kaden: Yes mommy I love you.

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