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Coloring the Periodic Table Families

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1 Coloring the Periodic Table Families

2 Families on the Periodic Table
Elements on the periodic table can be grouped into families bases on their chemical properties. Each family has a specific name to differentiate it from the other families in the periodic table. Elements in each family react differently with other elements.

3 Hydrogen Hydrogen is a nonmetal
It does not match the properties of any other group It is placed above group 1 but is not part of that group It is a very reactive, colorless, odorless gas at room temperature 1 outer level electron

4 ALKALI METALS Very reactive, especially with water
Never found in nature in their pure form Soft, shiny, and silvery metals Density is so low they are soft enough to cut with a knife 1 electron in the outer shell

5 ALKALINE EARTH METALS Group 2 2 electrons in the outer shell
Slightly less reactive than alkali metals Silver colored to white Denser than alkali metals but malleable

6 TRANSITION METALS Groups in the middle
Good conductors of heat and electricity. Moderate range of reactivity and wide range of properties. Shiny Higher densities and melting points than groups 1 and 2

7 Rare Earth Metals Some are Radioactive
These elements share many properties Shiny and reactive Elements 95 through 108 do not exist in nature but are manufactured in the lab

8 BORON FAMILY Group 3 Boron is a metalloid 4 others are metals Reactive
Most abundant metal in the earth’s crust 3 electrons in the outer shell

9 CARBON FAMILY Group 4 Contains two metals, two metalloids, and one non-metal Carbon (C) Varied reactivity 4 electrons in the outer shell

10 NITROGEN FAMILY Group 5 5 electrons in the outer shell
Can share electrons to form compounds Contains 1 metal, 2 metalloids, and 2 non-metals

11 OXYGEN FAMILY Group 6 6 electrons in the outer shell
Contains 1 metal, 1 metalloid, and 3 non-metals Reactive

12 Halogens Group 7 7 electrons in the outer shell All are non-metals
Very reactive are often bonded with elements from Group 1 Tend to form salts with metals – NaCl

13 Noble Gases Group 8 Exist as colorless, odorless gases at room temp
Non-metals 8 electrons in the outer shell = Full All found in earth’s atmosphere Unreactive

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