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Jeopardy Staff Briefing Roles Revolutionary War Leaders

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Staff Briefing Roles Revolutionary War Leaders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Staff Briefing Roles Revolutionary War Leaders
Revolutionary War Battles 1 Revolutionary War Battles 2 Learning Centers 10 20 30 40 50

2 This military staff branch deals with weather, enemy location, enemy information and terrain.

3 This military staff branch deals with the movement of armies on the battlefield.

4 This military staff branch deals with personnel strength, medical status and replacement capabilities.

5 This military staff branch deals with equipment status and resupply.

6 This military staff branch deals with the local population and government.

7 He was the overall commander of all American forces.

8 He was the overall commander of all British forces during the battles of New York, Brandywine & Germantown.

9 He was the American commander at the Battle of the Cowpens.

10 He was the British commander who surrendered at Yorktown.

11 Known as “Bloody Ban,” He was the commander of the infamous British legion.

12 The first engagement of the Revolutionary War occurred here.

13 This was a running battle where colonists attacked the British line of march back to Boston.

14 Campaign where Washington’s militia broke after being outflanked by the British after taking a path along the Jamaica pass.

15 This battle is where the British again outflanked the American army outside of Philadelphia in 1777.

16 This battle initially began as an American surprise attack, but resistance at the Chew House gave Howe enough time to reorganize his troops.

17 This battle occurred after Washington crossed the Delaware River and attacked unsuspecting Hessians.

18 This battle bloodied the British Legion after the Americans used three lines to slow their advance.

19 In this battle, American forces tried to gain Canada as the 14th state.

20 In this battle, “Mad” Anthony Wayne led a bayonet charge on a fortified British position along the Hudson River.

21 This battle ended all major engagements in North America and forced a peace treaty between the US and UK.

22 How do battlefield maps differ from the 18th century to today?

23 What was battle like for the typical 18th century soldier?

24 Describe some of the non-battle hardships Continental soldiers faced.

25 Explain how Baron von Steuben trained American forces at Valley Forge.

26 What were some difficulties faced by 18th Century commanders during battle.

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