A New Way to Think About Writing

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Presentation on theme: "A New Way to Think About Writing"— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Way to Think About Writing
SOAPS A New Way to Think About Writing

2 How do you know if a piece of writing is “good”?

3 Using SOAPS to Analyze/Evaluate a Text
Subject: What is the text ABOUT? Occasion: Out of what exigency did the text grow? Audience: For whom is the text intended? Purpose: What does the writer hope to accomplish? Speaker: What authority/credibility does the writer have?

4 A Group Task for You Work in groups of four to answer the questions on your group task sheet.

5 Using SOAPS to Write Choose one SOAPS element from the Lottery Box
Starting with your SOAPS element, design a rhetorical situation for a written text

6 Two Rhetorical Situations

7 HOMEWORK Create 2-3 possible rhetorical situations you might enjoy addressing for your next writing assignment in this class.

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