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US History EQ: How did the Colonial period help to shape America’s five founding ideals?

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Presentation on theme: "US History EQ: How did the Colonial period help to shape America’s five founding ideals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 US History EQ: How did the Colonial period help to shape America’s five founding ideals?


3 Add to your Notebook Colonial Roots of America’s Founding Ideals 5

4 Glue Instructions Glue the Top Part of the page into your notebook. The Squares you will save for later.

5 Directions Make a Small Advertisement to come to the Colonies in the Middle Box What would the Native American think when he/she reads the advertisement What would the African think when he/she reads the advertisement.

6 Draw the following in your Notebook
Event Date Icon Effect on American Rights and Gov.

7 Magna Carta 1215 Right of due process The King is not above the Law

8 English Bill of Rights 1689 Trial by Jury Protection from cruel and unusual punishments

9 House of Burgesses 1619 First representative government Only white, male landowners allowed

10 Albany Plan of Union 1754 French & Indian War = Unify the Colonies Confederation (group) of States. It was rejected.

11 Act of Religious Toleration
1649 Freedom of Religion (only Christians)

12 Zenger Trial 1735 Freedom of the Press

13 Great Awakening 1730s Encouraged colonists to question authority and think for themselves.

14 Discussion Points 4 = Uses evidence to prove your point three times 3 = Uses evidence to prove your point twice 2 = Uses evidence to prove your point once 1 = No evidence is used.

15 Equality, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, Democracy
Which one of America’s founding ideals was most strongly nurtured during the colonial period. Based on the Colonial Period, which of the founding ideals will be a part of future conflicts? Which event from the Colonial Period had the greatest affect on American life today? What founding ideals did this help shape?

16 Equality, Liberty, Rights, Opportunity, Democracy
1. Which event from the Colonial Period had the greatest affect on American life today? What founding ideals did this help shape? ___________ had the greatest affect on American life today, it shaped the ideal of ________________ because____________

17 Draw this in your notebook
Exit Ticket

18 Next to EACH founding ideal, Place TWO events that affected that ideal


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